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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ H ] / He didn't tell me

He didn't tell me traduction Portugais

852 traduction parallèle
I just find myself stumbling over the fact that he didn't tell me about either.
Só me sinto a tropeçar sobre o facto de nunca me ter dito nada sobre ambas.
Where did he go? He didn't want me to tell you, but he's awfully worried about you and he thought you ought to have a doctor.
Ele não quis que eu te dissesse, mas... ele esta muito preocupado contigo e achou que devia chamar um medico.
He wanted to tell me that he didn't kill Julia Wolf.
Queria dizer-me que não matou a Julia Wolf.
If he knew, he didn't tell me!
Se sabia, não me contou!
I didn't expect your son to be living in a palace but you didn't tell me he was living in a place like this.
Não esperava que o seu filho vivesse num palácio, mas não me disse que estava a viver num lugar assim.
Why didn't he tell me he was going to fire into the air?
Porque não me disse que ia disparar para o ar?
- He didn't have time to tell me nothing.
- Ele não teve tempo de me dizer.
I'm glad you didn't tell me what he's done. I don't ever want to know.
Ainda bem que não me disseste o que ele fez.
Oh, he didn't tell me.
Não me digas.
Besides, he didn't tell Thornton anything.
Não me chames isso. Fui eu que encontrei o Braddock.
- Yes, I am. Didn't he ever tell you about me?
- Ele nunca lhe falou de mim?
He didn't do much reading after that, let me tell you.
Deixa que te diga que, depois disso, nunca mais leu muito.
Of course, he didn't tell me what you two talked about.
Claro que não me disse o que conversaram.
Why didn't you tell me he was with you?
Porque não me disse que estava consigo?
- He didn't tell me.
Ele não me disse.
He didn't tell me a word about it.
Ele não me disse nada sobre isso.
All right, don't answer me. But your father didn't tell you to pay me off, did he?
Pronto, não responda, mas o seu pai, não foi.
tell me, didn't he?
Diz-me, ele a matou?
Oh, he didn't tell me. [Chuckles]
Não me digas.
He didn't tell me.
Não me disse.
There were lots of things he didn't tell me.
Havia muitas coisas que ele não me dizia.
I don't know, he wouldn't tell me, that's one of the reasons I didn't believe him.
Recusou dizer-mo. E desconfiei.
He didn't tell me.
Ele não me disse.
Why didn't he tell me all this?
Por que eIe não me contou isso?
- Didn't you tell me he was crippled?
- Não me disseste que era aleijado?
Why didn't he tell me he was coming back?
Porque não disse que ia voltar?
Why didn't you tell me he left?
Porque não me disse que tinha partido?
I'll tell you. I'll tell you how he didn't treat me.
Eu digo-lhe como é que ele não me tratou.
He didn't tell me what it was
- Não me disse o que era.
Didn't he tell you nothin'to tell me?
Não lhe pediu que me dissesse alguma coisa?
Don't tell me he didn't mean it.
Não me diga que ele não queria dizer isso.
You didn't tell me he was hardly civilised.
Não me disse que ele era pouco civilizado.
Could you tell me why he didn't have the privilege of extending his tour of duty?
Pode dizer-me porque é que ele não pode estender o seu serviço aqui?
- Why didn't you tell me that he was...
- Porque não disse que ele...
If you were so concerned, why didn't you tell me he was married?
Se você estava tão interessado, por que você não me disse que era casado?
- Nothing at all, but he retired about five years ago, didn't tell me about it.
- Ah, nada, mas ele se aposentou há uns cinco anos atrás, e nem me disse.
He didn't tell me anything.
Ele não me disse nada.
That's probably why he didn't tell me.
Foi por isso que ele não mo disse.
He didn't tell me where he's going.
Não me disse onde vai.
Well, didn't he tell you to pay me any compliments or anything?
E não disse para me fazer um elogio ou qualquer coisa parecida?
Why didn't you tell me he's with Sukegoro?
Porque não me disseste que ele estava com Sukegoro?
He didn't tell me anything!
Mas ele não me deu nada!
I tried to tell Reno how sorry I was... but I guess I didn't say it loud enough because he didn't seem to hear me.
Tentei dizer ao Reno o quanto estava arrependida... mas acho que não foi alto o bastante porque ele não pareceu ouvir.
- Why didn't Jim tell me he found you?
- O Jim não me disse que cá estavas.
Courtney, I checked with your brother he told me I didn't tell him to fix that hinge, that means I told you, do you read me, Courtney? Do you read me, Courtney?
O teu irmão diz que eu não o mandei arranjar a dobradiça, mas a ti disse-te.
He didn't tell me he was married.
Ele não me contou que era casado.
Mm-hm. He didn't have to tell me.
Ele não precisava de me contar.
If he says he didn't tell them, he didn't tell them. Hit me, would you?
- Eras capaz de me bater?
Why didn't you tell me he was your grandson?
Porque não me disseste que era teu neto?
He didn't tell me that.
Ele não me disse.
Said if I didn't listen he'd tell him I had become stubborn
Disse que se eu não o ouvisse ele diria a ele... que eu havia me tornado teimosa.

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