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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ I ] / I'll get you something

I'll get you something traduction Portugais

335 traduction parallèle
And let me tell you dames something : If I get ahold of her, I'll rip her wide open.
E me deixe te dizer algo : se voltar a vê-la, farei-a pedaços.
If I do this and get away with it, you'll have something on me that you can use whenever you want to.
Se fazes isto e escapas, saberás qualquer coisa a meu respeito... que podes usar sempre que quiseres.
You wait here. I'll get you something to quiet your nerves.
Às vezes parece que pertenço a outro mundo.
I'll get you something to eat.
Trarei algo de comer.
If I haven't, I'll find something till you get normal.
Se não tiver, arranjo com que me ocupar até você ficar normal.
I'll get you something cold to drink.
Vou trazer-vos uma bebida.
I'll get you something that'll start it.
Tenho algo melhor.
I'll tell you something, too, father. Ann don't you get angry.
Sem maldade, pai :
I'll get you something to eat.
Vou arranjar-te qualquer coisa.
Drink your coffee. I'll get you something to eat.
Vou buscar algo para comer.
I hope you'll get her something
Espero que lhe ofereças alguma coisa.
If you can manage to do something right, I'll see to it that you get a brownie.
Se conseguires fazer alguma coisa bem, eu encarrego-me de que te dêem um pastelito.
I'll get you something to eat.
Vou preparar algo para comer.
I'll get you something to eat.
Vou buscar algo para comeres.
Sorry you didn't get ashore but I'm sure we'll be able to find something to keep you busy.
Desculpe não ter ido a terra, mas arranjamos aí com que o entreter.
I'll get you something to drink.
Vou pegar algo para beber.
If the storm worries you that much, I'll get you something to drink.
Se a trovoada a perturba, vou buscar-lhe uma bebida.
When you get back, don't make a din or I'll throw something at you, alright?
Quando chegares, não faças barulho... ou atiro-te um sapato, entendido?
I'll get you something to drink.
Vou preparar-lhe uma bebida.
I'll get you something.
Vou arranjar-te qualquer coisa.
I'll get you something to eat.
Vou dar-vos de comer.
All right, you get something to eat, I'll build up the fire.
Vai, eu ponho mais lenha no lume.
I'll get you something.
Vou buscar-te algo.
I'll find us something. And don't try anything funny, cos you know what you'll get.
Vou encontrar comida, e não tentes nada enquanto estiver fora.
I'll get you something.
Vou buscar alguma coisa.
Whoa, I'll get something for you.
Vou-te buscar qualquer coisa.
I'll get you something hot, a nice grog.
- Vou fazer-lhe uma bebida quente. - Não, obrigada.
Until then, you sit here. And I'll get you something.
Entretanto, senta-te aqui, irei buscar-te algo...
I'll make do something's wrong, until you get going.
Eu cá me arranjo, até vocês se porem a caminho.
If I see a doctor, I'll see if I can get him to give you something for that.
Se vir um médico, vou pedir-lhe alguma coisa para isso.
All right, I'll buy it for you as an elopement present. Anyway, if you're gonna get me something, get me something practical that I can use, like Tupperware. Shh!
Tudo bem, eu vou dar este para você como presente de fuga de namorados Shh!
- I'll get you something to eat.
- Vou buscar-te algo para comeres.
I'll get you something to eat.
Vou buscar qualquer coisa para comer.
So go take a shower, and I'll get you something to drink.
Vai tomar um duche e eu arranjo-te algo para beber.
Come on, I'll get you something.
Eu dou-lhe uma pastilha.
Ralph comes through with a taskforce, I'll see you get a necktie or something.
O Ralph vem aí com um grupo de apoio e vou fazer com que seja linchado ou coisa assim.
And if you get bailed out, I'm gonna throw you back and find something that'll stick.
E, se te safares, volto a prender-te até arranjar alguma coisa que sirva.
I'll talk to these guys, see if I can soften their position and get you something so it's not a hassle.
Eu falo com estes tipos, vejo se consigo fazê-los mudar de opinião e arranjo-te qualquer coisa para não ser tão mau.
OK, I'll get you something to drink that will set your pussy ablaze, OK?
Ok, vou dar-te uma bebida que vai pôr a tua ratinha em brasa, ok?
I'll get you something.
And I'll tell you something else, that self-pity won't get you nowhere.
E vou dizer-te outra coisa, a autopiedade não te leva longe.
And I'll tell you guys something, you gotta get off the street,'cause the cops know the guys that hit The Battery will be coming through here.
A polícia sabe que os que atacaram Battery... vão passar por aqui.
Look, I can't haggle with you now, but when old Eddie Deskey... makes up his mind to get something.... l'll be coming to you again.
Escuta, eu não posso pechinchar contigo agora, mas quando o velho Eddie Deskey... mete na cabeça que quer uma coisa.... falarei contigo novamente.
I'm not going to get upset about this, but I'll tell you something, I'm writing them back and when I sign that letter I'm signing "Mr. president."
Não me vou aborrecer por isto, mas vou responder-lhes e assino aquela carta "Sr. Presidente".
Don't have a cause of death, but I'll have it. Maybe I'll get something for you.
Ainda ninguém mo trouxe, mas vão haver novidades.
I'll tell you something else. You know, you shouldn't be allowed to get anywhere near anything with wheels, because you are, by far, the worst, the most dangerous, the most maniacal driver I've ever seen.
E digo-te mais uma coisa, não deves ficar sozinha à beira de coisas com rodas, porque tu és de longe a pior, mais perigosa, mais maníaca condutora que já vi.
Come on, I'll get you cleaned up and fix you something to eat.
Venha, vai-se lavar e eu faço-lhe qualquer coisa para comer.
Now I'll really get you something good to eat, Setsuko!
Agora vou-te dar uma coisa muito boa para comer, Setsuko!
I'll get you something healthy from all food groups :
Vou arranjar-te algo saudável, com todos os grupos de alimentos :
I'll, uh.... I'll get you something to put on.
"O tempo voa"?
I'll take you home... and get you something warm to drink.
Vou-te levar para casa... e tomaremos alguma coisa quente.

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