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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ H ] / He would have killed me

He would have killed me traduction Portugais

69 traduction parallèle
He would have killed me.
Ter-me-ia morto.
He would have killed me.
Ele ter-me-ia matado.
He would have killed me too.
Também me matava.
Honest to God, he would have killed me.
Juro por Deus que ele ia matar-me.
He would have killed me if I hadn't done it.
Matava-me se não o fizesse.
I wish he would have killed me.
Preferia que ele me tivesse matado.
Had I not run, he would have killed me too.
Se não funcionar, ele vai matar-me também.
If my dad had known, he would have killed me!
Se o meu pai descobrisse, ele matava-me!
If I didn't go along with him, he would have killed me.
Se não aceitasse, ele iria matar-me.
Don't you think he would have killed me by now?
Não achas que já me teria morto, se fosse isso?
If I didn't shoot him, he would have killed me.
Se não o tivesse baleado, ele ter-me-ia matado.
I tried to stop him, but he would have killed me, too.
Tentei pará-lo, mas ele matava-me!
If I had met him on the front he would have killed me too.
Se eu o tivesse encontrado na linha de tiro, ele teria me matado também.
Otherwise, he would have killed me himself.
Senão ter-me-ia morto.
If I didn't do it, he would have killed me.
Se não fizesse isso, ele tinha me matado.
He would have killed me in my sleep.
Ele matar-me-ia durante o sono.
Because he would have killed me.
Porque ele matava-me.
- Then why did you? Because he would have killed me.
E porque o fez?
He saw me, he panicked, he would have killed me.
Ele viu-me, entrou em pânico e ia matar-me.
He would have killed me!
- Ele tinha-me matado!
He would have killed me.
Ele ter-me-ia morto.
What would have happened if he would have killed me this time?
E se ele me tivesse matado?
I watched him murder my husband, and he would have killed me next.
Vi-o a assassinar o meu marido e ter-me-ia morto de seguida.
If I hadn't, he would have killed me.
Se não o tivesse morto, matava-me ele a mim.
He would have killed me.
Ele matava-me.
He hurt people for a living and he would have killed me.
Fazia mal às pessoas e ter-me-ia matado.
He would have killed me eventually if I had stayed, but he never raised a hand against Maksim.
Ele teria me morto se tivesse ficado, mas nunca levantou uma mão contra o Maksim.
He would have killed me too but said I needed to live to pass on the message that no one will survive tonight.
Ele ia matar-me também, mas disse que eu tinha de viver para repassar a mensagem de que vão todos morrer hoje.
Nick, I honestly think he would have killed me.
Nick, sinceramente acho que ele me teria matado.
If my father saw my time, he would have killed me.
Se o meu pai visse os meus tempos, dava-me um pontapé no rabo.
Pothinus said he would have me killed.
Pothinus disse que me mataria!
Already, he has withstood attacks from me that would have killed a human being.
Já suportou ataques meus que teriam morto um ser humano.
He would have to have me and Rafer killed. Don't you think?
Teria que mandar matar-me e ao Rafer, não é?
He would have killed me.
Ele teria me matado.
He would have killed for me.
Teria matado por mim.
If I'd have walked in first, he would have killed me instead.
Se eu estivesse na frente, seria eu.
I guess if he had killed me, my uniform would have made you all a fine trophy.
Acho que se ele tivesse me matado, meu uniforme teria feito para todos vocês um grande troféu.
He could have killed me, and nobody would've said "by your leave."
Ele podia ter-me morto, e ninguém iria dizer "com a sua licença".
The Prior told me Seevis was corrupt, that he'd tried to sabotage the ceremony and would have killed thousands.
O Prior disse-me que o Seevis estava corrompido, que tentou sabotar a cerimónia e teria matado milhares.
And he knew, of course, that had they killed him, they would have killed me, too.
E ele sabia, claro, que se o tivessem matado, também me matariam.
It broke my heart but it would have killed him if he'd stayed.
Partiu-me o coração mas teria sido a morte dele, se ficasse.
If he had meant to harm me, he would have killed Kalman.
Se me quizesse atingir, teria morto o Kalman.
He would've killed me for marrying a son of a bitch of my own, because he knew what that would have been like for me.
Ter-me-ia matado se eu me tivesse casado com um filho da mãe, porque sabia como seria isso para mim.
If Bazhaev could have told me how to get to the people that just killed his son, he would have.
Se o Bazhaev me pudesse dizer como chegar às pessoas que acabaram de matar o seu filho, tê-lo-ia feito.
Now, if I hadn't done what I did, he would have killed me.
Se não tivesse feito o que fiz ele tinha-me matado.
D tell me that he was already saving up his money and that I would have the most beautiful sweet fifteens ever Everybody was scared of my grandpa because he worked for the Secret police they called him " Kaliman because he was the incredible man they say he killed a lot of bad people but I only remember him as an old man...
Dizia-me que já andava a poupar dinheiro. E que eu teria a mais bela festa de 15 anos de sempre. Do meu avô todos tinham medo, pois trabalhava para a polícia secreta.
I think that he would have killed me...
Acho que ele me teria matado...
He would've killed me if you wouldn't have killed him.
Ter-me-ia matado se você não o tivesse matado a ele.
My mom would have killed him if she knew the way he would drive with me in the car.
A minha mãe matava-o se soubesse como ele guiava comigo no carro.
If it hadn't have been for you... He would've killed me.
Se não tivesse sido por si ele ter-me-ia matado.
He probably would have killed me if I hadn't have done that.
Provavelmente tinha-me morto se eu não tivesse feito aquilo.

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