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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ H ] / Hanlon

Hanlon traduction Portugais

145 traduction parallèle
I was really on my way to see Arnold Hanlon.
Na verdade, ia falar com o Arnold Hanlon.
Arnold Hanlon?
Arnold Hanlon?
I'm Pepper Hanlon, press agent for the circus.
Pepper Hanlon, agente de imprensa do circo.
Uh, "Circus World" magazine asked us to do a story on your circus, Mr. Hanlon, and we thought an interesting approach might be the bad luck that's been dogging you, like the five fatal accidents in the last six months.
A revista "Circus World" mandou-nos fazer uma reportagem sobre o circo, Mr.Hanlon,.. ... e pensámos que seria uma história interessante a má sorte que têm tido,... Ah, sim, é uma historia terrível.
Wait a minute, Hanlon, how did you know I was a CONTROL agent?
Um momento, Hanlon, como sabe que sou agente da CONTROL?
So, Hanlon, you're the leader of this little conspiracy.
Então, Hanlon,. é você o líder desta pequena conspiração.
Listen, Hanlon, leave the girl alone.
Ouça, Hanlon, deixe a senhora.
- Just this, Hanlon :
- Apenas isto, Hanlon.
Hanlon said those lions haven't been fed in three days.
Hanlon disse que à três dias que não alimentam os leões.
Hanlon murdered the midget, then he sent this trained monkey through the transom, had him lock the door and leave the same way.
Hanlon assassinou o anão, e mandou depois o macaco ensinado através daquele vão, para trancar a porta e sair pelo mesmo sitio.
Good afternoon, Mr. Hanlon.
- Boa tarde, Sr. Hanlon.
Thanks, Mr. Hanlon.
- Obrigado, Sr. Hanlon.
Now, hold it, Hanlon.
Calma aí, Hanlon.
Hold it, Hanlon.
- Tem lá calma, Hanlon.
Oh, yes, sir, Mr. Hanlon, sir. Mr. Paul Hanlon.
Sim, senhor, Sr. Paul Hanlon.
Now get off my back, Hanlon. Pick me up at 5 : 30.
Agora, desampara-me a loja, Hanlon.
Paul Hanlon. You must have heard of him.
Já deve ter ouvido falar de Paul Hanlon.
You are Mr. Paul Hanlon, aren't you?
É o Paul Hanlon, não é?
I'm afraid I have some bad news for you, Mr. Hanlon.
- Receio ter más notícias para si.
Actually, I would have asked Mr. Hanlon some of these questions, but he's a very busy man and excitable.
Podia perguntar ao Sr. Hanlon mas ele é um homem muito ocupado e irascível.
You mean Mr. Hanlon was sort of upset today? Yeah.
- Ele estava um pouco nervoso, hoje?
Oh. Uh, I wanted to ask you a question about Mr. Hanlon.
Queria perguntar-lhe uma coisa acerca do Sr. Hanlon.
Then about two years ago, when Mr. Wagner died, well, Eric didn't know anything about running a ball club, so he got Hanlon to come in and take over, run the business for him.
Há cerca de 2 anos quando o Sr. Wagner morreu, o Eric não fazia a menor ideia de como gerir um clube e pôs o Hanlon ao comando da parte empresarial.
So Hanlon just stepped in? No. No, he didn't just step in.
- Então, o Hanlon ofereceu-se.
Look, maybe I'm not the biggest fan of Paul Hanlon, but let me tell you this... He's one of the sharpest, shrewdest general managers in this business.
Posso não ser o maior fã do Paul Hanlon mas ele é um dos mais astutos directores gerais deste sector.
Yes, Mr. Hanlon will make an announcement when it's appropriate.
O Sr. Hanlon fará um comunicado no momento adequado.
Oh, I'm afraid she's been with Mr. Hanlon.
- Está ocupada com o Sr. Hanlon.
Oh, Mr. Hanlon's.
- É do Sr. Hanlon.
Mr. Hanlon. Oh.
- Do Sr. Hanlon...
Well, Mr. Hanlon said he just wouldn't be able to see you for a while, sir. No problem.
O Sr. Hanlon disse que não pode recebê-lo agora.
Paul Hanlon.
Paul Hanlon, certo?
What's caused... Mr. Hanlon.!
Sr. Hanlon!
Mr. Hanlon! What? You want some more shots with the both of you?
- Quer mais fotografias dos dois?
Mr. Hanlon, those phones were bugged.
- Estavam sob escuta, Sr. Hanlon.
I'm sorry, Hanlon.
Lamento, Hanlon.
Uh, Mr. Hanlon.
- Sr. Hanlon.
Paul Hanlon was egging Eric on. He was just trying to make trouble between the two of you.
O Paul Hanlon andava a picar o Eric, a tentar arranjar sarilhos entre vós.
I wanted evidence to prove to you and Eric how Hanlon had been using him, using you both.
Queria provas para te mostrar, a ti e ao Eric, como o Hanlon estava a usá-los.
There's still a big pile of tapes from Mr. Hanlon's office phone.
Ainda há uma pilha de gravações do telefone do gabinete do Sr. Hanlon.
I already knew how jealous you were of Mr. Hanlon's influence.
Eu já sabia a inveja que tinhas da influência do Sr. Hanlon.
I can't prove where Hanlon was.
Não consigo provar onde estava o Hanlon.
I put a girl into Hanlon's office.
Eu introduzi uma miúda no escritório do Hanlon.
Hanlon fired her after three days.
Não sei. O Hanlon despediu-a ao fim de 3 dias.
I mean, Mr. Hanlon, he doesn't miss much. And he sure wouldn't miss you.
Nada escapa ao Sr. Hanlon e com certeza, você também não lhe escapou.
Mr. Paul Hanlon... Did he make a reservation for Sunday for Montreal?
O Sr. Paul Hanlon reservou passagens para Montreal, para domingo?
Does Mr. Hanlon usually use this office to make all his travel arrangements?
O Sr. Hanlon costuma usar esta agência para tratas das suas viagens?
Uh, Mr. Hanlon? Columbo. What is it?
- O que foi, Columbo?
- I told you to stay out of this Hanlon.
Eu disse para ficar fora disto.
- This is Mike Hanlon, from Derry.
Aqui fala o Mike Hanlon, de Derry.
The bands, all the great colors, these youngsters marching. All right. Mr. Hanlon?
Pronto, Sr. Hanlon.
These Rockets are movin'today.!
- Sr. Hanlon?

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