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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ H ] / Had to be done

Had to be done traduction Portugais

472 traduction parallèle
Hitler had come to power, we all felt... the left-wing people felt something had to be done and they tried it in different ways.
Quando Hitler chegou ao poder, as pessoas da esquerda acharam que algo tinha de ser feito e tentaram de várias maneiras.
I was sorry, too, when it had to be done.
Eu também lamentei quando tive de o fazer.
It had to be done.
Teve que ser feito.
That was the arrangement. l-lt had to be done anonymously, remember?
Teria de ser feito anonimamente.
- It had to be done, sir.
- Era necessário.
- Oh, yes, it had to be done.
- Ah, sim, era necessário.
Oh! I'm awfully sorry I had to rush off, but it was something that had to be done.
Lamento ter saído assim, mas tinha uma coisa a fazer que era inadiável.
Well... it had to be done.
Bem... isso tinha que ser feito.
What we did today had to be done.
mas o que fizemos hoje tinha que ser feito.
It was clear and had to be done.
Era tudo óbvio e tinha de ser feito.
What had to be done.
O que tinha de ser feito.
I'm deeply sorry this had to be done to you, Joseph.
Eu sinto profundamente que isto tenha acontecido com você, Joseph.
It was just somethin that had to be done.
Era o que tinha de ser feito.
It had to be done.
Tinha que ser feito.
What had to be done.
Tinha de ser feito!
They're a bunch of killers - murdering outlaws - and we done what we felt had to be done.
São um bando de assassinos, de bandidos. Achamos que é isso o que tinha de ser feito com eles.
I did exactly what had to be done, exactly when it should have been done.
Fiz o que tinha de ser feito e exactamente quando devia ser feito.
I did what had to be done, no more and no less.
Fiz apenas o que tina de ser feito.
It had to be done by injection.
Só pode ter sido feito por uma injeçao.
I did what had to be done.
Fiz o que tinha que ser feito.
I know, but I had two arrests aortic aneurysm blew at 4 a.m., had to be done stat.
Eu sei, mas tive duas paragens um aneurisma da aorta rebentou ás 4, teve de ser feito rápido.
All that had to be done was to press her white throat a little harder.
Tudo o que deveria ter feito era apertar seu branco pescoço um pouco mais forte.
All I did was refuse to give in to it... and do what I knew had to be done.
Tudo o que eu fiz foi recusar-me a ceder... e tudo o que eu sabia teve que ser feito.
We agreed and MacGyver agreed what had to be done.
Todos acordámos e o MacGyver também quanto ao que havia a fazer.
Something had to be done.
Algo tinha de ser feito.
- It had to be done.
- Tinha de ser feito.
It had to be done face to face, and that's the way I did it.
Tinha que ser cara a cara, e este é modo que eu fiz.
- Had to be done.
- Teve de ser.
- Had to be done?
- Teve de ser?
It had to be done, Lieutenant.
O que tinha que ser feito, tenente...
It had to be done.
Tinha que ser feito...
Cora, when we come together back in England and are married and away from this place, what had to be done and said here will matter not at all.
Cora, Quando voltarmos juntos para a Inglaterra e estivermos casados e longe deste lugar, o que teve de ser feito e dito aqui não terá importância.
It had to be done, but...
Tinha que ser feito...
Something unpleasant had to be done.
Qualquer coisa desagradável tinha que ser feita.
I did what had to be done.
Fiz o que tinha de ser feito.
I did what had to be done No more.
Fiz o que tinha de ser feito e nada mais.
It had to be done quickly.
Era preciso apressar-nos
A search of all public areas had to be done first.
Tinha que ser feita primeiro Uma busca por todas as áreas públicas.
I did what had to be done.
Fiz o que tinha que fazer.
And I tried not to think about him when I went to bed. But something had to be done.
E evitei pensar nele ao me deitar... mas algo tinha de ser feito.
( translator ) All the unpleasant jobs in school, in the classes, had of course to be done by the children whose parents wouldn't support Hitler.
Todos os trabalhos desagradáveis da escola, nas aulas, eram feitos pelas crianças cujos pais não apoiavam Hitler.
It seemed to him unbearable... that what he had done could never be undone.
Parecia-lhe insuportável que o que tinha feito nunca pudesse desfazer-se.
After passion, hatred. I realized I had no heaven sent right to be judge and executor, on these people who had done me no injury.
Depois, da paixão e do ódio, dei-me conta de que eu não era nenhum enviado do céu com direito para ajuizar e executar esta gente, que nada me havia feito.
Had you done so, I promise that you would not be prepared to die so calmly.
Juro que não estarias disposto a morrer tão calmamente.
There's no heed to be taken of them ; if Caesar had stabbed their mothers, they would have done no less.
Se César apunhalasse suas mães, diriam a mesma coisa.
If there had to be another day, then all the landing craft would need to return to base, so it couldn't be done on a second day's postponement.
Se tivesse de adiar um segundo dia, então os veículos de desembarque teriam de regressar à base, por isso, não se podia adiar para um segundo dia.
I had been getting obscene phone calls, and I want to know what can be done about it?
Tenho estado a receber chamadas obscenas e quero saber o que posso fazer.
It would have been much better for me if he had suffered you to be drowned rather than do what he has done.
Mais valia ter-te deixado morrer do que ter feito o que fez!
'The minimal research he had done suggested to him'that the name Ford Prefect would be nicely inconspicuous.
Quando chegou há 15 anos,'o estudo mínimo que efectuou deu-lhe a ideia'de que o nome Ford Prefect seria discreto o suficiente.
If he had done what he was meant to do, we'd be out of this clean and simple.
Se tivesse cumprido a ordem, tudo se teria arranjado.
It had to be done, Tina.

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