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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ H ] / He didn't tell you

He didn't tell you traduction Portugais

1,035 traduction parallèle
Há uma coisa, que você não sabe.
Didn't he tell you nothin'to tell me?
Não lhe pediu que me dissesse alguma coisa?
Didn't I tell you he was around the town selling heads?
Não lhe disse que ele foi à cidade vender cabeças?
Why didn't you tell him, "He's in the tack room with my daughter?"
Porque não lhe disse, "O tipo que procura está no barracão com a minha filha."
- Didn't he tell you?
- Ele não lhe contou?
You didn't tell me he was hardly civilised.
Não me disse que ele era pouco civilizado.
Why didn't he tell you he'd taken the funds of the treasury?
Porque será que levou os fundos da Tesouraria?
Could you tell me why he didn't have the privilege of extending his tour of duty?
Pode dizer-me porque é que ele não pode estender o seu serviço aqui?
Didn't he tell you?
Ele não lhe disse?
- Why didn't you tell me that he was...
- Porque não disse que ele...
He didn't tell you about any of this last night? Nope.
Ele não contou nada sobre isso ontem à noite?
If you were so concerned, why didn't you tell me he was married?
Se você estava tão interessado, por que você não me disse que era casado?
I'll tell you, I prayed for him to let Coaley kill you, but he didn't.
Digo-te, rezei para ele deixar o Coaley matar-te Mas ele não fez.
He didn't tell you?
Ele não lhe disse?
Well, didn't he tell you to pay me any compliments or anything?
E não disse para me fazer um elogio ou qualquer coisa parecida?
- Didn't I tell you he ain't here?
Já te disse que ele não está.
Why didn't you tell me he's with Sukegoro?
Porque não me disseste que ele estava com Sukegoro?
Didn't John tell you he's married?
O John não lhe disse que é casado?
Didn't he tell you?
Não lho disse?
Eu não disse que ele ficaria surpreendido?
He didn't tell Calder where you were.
Ele não disse ao Calder onde tu estavas.
- Why didn't Jim tell me he found you?
- O Jim não me disse que cá estavas.
I tell you, if that boy didn't have his head strapped on him, he'd lose it.
Digo-te, se aquele rapaz näo tivesse a cabeça agarrada, perdi-a.
Just in case he didn't tell you, they have tried to arrest us before.
No caso de ele não lhe ter dito, já tentaram prender-nos antes.
Courtney, I checked with your brother he told me I didn't tell him to fix that hinge, that means I told you, do you read me, Courtney? Do you read me, Courtney?
O teu irmão diz que eu não o mandei arranjar a dobradiça, mas a ti disse-te.
Well, you got it all figured out, ain't you Virgil, I tell you he didn't pick up nobody.
Ele não trouxe ninguém.
Didn't he tell you I asked for your daughter's hand?
O Sr. Barnier deve ter-lhe dito que lhe pedi a mão da sua filha.
- He didn't tell you?
Ele o que é que lhe disse?
- I'll tell you what he didn't do.
Vou lhe dizer o que ele não fez.
He didn't tell you about her?
E ele falou-te dela?
If he says he didn't tell them, he didn't tell them. Hit me, would you?
- Eras capaz de me bater?
Why didn't you tell me he was your grandson?
Porque não me disseste que era teu neto?
He didn't tell you what he looks like?
Não lhe disse que aspecto ele teria?
Didn't I tell you he doesn't?
Já não te disse que ele não fala?
Didn't he tell you?
Não a avisou?
Oh, didn't he tell you?
- Ele não lhe contou?
You didn't tell me that he was going to call you.
Não me disseste que te fosse chamar.
And you know that very well. Why, why didn't you tell me he was in love with you?
Por que não me contaste que ele te ama?
Didn't he tell you about meeting Dudek in the French restaurant, playing chess?
Ele não lhe falou de ter estado com o Dudek no restaurante francês, a jogar xadrez?
- Didn't he tell you?
- Não lhe disseram?
He didn't tell you what she did?
Nem lhe contou o que ela disse?
You expect me to believe that Lennox showed up in the night and you drove him a few hundred miles and he didn't tell you?
Quer que eu creia que Lennox apareceu no meio da noite... você levou-o a centenas de kms. E ele não lhe contou?
Didn't he tell you where he was going?
Ele não lhe disse a si onde estava indo?
Hey, you didn't tell me he was stone deaf.
Não me tinhas dito que ele era surdo.
He didn't tell me you was a screw-up either.
Também não me disse que estavas neste estado.
Will he tell you when he didn't tell the police?
Se ele não contou à Polícia, por que acha que lhe vai dizer a si?
And if you loved him, you were patient with him, and even though he didn't dare ever tell you anything about himself personally,
Se o amasses e tivesses paciência com ele, mesmo que não ousasse contar-te nada pessoal,
And if you loved him, you were patient with him, and even though he didn't dare ever tell you anything about himself personally, even though he may have loved you, would you...
Se o amasses e tivesses paciência com ele, mesmo que não ousasse contar-te nada pessoal... É fantástico!
- Why didn't you tell that man he's a...?
- Por que disse que ele era... - Um mentiroso?
- Didn't he tell you?
- Ele não te disse?
But he didn't tell you!
Mas não te disse.

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