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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ H ] / Hutchinson

Hutchinson traduction Portugais

207 traduction parallèle
A piece of tire.
Um pedaço de Hutchinson!
Hey, Hutchinson... ... do you think they'd let me write home? If it was really important?
Hutchinson, achas que me deixariam escrever para casa, se fosse importante?
Your attorney, Mr. Hutchinson, contacted me.
Seu advogado, Sr. Hutchinson, me avisou.
Mr. Simon Orne, and Mr. Jabez Hutchinson I believe you know.
O Sr. Simon Orne e o Sr. Jabez Hutchinson, que você já deve conhecer.
Mr Hutchinson, may I introduce Polly Sherman, who is with us at the moment? - How do you do?
Sr. Hutchinson, apresento-lhe a nossa colaboradora Polly Sherman,
I was just saying to Mr Hutchinson, dear, this is a hotel, not a borstal.
Dizia eu ao Sr. Hutchinson que isto é um hotel, não um reformatório.
But I must look after Mr Hutchinson now.
- Depois explico. O hóspede espera-me.
Ah, Mr Hutchinson, you've ordered, have you?
- Vejo que já pediu, Sr. Hutchinson.
Mr Hutchinson? A telephone call for you at reception.
Sr. Hutchinson, tem uma chamada na recepção.
Ah, there you are, Mr Hutchinson nice to have you back again.
Bem-vindo de volta, Sr. Hutchinson.
Polly, an ice bucket for Mr Hutchinson, please.
Polly, um balde de gelo para o Sr. Hutchinson.
Polly? Would you get Mr Hutchinson his main course, please?
Polly, pode ir buscar o prato principal do Sr. Hutchinson?
So sorry to keep you waiting, Mr Hutchinson.
Peço imensa desculpe pela demora, Sr. Hutchinson.
Is there something we can get you, Mr Hutchinson?
Deseja alguma coisa, Sr. Hutchinson.
I thought Mr Hutchinson ordered an omelette.
Pensei que o Sr. Hutchinson tinha pedido a omeleta...
Mr Hutchinson's taking over, Polly, so, I'll have the omelette.
O Sr. Hutchinson vai substituir-me. Eu como a omeleta.
- Is that better, Mr Hutchinson?
- Então? - Está satisfeito, Sr. Hutchinson?
- Now, Mr Hutchinson...
- Diga, Sr. Hutchinson.
I'll get you a cheese salad, Mr Hutchinson.
- Vou buscar-lhe a salada.
- Certainly, Mr Hutchinson. - If there's anything else,
- Com certeza, Sr. Hutchinson
Mr Hutchinson, there you are.
Óptimo. Já aqui está, Sr. Hutchinson.
He's bringing jim hutchinson home for dinner.
Vai trazer o Jim Hudgensen para jantar.
We're looking for jim hutchinson.
Estamos à procura do Jim Hutchinson.
Channel 8 now projects that Senator James B Stiles has defeated challenger Stuart Hutchinson, returning Senator Stiles for a fourth term.
Não compreendes. Não compreendo, pois não.
But if you really are interested in small talk, keep your eye on Cmdr Hutchinson at the reception this afternoon.
Mas se de verdade está interessado no bate-papo, veja o comandante Hutchinson na recepção desta tarde.
Request permission to be excused from Cmdr Hutchinson's reception.
Poderia me dispersar da recepção do comandante Hutchinson?
Cmdr Hutchinson also wanted me to make sure that you will attend his reception this afternoon.
O comandante Hutchinson também quer se assegurar de que poderá vir à recepção dele esta tarde.
Calvin Hutchinson.
Calvin Hutchinson.
- This is Cmdr Hutchinson.
- O comandante Hutchinson.
Mr. Data, have you had a chance to meet Cmdr Hutchinson?
Sr. Data, este é nosso anfitrião, o comandante Hutchinson.
And so much for the skydiving Santa of Hutchinson County.
É tudo sobre o Pai Natal que saltou em Hutchinson.
And the Hutchinson Prize?
E o prémio Hutchinson?
I'm Marybeth Louise Hutchinson.
Chamo-me Marybeth Louise Hutchinson.
I'm Marybeth Louise Hutchinson of Atlanta.
Sou Marybeth Louise Hutchinson de Atlanta.
I'm Marybeth Louise Hutchinson of Atlanta.
Sou Marybeth Hutchinson de...
I am suggesting you and Fitzwallace and Hutchinson and the national security team take the next hour and find a response that doesn't make me think we're just docking somebody's allowance!
sugiro que o senhor, o Fitzwallace, o Hutchinson e a equipa da Segurança Nacional usem a próxima hora para elaborar uma resposta que não me faça pensar que estamos apenas a cortar a semanada a alguém!
Mr. Cashman and Secretary Hutchinson would each tell you what you already know that this would be seen both at home and abroad as an overreaction by a first-time Commander in Chief.
Cashman e o Secretário Hutchinson dir-lhe-ão o que já sabe, que este ataque será visto no país e no estrangeiro, como uma reacção exagerada de um Alto Representante.
Hutchinson was in my study.
O Hutchinson estava no meu gabinete.
That was Hutchinson.
Foi o Hutchinson.
Nancy McNally, Bill Hutchinson, the White House Council, they're on it.
A Nancy McNally, o Bill Hutchinson, o Conselho, estão a tratar disso.
Can you get me Secretaries Hutchinson and Berryhill?
Podes contactar os secretários Hutchinson e Berryhill?
So was Cashman, Hutchinson, Berryhill...
Tal como o Cashman, o Hutchinson...
I know that Hutchinson and Berryhill are for it, but to me to Fitzwallace, the Pentagon, the House and Senate Armed Services and House and Senate Foreign Relations it's a thing of catastrophic proportions.
Sei que o Hutchinson e o Berryhill estão a favor, mas para mim, para o Fitzwallace, para o Pentágono, para os Serviços Armados e para os Negócios Estrangeiros do Senado, assume proporções catastróficas.
Hutchinson said two F-117 strike fighters have been added to the package.
Hutchinson disse que dois F-117 foram adicionados ao pacote.
- Hutchinson, Seth Gillette?
- O Hutchinson, o Seth Gillette?
Hutchinson talked with the Israeli foreign minister and the interior minister.
O Hutchinson falou com o ministro dos negócios estrangeiros israelita.
My soul mate is Matt Hutchinson.
A minha alma gémea é Matt Hutchinson.
Matt Hutchinson has been trying to get at her for months.
O Matt Hutchinson persegue-a há meses.
- You know Matt Hutchinson?
Conheces o Matt Hutchinson?
- No, but she has a restaurant full of witnesses that saw you walk up... and seemingly threaten her and Matt Hutchinson.
Não, mas as testemunhas do restaurante viram-te... ameaçar o Matt Hutchinson e a ella.
Channel 8 now projects that three-time incumbent Senator James B Stiles has defeated Stuart Hutchinson, giving Senator Stiles a fourth term.
Peter. Peter "As-perspectivas - - são-boas" Burton.

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