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Hawking traduction Portugais

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For even after hawking everything, I only had enough money to eat.
Mesmo pondo tudo no prego só tinha dinheiro para comer.
In any event, hawking that park proposal of his around every section practically guaranteed everyone would dig in their heels.
Em todos os momentos... insistiu na proposta do parque infantil com cada secção... praticamente garantindo que todos aceitassem.
Mr. Hawkins has no answer.
O Sr. Hawking não tem resposta.
Mr. Hawkins, They've arrested Richard Dudgeon.
Sr. Hawking, prenderam Richard Dudgeon.
Look, I am not a fishmonger, Adam, hawking a product on the streets.
Não ando a vender peixe nas ruas, Adam.
Did you buy those clothes hawking papers?
Vestes-te assim a vender jornais?
Ain't as though I ain't been hawking'night sounds till I can't tell a twit from a twig.
Estou tão cansado que não vou distinguir um chilrear de um galho a partir-se.
As for my grandmother, she sat year after year in her four skirts, hawking her wares in the market.
Quanto à minha avó... continuou sentada ano após de ano nas suas quatro saias, vendendo as suas mercadorias no mercado.
There were entrepreneurs who were hawking comet pills.
Havia comerciantes que vendiam pílulas cometa e anti-cometa.
I've got agents like you hawking me all day long.
Agentes como você andam sempre atrás de mim.
Gotta head for home, or you'll start hawking your jewellery.
Temos de ir para casa ou vais começar a vender as tuas jóias.
How are we gonna watch the games if we're hawking'hot dogs?
Como é que vamos ver os jogos se estamos a vender cachorros-quentes?
Inspector Hawking, Scotland Yard.
Inspector Hawking, Scotland Yard.
If he had been, he wouldn't be hawking butter and eggs.
Se estivesse, não seria o Hawking da manteiga e dos ovos.
They'll be hawking the fish down on Fulton Street.
Já foram vender o peixe lá para Fulton Street.
I can remember visiting the Hawking home... oh, several times.
Recordo-me de visitar a casa dos Hawking várias vezes.
My impression of the Hawking family was that they were all like that... except for Stephen, who seemed to be... the only normal member of the family.
A minha impressão acerca da família Hawking é de que eram todos assim, excepto o Stephen, que parecia ser o único membro normal da família.
"Ah, Hawking," I said, "how many have you managed to do, then?"
"Hawking", disse eu, "Quantas conseguiste fazer?"
We told him, "You're Steve Hawking."
e dissemos-lhe : "És o Stephen Hawking".
"Steve Hawking."
- Stephen Hawking ".
Then, after a couple of minutes, he remembered he was Steve Hawking.
E passados dois minutos ele lembrava-se que era o Stephen Hawking.
And I remember Stephen Hawking, who was then approaching... his third year as a research student, saying... " What very interesting results.
E recordo-me do Stephen Hawking, que na altura estava a atingir o terceiro ano como estudante investigador, dizer sobre estes resultados muito interessantes :
Stephen Hawking read the paper... in which Bekenstein announced this result... thought it was preposterous... and decided to prove it was wrong.
Stephen Hawking leu o artigo onde Bekenstein anunciou este resultado e achou-o inconcebível e decidiu provar que estava errado.
When I lived with the Hawking family, I would usually get up... around 7 : 15 or 7 : 30 and take a shower... and then read in my Bible some in the morning and pray... and then go down at 8 : 15 to get Stephen up.
Quando vivi com a família Hawking, costumava levantar-me por volta das 07 : 15 ou 07 : 30, tomava um duche lia a minha bíblia e rezava e depois, às 08 : 15 ia acordar o Stephen e ao pequeno-almoço dizia-lhe muitas vezes o que tinha lido na bíblia,
So then we would go into work... and usually we'd go in and see if there were any scientific papers... that people sent out. I did discover that despite Hawking's great brilliance, he does read quite slowly. I could read about twice as fast as he.
