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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ H ] / Have a look at this

Have a look at this traduction Portugais

415 traduction parallèle
Let me have a look at this.
Deixe-me ver isto.
Ben, have a look at this.
Ben! Vê só isso.
I must have a look at this wonder.
Quero ver de perto a esse cuerpazo!
Have a look at this.
Olha para isto.
Have a look at this, Parker.
Veja isto, Parker.
You'd better have a look at this, sir.
Venha ver isto, senhor.
- Have a look at this, Captain.
- Veja isto, Capitão.
Come and have a look at this!
Eu podia-lhe contar histórias que o surpreenderiam.
- Have a look at this.
- Olhem para elas.
Have a look at this : arms of Sir Thomas Bond.
Veja isto : armas de Sir Thomas Bond.
Have a look at this :
Muito bem, veja.
We'll have a look at this earthquake then get back to the train.
Vamos dar uma olhadela nesse terremoto.
Hey, Tom, will you have a look at this?
Tom, vem cá ver isto.
John, have a look at this first plate again.
Olha aqui, John.
Let's have a look at this situation, a typical threesome.
Examinemos a situação.
I want to have a look at this...
Quero observar este fluído da rocha.
If you'd like to have a look at this.
Podemos ver aqui mais de perto.
In fact, I think the prime minister should have a look at this one :
Na realidade, acho que a primeira ministra deveria dar uma olhadela.
We've got to have a look at this.
Precisamos dar uma olhada.
We'll have a look at this mysterious Mr Simms.
Vamos dar uma olhada neste misterioso Mr. Simms.
- Here, have a look at this.
- Aqui, olha para isto.
Have a look at this, fellas.
Olhem para isto, rapazes.
Let's have a look at this machine of yours.
Vamos lá ver essa tua máquina.
Well, let's have a look at this one leg of yours, then.
Vamos lá a ver esta perna.
Hey, darl, come and have a look at this.
Vem ver isto, querida.
Have a look at this.
Dá uma vista de olhos nisto!
Would you have a look at this photograph, please, Mr Simms?
Veja esta foto, por favor, Sr. Sims.
Oi, guys! Have a look at this.
Ei, pessoal, vejam só isso.
Let's have a look at this artist of yours, Blackadder.
Vamos dar uma olhadela neste seu artista, Blackadder.
Have a look at this Cliffy, we got pigs flying over here
Olha-me para isto Cliffy, estou com alucinações...
Will ya have a look at this?
Já viram isto?
Ele quer que os meninos dêem uma olhada nisto.
É melhor dar uma olhada nisto.
Have a look at this.
Veja isso.
Have a look at this!
Olhem para isto!
Hey Tony, have a look at this.
Tony, vem cá ver isto.
Podias marcar uma visita para ir até lá, dar uma vista de olhos ao lixo que ele guarda para melhorar as notas, ou algo parecido.
Let's have a look at this girlfriend.
Vamos espreitar essa tua namorada.
Now, let's have a good look at this bird.
Agora, vamos tomar atenção a este pássaro.
And I came to have a look at you and find out what this is all about.
E vim dar uma olhada... para ver do que se trata.
It's true I don't have the money for the mortgage, but I look at it this way, if I have to choose between the mortgage and the holy wounds, then I choose the wounds.
Não tenho dinheiro para a hipoteca, mas vejo as coisas assim : Se tiver de optar entre a hipoteca e as sagradas chagas, escolho as chagas.
He wants to just look at her and maybe have this picture in his head when he's fighting in the jungles.
Só quer olhar para ela e ficar com a sua imagem na cabeça. Enquanto estiver a combater no mato.
I mean, I wanna help, but I can't have a company vehicle being used as an ambulance by people who would just as soon sue us out of business as look at us. You're talking about the life or death of this town.
Eu vou ajudar, eu não posso usar o carro da empresa por homens que querem destruir a cidade inteira.
Take a good look at this section because we have every reason to believe you're looking at the Firefox.
Vejam bem esta secçäo pois temos todos os motivos para crer que estäo a ver o Firefox.
I don't want to have to look at you while I do this.
Não quero estar a olhar para ti enquanto faço isto.
Let's have a look at some of this stuff.
Vamos ver alguns. - Muito bem.
What they don't know is that beneath this pile of crap is something so valuable that if they bought it, they wouldn't have to look at a cow's udder for 12 months.
O que eles não sabem é que debaixo desta tralha toda está algo tão valioso que se o comprassem, não teriam de cuidar das vacas durante 12 meses.
Here look at this map. There are certain geographical features, which may have a good deal to do with our investigation.
Há certas características geográficas que podem estar relacionadas com a nossa investigação.
SAUNDERS : Look, you have no background in this field at all.
Olhe, você tem sem fundo neste domínio a todos.
Look at this. They left their furniture and everything. They must have left in a hurry.
Olha para isto, deixaram cá tudo, devem-se ter ido embora à pressa.
I had the boys at RD make this prototype so our discussion could have some focus and to give you gentleman a firsthand look at how exciting this gizmo is.
Eu pus os rapazes na ID...

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