He didn't mean to traduction Portugais
325 traduction parallèle
He didn't mean to break anything, honest!
- Estão tortos. Esse defeito é porque nos fizeram andar de bebês.
He didn't mean to wing you, he meant to blow your brains out.
Teve sorte, queria fazer-lhe voar a cabeça, não acertar-lhe no braço.
Bob didn't mean to upset you. He just wants to be honest, that's all.
Só um sítio pequeno que nos dê tempo para experiências e progresso.
He says, "He didn't mean for him to die."
Ele disse que não queria que ele morresse.
I'm sure he didn't mean to be.
Acho que não tinha a intenção.
Well, he didn't mean for me to roast to death.
Ele de certeza não me quer assar até à morte.
No, I mean, I didn't think he wanted to.
Não é isso,... não pensei que ele quisesse.
( groans ) : Well, he may have said it, but he didn't mean for me to do it.
Ele pode tê-lo dito, mas não é isso que ele quer.
You mean he didn't try to get you up to his hotel room?
Ele nem sequer tentou levá-la ao quarto do hotel?
I mean, she didn't have to go to work or anything like that. He left her a little money.
Ela não teve de trabalhar, ele deixou-lhe algum dinheiro.
He didn't mean to neglect his work.
Não era intenção dele negligenciar o trabalho dele.
I didn't mean to scream, but he came outta nowhere!
não queria ter gritado, mas ele apareceu não sei donde.
He didn't mean we were supposed to stay up all night with them.
Ele não disse que temos de ficar a pé a noite toda com eles.
I didn't mean to do that. He made me do it.
Não queria, mas ele me fez fazer isso.
I didn't mean to suggest that he had.
Não quis sugerir isso.
He didn't want to be a man. What do you mean?
Ele não queria ser um homem.
He didn't mean a thing to me, Jose.
Ele não me interessava para nada.
I mean he didn't want to nail my head to the floor, I had to insist.
Ele não queria pregar-me a cabeça ao chão. Eu tive de insistir.
And, anyway, he didn't mean to kill the boy.
Ele não queria matar o rapaz.
He didn't mean to hit me with the bottle.
Ele não queria magoar-me com a garrafa.
What I did was, I looked in his mean little eyes... and I knew, as sure as there's shit in a goat... if I didn't do what he said... the coroner would be putting in a special order for sawdust... to fill this here slop bucket.
Mas olhei naqueles olhos pequeninos e cruéis, e soube, tão certo como merda, que, se não fizesse o que ele queria, ia desta para melhor.
He reminds me of Petey when I first got him. Always squawking and trying to peck people. But he didn't mean it.
Lembra-me o Petey quando o encontrei, sempre grasnando e tentando bicar as pessoas, mas não era a sério.
I'm sorry about what happened last night, you know that. I want you to know that Nathan didn't mean what he said about your book.
Lamento o que se passou a noite passada... mas quero que saibas que o Nathan... não falava a sério sobre o que disse do teu livro.
I mean, he didn't do anything wrong, and it's not nice to lock somebody up in their own jail.
Ele não fez nada de mal, e não é simpático prender alguém na própria cadeia.
I don't mean to intrude but I didn't hear from you... I was wondering if you'd heard from your husband and how he was doing.
Não quero intrometer-me mas não tive notícias suas... eu estava imaginando se soube algo de seu marido... e de como ele está.
He didn't mean to reject you.
O seu pai não queria rejeitá-la.
I'm sorry, Julie. I didn't mean to do it. He was sitting there and I...
Desculpe Julie, não fiz por querer, eu simplesmente estava...
Homer didn't mean to hurt you. He....
Hommer não fez de propósito.
Go with him, boy, he didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
Vá com ele, meu rapaz.
I didn't mean to kill your brother, but he didn't die in vain if that's any comfort.
Não queria matar o teu irmão, mas ele não morreu em vão, se isso te serve de consolo.
I know he didn't mean to insult me.
Eu sei que ele não me quis insultar.
- He didn't mean to- -
- Tretas!
That doesn't mean he didn't like to travel when he was out.
Isso não significa que não gostasse de viajar quando estava cá fora.
When Ben Franklin stood out in the storm with his kite and key, he probably didn't know how much electricity was going to mean to future generations.
Quando Ben Franklin foi para a tempestade com o papagaio e chave, não se deve ter apercebido do que a electricidade significaria para as gerações futuras.
He didn't mean to pry.
Ele não queria intrometer-se.
That didn't mean anything when he swore to tell the truth?
O juramento de dizer a verdade não significou nada?
He didn't say it to be mean.
Ele não o disse como mal.
He didn't mean to hurt me, just to shut me up.
Não me quis me magoar, era para me calar.
No look he didn't mean it like that Bex Well it sounded like it to me
- Ouve, ele não quis dizer isso, Bex. - A mim pareceu-me que sim!
You mean to tell me he didn't react at all to the picture of you naked?
Queres dizer que ele nem reagiu à tua foto sem roupa?
He said he didn't mean to go into that house but hu... this voice kept whispering to him.
Ele disse que não queria entrar na casa, mas aquela voz continuava a sussurrar para ele.
He didn't mean you any harm, he was just trying to see whether you breathed or not.
Ele não quis aleijar-te, ele só estava a tentar ver se respiravas ou não.
He didn't mean to do it.
Ele não tinha intenção.
He didn't mean to do it!
Ele não o queria fazer!
He didn't mean to leave, honey.
Não partiu por querer.
- But he didn't mean to hurt you by it.
- Mas ele não te queria magoar com isso.
But that boy you mentioned, if he was there I bet he didn't mean to do it.
- Miss Newdow... - Sra. Newdow. As pessoas pensam sempre que as bibliotecárias são solteironas.
He didn't mean me to.
Ele não quis.
Hey, Gwen. He didn't mean to hit you.
Gwen, ele não fez de propósito.
I mean, nice fella, but he didn't perform. So I had to fire him.
É um tipo porreiro, mas não conseguiu e tive de o despedir.
He didn't mean to hit me.
Foi sem querer.
he didn't 1210
he didn't answer 29
he didn't make it 114
he didn't have to 77
he didn't want to 25
he didn't tell me 71
he didn't show up 29
he didn't say anything 96
he didn't come 27
he didn't mean it 77
he didn't answer 29
he didn't make it 114
he didn't have to 77
he didn't want to 25
he didn't tell me 71
he didn't show up 29
he didn't say anything 96
he didn't come 27
he didn't mean it 77