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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ H ] / He didn't know what he was doing

He didn't know what he was doing traduction Portugais

90 traduction parallèle
He didn't know what he was doing.
Ele não sabia o que fazia.
He didn't know what he was doing, any more than he knew what he was saying.
Ele não sabia o que fazia, nem sabia o que estava a dizer.
He didn't know what he was doing.
Não sabia o que fazia.
I didn't know what he was doing.
Não sabia o que ele ia fazer.
But hanging a 17-year-old kid who didn't know what he was doing.
Mas enforcar um miúdo de 17 anos que não sabia o que estava a fazer.
He didn't know what he was doing.
- Sim. - Não sabia o que estava a fazer.
Well, a-all I know is I was... I was, uh, standing at the table, pouring the wine... when the little, round gentleman with the accent, he pushed forward the salt, and, uh, this gentleman pushed out the pepper, and pretty soon they were pushing all the things on the table, and I didn't know what they were doing.
Tudo o que eu sei é que estava nesta mesa a deitar vinho nos copos quando o cavalheiro forte que tinha pronúncia pegou no sal e este cavalheiro pegou na pimenta e, pouco depois, estavam a mexer em tudo o que estava em cima da mesa
- He didn't know what he was doing.
- Ele não sabia o que fazia.
The director didn't know what he was doing.
O realizador não sabia o que estava a fazer.
He just didn't know what he was doing.
Ele não sabia o que é que estava a fazer.
He didn't know what he was doing.
Ei, deixe ele ir!
- I didn't know what he was doing.
- Não sabia o que estava a fazer.
He didn't know what he was doing, so he well, he tried it on Thera and then she- -
Agora é a minha vez de lidar com Afrodite. Mas precisa de se lembrar que Thera é a mulher que você ama.
So he didn't know what he was doing?
Então, não sabia o que estava a fazer?
Crash-landed on Earth. Didn't know what he was doing.
Despenhou-se na Terra, não sabia o que estava a fazer.
He didn't want us to know what he was doing.
Não queria que soubéssemos o que andava a fazer.
He didn't know what he was doing.
Ele não sabia o que estava a fazer.
My client didn't know what he was doing was wrong when he killed his sister.
Conheces um tipo chamado Kyle Hubert? Detesto a maneira como olha para nós.
Don't worry too much, Uluriaq. Your husband didn't know what he was doing. Puja's a witch.
Não te preocupes, Uluriaq, o teu marido não sabia o que fazia.
He didn't know what he was doing.
Não sabia o que estava a fazer.
He didn't know what he was doing.
Ele não sabia o que estava fazendo.
He didn't know what he was doing... when he showed you your husband's remains.
Não sabia o que estava a fazer... quando lhe mostrou o seu marido.
That's what it should have looked like but the contractor didn't know what he was doing.
É o que deveria ser mas o construtor não sabia o que estava a fazer.
He couldn't tell them anything if he didn't know what he was doing in this.
Ele não lhes podia dizer nada se não sabia por que motivo estava metido nisto tudo.
I swear, bart didn't know what he was doing.
- Juro que o Bart não se apercebeu.
Andy Fastow, that betrayed that trust to the extent that I did not know what he was doing, he obviously didn't share with me what he was doing, then indeed I cannot take responsibility for what he did
Andy Fastow, traiu essa confiança ao ponto em que eu não sabia o que ele fazia, que obviamente não partilhava comigo o que fazia, de modo que não me posso responsabilizar pelos seus actos.
That guy didn't know what he was doing.
Aquele tipo não sabia o que estava a fazer.
That little boy didn't know what he was doing, but he obeyed..... because he'd learned that you always obey your parents.
Aquele menino não sabia o que estava fazendo, mas obedecia porque aprendeu que sempre se deve obedecer aos pais.
- What's he doing here? - I didn't know he was coming, I swear.
- O que é que ele está a fazer aqui?
- He didn't know what he was doing.
- Ele não sabia o que estava a fazer.
We didn't know what he was doing until after he did it.
Não sabíamos o que ele estava a fazer até descobrirmos.
You're saying he didn't know what he was doing?
Diz que ele não sabia o que fazia?
Now I'll help your brother because you and I both know he didn't understand what he was doing, but you're going to have to give me Gredenko.
Eu vou ajudar o teu irmão, pois ambos sabemos que ele não entende percebe o que estava a fazer, mas tu vais ter de me entregar o Gredenko.
It was the scariest, when even Chubby didn't know what he was doing.
Quando não sabia o que estava a fazer, o Chubby era ainda mais assustador.
I said, "How would a kid play this, that's so stupid, that doesn't know what he's doing, and play that?" I did that shit, didn't know what I was doing, bending notes,
E disse, "Como é que um miúdo toca isto, é tão estúpido que nem sabe o que está a fazer, e tocar aquilo?" Eu fiz essa merda, não sabia o que estava a fazer, a distorcer notas,
We didn't know what he was doing.
Nós não sabíamos o que ele estava fazendo.
I mean, he probably didn't even know what he was doing.
Provavelmente nem sabia o que estava a fazer.
And you know, he laughed at me. And before I knew what I was doing, I was all over him. But I didn't kill anybody.
E ele riu-se de mim, e antes de me aperceber o que estava a fazer, já estava em cima dele, mas eu não matei ninguém.
She should have acted like one. He didn't know what he was doing.
Não sabia o que estava a fazer.
I didn't know what I was doing. Neither did he.
Não sabia o que estava a fazer, nem ele.
The guy that picked that out, he sure didn't know what he was doing.
A pessoa que tomou essa decisão, não sabia o que estava a fazer.
I mean, I... I didn't even know what he was doing.
Quer dizer, eu não sabia o que ele estava a fazer.
He's just a kid, he didn't know what he was doing.
Eu não sabia o que estava a fazer...
He probably didn't even know what he was doing.
Provavelmente nem sabia o que estava a fazer.
He didn't know what he was doing, I'm sure of it.
Uma chamada para o banco e finalmente isto vai acabar. Bem, isso não vai acontecer.
Peter said he didn't know what he was doing when he killed your sister, right?
Peter disse que não sabia o que estava a fazer quando ele matou a tua irmã, certo?
We are doctors, and we all know birth control sometimes fails, and I didn't want to tell her this because I knew it would freak her out, but the doctor she went to the first time was a quack who didn't know what the hell he was doing,
Ela já foi informada antes do primeiro aborto. Primeiro aborto? Ela usa o aborto como contraceptivo?
It's you who didn't know what he was doing.
Tu é que não sabias. És o meu contabilista.
It's you that didn't know what he was doing.
Não sabias o que ele fazia. És o meu contabilista.
He was doing something, I didn't know what.
Fazia qualquer coisa, eu não sabia o quê.
We didn't know what he was doing with the girl.
Nós não sabíamos o que ele fazia com a rapariga.

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