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His lawyer traduction Portugais

1,136 traduction parallèle
He told me about his lawyer.
- Falou-me do seu advogado.
The Nino Cerruti, you know, from the party... his lawyer called this morning and said that they're interested in a deal with us... and that he had a great flight back to Milan, and, in fact, he's buying a jet.
O Nino Cerruti da festa... O advogado dele telefonou esta manhã para fazer... um contrato connosco e dizer que ele teve um óptimo voo para Milão. Na realidade, ele vai comprar um jacto.
He only got one call, so he called his lawyer.
Só uma chamada para o advogado.
His lawyer complained.
O advogado queixou-se.
Yes... no, well, what I mean is his lawyer wrote me.
Sim, mas, é que o seu advogado escreveu-me.
His lawyer's on his way to the judge to tell him he's being readmitted.
O advogado vai dizer ao juiz que ele vai ser internado de novo.
Bet his lawyer's slicker than he is.
- E o advogado dele é muito manhoso.
- Not without his lawyer.
- Não sem o advogado dele.
I'm his lawyer.
Ótimo. Sou seu advogado.
The only thing I can get on Stark is the number for his lawyer. No, thanks.
A única coisa que consegui sobre Stark foi o número do advogado.
Why did your husband choose Rizzo as his lawyer?
Quero saber porque é que o teu marido escolheu o Rizzo como advogado. Não fez bem?
In the U.S., a defendant is entitled to his lawyer's most aggressive representation.
Nos EUA, um réu tem direito a uma representação agressiva por parte do seu advogado.
His lawyer has begged the judge to execute him.
O advogado dele já pediu ao juíz que o mande executar.
He even talks to Mitya through his lawyer. And Mitya is a star!
Ele só fala com o Mitya através do seu advogado, apesar do Mitya ser uma estrela.
- His lawyer wants to make a deal.
- O seu advogado quer fazer um acordo.
Stabler's digging up anything he can on Cleary while Munch treads water with his lawyer, but they haven't given anything up.
O Stabler está a ver se descobre os podres do Cleary enquanto o Munch dá a volta ao advogado. Mas ainda não se descoseram.
First your father, then his lawyer.
Primeiro, o seu pai, depois o advogado.
- Meeting with his lawyer.
- A ver seu advogado.
Knock Cardozo law school, his lawyer says the gun charge won't stick.
Diz mal da Faculdade de Direito, mas o advogado dele diz que não o apanham.
- Find his lawyer and talk to him.
- Encontra o advogado e fala com ele.
Not even his wife or his lawyer know the specifics.
- Nem a mulher ou o advogado sabem bem.
I'm his lawyer- -
Sou o advogado dele.
His lawyer will argue that his client is mentally unfit...
O advogado vai alegar que o seu cliente está mentalmente incapaz...
His lawyer won't even call me now.
O advogado dele já nem me liga.
When Dustin Hoffman was trying to keep Billy... from going back to Meryl Streep... his lawyer told him that it would cost him $ 15,000... and that's if we win.
Quando o Dustin Hoffman estava a tentar ficar com o Billy... em vez de ir para a Meryl Streep... o advogado dele disse-lhe que iria custar-lhe $ 15,000... e isso se ganharmos.
I'll ask him. And his lawyer.
Vou perguntar-lhe a ele e à advogada.
- Waiting for Roger and his lawyer.
- Esperamos ao Roger e a seu advogado.
Maybe during the discovery phase of his rico trial, we can inform his lawyer that tony needs a plumber.
Durante a investigação do julgamento, podemos informar o advogado dele.
Are you his lawyer?
Tu és advogado dele?
He asked for his lawyer to come negotiate his surrender.
Ele pediu que o seu advogado negociasse a rendição.
The lawyer who shares his client's pain does his client such a grave disservice he should have his license to practice taken away.
O advogado que partilha a dor do cliente está a prestar um tão mau serviço que lhe deveria ser retirada a licença.
Natch, what else? Bill just hired a lawyer, stayed at home, and worked on his garden.
O Bill contratou um advogado e foi cuidar do jardim.
- Who? - His daughter and a lawyer.
- A sua filha e um advogado!
I'll be his lawyer from now on.
- Sim ou ser a advogada dele a partir de agora!
He always talks about his grandson studying to become a lawyer.
Fala sempre no neto que estuda para ser advogado.
You're his lawyer, our lawyer.
Andei a foder por aí.
He is an accomplished lawyer, hearing his life.
Ele é advogado, argumentar é a sua vida.
Doesn't have an agent, just does all of his business through a lawyer.
Não tem nenhum agente, realiza todos os seus negócios através de um advogado
The poor lawyer left his office at six thirty this morning and was on his way to Tabbita.
O advogado saiu do seu escritório às 6 : 30 da manhã em direcção a Davita.
He's a lawyer ; it's his right.
Advogados podem fazer isso.
And when his lawyer asks me questions?
E quando o advogado dele me fizer perguntas?
Since my dad's a lawyer, he says we can use any of his books we want.
( Não quando lho tentei dizer! )
Okay. Since my dad's a lawyer, he says we can use any of his books we want.
Como o meu pai é advogado, disse que podemos usar os livros dele.
His mother is a lawyer, his father is a teacher.
A mãe é advogada, e o seu pai professor.
As in male pig. I had a lawyer trace his family tree, and he's a distant relative of a Civil War hero, John Bell Hood.
Pôs um advogado a investigar a sua árvore genealógica e descobri que é parente afastado de um herói da guerra civil John Bell Hood.
My father was a lawyer, his father was a lawyer and I was expected to become a lawyer.
O meu pai era advogado, o seu pai era advogado e era suposto eu ser advogado.
Father Lynch is getting him a lawyer, but it's pretty close to his M.O.
O padre vai arranjar um advogado, mas é parecido com o M. O. dele.
He got his immigration lawyer to help me.
Seu advogado de imigração me está ajudando.
I don't think Wally's lawyer would risk a grand jury appearance... if he didn't think his client could be persuasive in an argument.
O advogado do Wally não arriscaria o depoimento se não achasse que o seu cliente podia convencer os jurados.
Well, he's a lawyer, C.J. He's vetting, it's his job.
Ele é advogado, C.J. Está a interrogar-te. É o trabalho dele.
- I understand that, but it's gonna be difficult to get a lawyer to come and risk his life.
- Eu percebo, mas... será difícil arranjar um advogado que aqui venha e arrisque a sua vida.

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