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He wanted to kill me traduction Portugais

97 traduction parallèle
You said he wanted to kill me.
Disse que me queria matar.
Maybe he wanted to kill me.
Talvez me quisesse matar.
I'm sure he wanted to kill me. He tried to get into the car!
Tenho certeza que ele me queria matar.
I could tell you something like, the other day he wanted to kill me.
Poderia contar-te que no outro dia queria matar-me, por exemplo.
He wanted to kill me.
Queria matar-me.
He looked at me like he wanted to kill me.
Ele olhou-me como se fosse me matar.
He's crazy, he wanted to kill me!
Pai, ouve-me!
It's not true, I'm telling you he wanted to kill me, he's a monster!
É um monstro! O que queres dizer com isso?
But I think he wanted to kill me.
- Mas ele dizia que queria matar-me.
Still doesn't explain why he wanted to kill me.
Mesmo assim, isso não explica porque é que ele me queria matar.
I never even met the guy in person and he wanted to kill me, huh?
Nem sequer conhecia o homem pessoalmente e ele queria matar-me.
I mean, he's a confrontational guy, but if he wanted to kill me, he'd just beat me to death.
Quero dizer, ele é do tipo confrontacional, se me quisesse matar, espancava-me até à morte.
No, he wanted to kill me.
Não, ele queria matar-me.
I thought he wanted to kill me.
Pensei que ele me queria matar.
He wanted to kill me.
Ele queria matar-me.
Well, someone ratted out guillermo when he said he wanted to kill me.
Bem, alguém denunciou o Guillermo quando ele disse que me queria matar.
Made it easier to be friends - - when we were friends, before he wanted to kill me in front of my children.
Tornou mais fácil sermos amigos... quando éramos amigos, antes de ele me querer matar à frente dos meus filhos.
He'd just come inside me and then said that he wanted to kill me.
Vem-se para dentro de mim e depois diz que me quer matar.
If he wanted to kill me, he could've done it already.
Se quisesse, já o podia ter feito várias vezes.
He told me he wanted to kill me.
Ele disse-me que me queria matar.
If he wanted to kill me, I'd already be dead.
Se ele me quisesse matar, eu já estaria morta. Só tenho de lhe mostrar que não tenho medo.
He wanted to tell me that he didn't kill Julia Wolf.
Queria dizer-me que não matou a Julia Wolf.
If he wanted to frame Church with the knife... why should he try to kill me when I find it?
Se quisesse incriminar o Church com a faca, porquê tentar matar-me quando a encontrei?
If your father wanted to kill me, he'd do it himself.
Se seu pai me quisesse matar, faria isso sózinho.
He is clearly that first to kill did not want me, it wanted to run away from some form e to continue to live.
É claro que primeiro não queria matar-me, queria fugir de alguma forma e continuar a viver.
He not only wanted to kill, he wanted to punish me as well.
Ele não queria apenas matar, ele queria castigar-me.
Mom, he's only trying- - lf I wanted to kill myself, he couldn't stop me.
Mamã, apenas tentava... Se me quisesse matar, não me impediriam.
But he still wanted to kill me
Mas ainda queria me matar.
He wanted to be wrong, link them to me it did not kill it!
Ele queria enganar-me, mas ela não o matou!
Look, I'm just as sick over Blanket's death as you are. If somebody wanted to kill one of us, it wouldn't be much trouble. He'd just blow the shit out of him.
Também me sinto mal com a morte do Blanket mas se alguém quisesse matar um membro da brigada, tinha mandado aquela ponte pelos ares.
He wanted me to kill him.
Ele queria que eu o matasse.
Anyway, he wanted me to kill someone for him - a Japanese officer, who'd killed his family during the war.
Ele queria que matasse alguem por ele. Um oficial japonês que matou a sua familia durante a guerra.
So, to get back into the good books of Brancato who wanted rid of him, he hired two idiots to kill me.
Então, para ficar bem aos olhos da Brancato que me queria eliminar contratou dois tipos para que me matassem e não conseguiu.
He added 100 francs and said, "It's OK." I wanted to kill him.
Deu-me cem francos a mais e disse "Guarde o troco".
Father, he wanted to kill me! There won't be any killing.
Pai, ele quis matar-me!
He wanted me to kill Scully's baby.
Ele quer que eu mate o bebé da Scully.
He must have seen our next movement, he knew I would... be in the police station and... He wanted to kill himself in front of me
Deve ter previsto o nosso passo seguinte, sabia que eu estaria na esquadra e quis matar-se à minha frente.
I think he wanted me to kill you.
Penso que queria que eu te matasse.
He wanted you to kill me?
Ele queria que tu me matasses?
He wanted me to look at him. He was going to kill me.
Ele queria que eu olhasse para ele.
He wanted me to see his face because he was going to kill me, and now you're letting him go?
E agora vocês vão libertá-lo.
- He wanted me to kill him.
- Queria que eu o matasse.
It left in the cover of the newspapers the following day and he / she had all above me. People that wanted to kill me because they said that Jon owed them money, people that had their money and not me Io gave to me.
Foi a primeira página dos jornais no dia seguinte e toda a gente me chateou, gente a querer matar-me porque diziam que o Jon lhes devia dinheiro.
He's the one who told me that Salceda wanted to kill Guardo.
Foi ele quem me disse que o Salceda queria matar o Guardo.
When Slick told me he had the virus, I wanted to kill him.
Quando o Slick me disse que tinha o vírus, eu queria matá-lo.
But he wanted to kill me!
Mas ele queria matar-me!
He wanted me to kill them.
Ele queria que eu os matasse.
He wanted you to kill me.
Ele queria que me matasse.
He chased me up the stairs and wanted to kill me.
Perseguiu-me até às escadas e tentou matar-me.
- He wanted me to kill him.
Ele queria que eu o matasse.
He wanted to kill me.
Ele queria matar-me a mim.

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