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I'll see you out there traduction Portugais

94 traduction parallèle
I'll see you out there.
Vemo-nos lá fora.
Well, I'll, uh, I'll see you out there.
Bem, eu, uh, vejo-o depois.
You-You top out that rim rock up there and I'll head on down to the shack, see if there's anything there.
Sobes à orla daquela rocha e eu vou lá à cabana ver se há lá alguma coisa.
You pick up the bags, I'll go see if there's another flight going out.
Recolhe tu as malas. Eu vou ver se há mais algum voo.
You know, I just figured it's not working out between us and, hell, I'll never see you again. You know, there's just no excuse.
Sabes, achei que as coisas näo estavam a resultar e, chiça, que näo voltaria a ver-te.
You want something to cry about, I'll run you to the state home let you see what's laying out there.
Quer chorar por alguma coisa, eu levo-a à casa de repouso vamos ver o que tem para dizer.
- OK. I'll see you out there.
Vemo-nos lá fora.
I'll give you a job myself. I just wanted you to see what was out there.
Podes trabalhar para mim ; só quis que visses as oportunidades que há.
Bali's guards are outside, so you stay here and I'll go out there and pretend to be you pretending to be me, you see?
Os guardas do Bali estão lá fora, por isso ficas aqui. Vou lá fora e finjo ser tu a fingir que sou eu.
I think it's fantastic you're getting out there again. and watch. you'll see.
Acho fantástico tu voltares a sair, e marcares encontros.
- I'll see you out there.
- Vemo-nos por aí.
I'll see you out there...
Te vejo la...
I'll see you out there, sir.
Vemo-nos lá fora.
I've seen more fucked-up shit happen in five minutes out there than you'll see in your whole fucking life.
Eu já vi mais merdas a acontecerem lá fora em 3 minutos, do que tu vais ver em toda a tua merdosa vida. Pois, olha Gene.
I'll see you out there.
Espero-te lá fora.
I'll see you out there. "
Espero-te lá fora. "
But see, we're all there trying to map out a game plan and rehearsal schedule... and I'm sure whatever you two are talking about here... is so much more fascinating and important and, let's just say it, fun... but I'd really like to get an'A'on this assignment, and to do that... you'll have to discuss your sock hops and clambakes some other time.
Mas estamos a tentar montar uma estratégia e um horário de ensaios... e tenho a certeza que o que estão a falar, é muito mais fascinante e importante e, claro, mais engraçado, mas quero ter um 20 neste projecto e, para isso, têm de discutir as vossas ninharias noutra altura.
I know, but we'll see you out there real soon anyway. What?
De qualquer forma vemo-nos em breve.
I'll catch a ride and see you out there.
Vou buscar-te e depois vemo-nos aí. Adeus.
I'll tell you one thing, if this guy kills again... we'll see a community uproar out there like nothing we've seen.
Vou-te dizer uma coisa, se esse gajo matar de novo vamos ver a comunidade revoltar-se lá fora...
Maybe I'll see you out there.
Talvez eu a veja por lá.
I'll see you back out there?
Voltamos a encontrar-nos na sala.
I'll see you out there.
Te vejo lá fora.
- I'll see you out there.
- Vejo-te lá fora.
Hey, I'll see you out there.
Ouve. Vemo-nos lá fora.
Calm down. I'll go see if there's something else out there for you.
Acalma-te. Vou ver se há mais alguma coisa para ti, está bem?
I guess we'll just say we'll see you out there on the road.
Acho que vamos simplesmente dizer : "A gente se vê estrada afora."
- Okay, I'll see you out there.
- Vemo-nos lá fora.
Yeah, I'll see you out there.
Eu vou já ter contigo.
Maybe I'll see you out there.
Então eu te vejo lá...
I'll see you out there.
Vejo-te lá fora.
I'll have her pop in her "going out" teeth, you can see if there's a spark.
Eu meto-a com os seus dentes de "quando sai" e podes ver se há faísca entre vós.
I can't say she's out of the woods for sure. You'll have to watch and see how she develops to know if there's any permanent brain damage.
Ela ainda não está livre de perigo, terá de ver como ela se desenvolve, para saber se há danos cerebrais permanentes.
I " ll see you out there.
Vejo-te por aí.
I'll see you out there.
Nos vemos lá.
All right. I'll see you out there.
Está bem.
I'll see if there's something I can find out. Why don't you try and do something?
Porque não tenta fazer alguma coisa?
All right, I'll see you out there, winner.
Encontramo-nos lá, vencedor!
Well, there's not much reason to come out here, but if I do see it, I'll definitely give you a call.
Bem, nao há muita razão para vir aqui, mas se eu o vir, eu definitivamente telefono-lhe.
- I'll see you out there.
- Já nos vemos.
- I'll see you out there, kid.
Até já, fofa.
I'll see you out there, man. See ya.
- Encontramo-nos lá fora, meu.
Well, it's for charity. So I'll see you guys out there.
É uma beneficência, por isso vemo-nos no campo.
I'll see you out there, okay?
Vemo-nos lá, está bem?
I'll see you in 30 minutes. # A place I never been before # #'Cause all I know it's hard out there #
Vejo-te em 30 minutos.
I'll see you out there!
Vejo-te na apresentação!
I'll see you out there.... okay.
- Vemo-nos lá fora.
Hey, I'll see you out there, Sam.
Vejo-te lá fora, até já. Sam.
But then it turned out to be a boy, and there ain't no boy version of Sookie. I can't wait to meet him. Oh, well, you'll see.
Mas afinal era um rapaz, e o nome Sookie não tem versão masculina.
I'll see you out there.
Vejo-te ali fora.
Um, I'll see you out there.
Vemo-nos lá fora.

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