E a seguir íamos trabalhar e normalmente íamos ver se havia algum jornal científico que as pessoas enviavam e descobrir que apesar do brilhantismo de Hawking, ele lê bastante devagar, quero dizer, eu consigo ler duas vezes mais depressa do que ele,
One year, the Hawkings took me along... when we went to a cottage in Wales... near the River Wye... and this cottage was up a hill... and there was a bit of... a paved little sidewalk that went up to the cottage... which I had not been up, and of course...
Quando os Hawking me levaram a uma casa de campo em Gales perto do rio Why e essa casa de campo ficava no cimo de uma colina e havia um passeio até lá onde eu nunca tinha passado, e eu queria fazer o menor número de viagens possível,
Okay, I'm hawking candy bars.
Bom, estou a vender barras de chocolate.
I keep six figures per, hawking medical products for up-and-comers.
Ganho bem a vender produtos médicos a novatos.
He must have.'cause one day he was hawking'me.
! De certeza, porque um dia andava a pressionar-me.
I put Stephen Hawking in one of these two months ago, he's loving it.
Sentei o Stephen Hawking numa destas, há dois meses, e ele adorou.
Quite amusing, Dr Hawking.
Divertida, Dr. Hawking.
Hawking, Sagan... they were players.
Hawking, Sagan... eles eram jogadores.
I noticed they're all on your land. You're not too busy hawking in your old age to keep control of your minions, are you?
Se você não estivesse tão ocupago falconeando por aí com sua idade poderia cuidar de seus seguidores.
What about you, Stephen Hawking?
E tu, Stephen Hawking?
These are brochures from Aldohn Robotic Technologies hawking the wonderful benefits of a robotic workforce.
Isto são brochuras da Aldohn Robotic Technologies a aproveitar-se dos benefícios maravilhosos da mão de obra robótica.
stephen hawking : personally, i am sure that the universe began with a hot big bang, but will it go on forever?
Pessoalmente, estou certo que o Universo teve início com um Big Bang, mas será que ele continuará para sempre?
hawking : few people now doubt that vera rubin was right.
Algumas pessoas não têm dúvidas de que Vera Rubin tinha razão.
hawking : it was the right place to search, but finding them would be like looking for a black bat on a dark night.
Era o lugar certo para procurar. Mas encontrá-los seria como procurar um morcego preto numa noite escura.
hawking : the evidence suggests that most of the universe is made up of something no one has ever seen.
As provas sugerem que a maior parte do Universo é composta por algo que nunca ninguém viu.
hawking : and the alternative of a big crunch is not much better.
E a alternativa a um Big Crunch não é muito melhor.
"An invitation to a meeting of the minds at Stephen Hawking's." Oh, my goodness.
"Convite para um encontro de mentes em Stephen Hawking."
You mugged Steven Hawking?
Espancaste o Steven Hawking?
You didn't have the publicity and press agents of a Stephen Hawking.
Não tinha os publicistas e os agentes do Stephen Hawking.
Newton, Galileo, Einstein, Stephen Hawking. AII these men exhibited modes of thinking that are suggestive of access to special brain centers.
Newton, Galileu, Einstein, Stephen Hawking, todos têm modos de pensar que sugerem o acesso a centros cerebrais especiais.
You hawking my patient?
Estás a assediar a minha paciente?
That's why we got that Steven Hawking guy.
É por isso que temos o Steven Hawking.
Oh, Dr. Hawking, we had such a beautiful dream.
- Pai? Dr. Hawking, tínhamos um sonho maravilhoso.
[Bart] Wow. There's Bill Gates, Stephen Hawking... Paul McCartney., Michael Jordan, Michelle Kwan.
Está ali o Bill Gates, o Stephen Hawking, o Paul McCartney o Michael Jordan, a Michelle Kwan.
- [Hawking ] - [ Groaning] I got a big loogie, and I'll spit it right in your juice.
Tenho uma granda lula, e vai parar mesmo dentro do teu sumo.
[Together] Stephen Hawking! - The world's smartest man!
Stephen Hawking?
- I'm sure what Dr. Hawking means is - - Silence.
Tenho a certeza que o Dr. Hawking quer dizer que...

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