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Hammond traduction Portugais

1,757 traduction parallèle
Hammond out.
Page General Hammond and Colonel O'Neill.
Chame o General Hammond e o Coronel O'Neill ao Salao da Porta.
This is Hammond.
Daqui Hammond.
- Perhaps they will send reinforcements.
Talvez o General Hammond envie reforços. Oxalá isso nao seja preciso.
General Hammond, I request that we send for Rak'nor immediately.
General Hammond, peço que chamemos Rak'nor imediatamente.
Hammond of Texas, I find myself once more in your debt.
Hammond do Texas, encontro-me outra vez em dívida contigo.
General Hammond, request permission to beat the crap out of him.
General Hammond, peço permissao para dar uma tareia neste homem.
Ask General Hammond to send up a UAV.
Peça ao General Hammond para mandar um VANT.
With all due respect, Major, I will submit my report to General Hammond.
Com o devido respeito, Major, irei submeter o meu relatório ao General Hammond.
General Hammond.
General Hammond.
Hammond out.
Hammond a terminar.
General Hammond says he's considering new SG-1 leaders.
O General Hammond diz estar a pensar em novos chefes SG-1.
General Hammond said her name, then a few minutes later it happened.
O General Hammond disse o nome dela e minutos depois aconteceu.
- SG-15, this is Hammond.
SG-15, daqui Hammond.
Repeat, this is General Hammond. Please respond.
Repito, daqui fala o General Hammond, respondam.
I need to talk to General Hammond.
Tenho de falar com o General Hammond.
( over radio ) Colonel O'Neill?
Coronel O'Neill, fala o Hammond.
This is Hammond.
Responda, por favor.
SG-15, this is Hammond. Come in.
SG-15, daqui fala o Hammond.
Hammond out.
Hammond desliga.
SG-1, this is General Hammond.
SG-1, fala o General Hammond.
- As I told Hammond and Dr Jackson, I am here to offer you full access to the ion propulsion engine on the Seberus.
Como estava a dizer ao General Hammond e ao Dr. Jackson, estou aqui para vos oferecer livre acesso ao motor de propulsao de iões na Seberus.
Sherry Klein and Jean Hammond of the NWLA who got 28 billion into the budget for health care coverage for the uninsured and children of low-income parents.
Sherry Klein e Jean Hammond da NWLA, que obtiveram 28 mil milhões para cuidados médicos para os não segurados e filhos de pais com baixo rendimento.
Allie was surprised how quickly she fell in love with Lon Hammond.
Allie ficou surpreendida com a rapidez com que se apaixonou por Lon Hammond.
His name is Lon Hammond, Jr.
- Chama-se Lon Hammond Jr.
- Hammond?
As in Hammond Cotton?
O mesmo do Algodão Hammond?
As in Hammond Cotton.
O mesmo do Algodão Hammond.
- No. You should ask Jake Hammond.
Pergunta ao Jake Hammond.
Roddick lost to Jake Hammond, four sets.
O Roddick perdeu com o Jake Hammond, quatro sets.
And incredibly just two points away from a Wimbledon final on Sunday against America's Jake Hammond.
E, incrivelmente, está a dois pontos da final do Wimbledon no domingo contra o americano Jake Hammond.
Very soon, Colt and Hammond will walk through the tunnel under Centre Court.
Dentro em breve, Colt e Hammond vão atravessar o túnel sob o corte central.
Jake Hammond's been on an absolute tear.
O Jake Hammond tem feito uma cruzada.
Hammond to serve.
Serviço de Hammond.
Game, Hammond...
Jogo, Hammond.
Game and first set, Hammond.
Jogo e primeiro set, Hammond.
Game, Hammond.
Jogo, Hammond.
Love-30... 15-30... 15-40. Hammond leads five games to two.
Hammond lidera por cinco jogos a dois.
Please be patient, Mr Hammond.
Tenha paciência, Sr. Hammond.
Ladies and gentlemen, as play resumes Hammond leads two sets to love and one game to love.
Senhoras e senhores, o jogo vai prosseguir, com Hammond a liderar dois sets a zero e um jogo a zero.
Colt had Hammond's number on that one.
Colt previu esta pancada de Hammond.
After a great comeback, Colt's game has levelled and he and Hammond are even at five-all in this tie-break.
Após um belo regresso, o jogo de Colt equilibrou-se e o Colt e o Hammond estão a 5-igual neste tie break.
6-5, Hammond.
6-5, Hammond.
Jake Hammond is up 6-5 in the tie-breaker and has finally got a Championship point.
Jake Hammond ganha a 6-5 neste desempate e encontra-se num ponto decisivo do torneio.
We may be going to a fifth set, and if I was Hammond, I'd want to close it out right now.
Podemos chegar ao quinto set e se eu fosse o Hammond, ia querer terminar tudojá.
Now Hammond's the one getting tight.
Agora é o Hammond que está sob pressão.
Colt has broken Hammond, and now he's going to be serving for the Wimbledon title.
Colt quebrou o serviço de Hammond e agora vai servir para o troféu do Wimbledon.
That is gamesmanship from Hammond.
Desportivismo da parte do Hammond.
That's straight from Brad Hammond at Division.
Ordens directas do Brad Hammond na Divisão.
Brad Hammond just got here right now.
O Brad Hammond acabou de chegar.
Game, Hammond...
0-30... 15-30... 15-40. Jogo, Hammond.

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