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I've been thinking traduction Portugais

4,508 traduction parallèle
You know, I've been thinking.
Sabe, estive a pensar.
I've been thinking about it... and the truth is...
Tenho pensado sobre isso... e a verdade é que...
Yeah, I've been thinking that we should, you know, maybe think about moving in together.
Tenho pensado que devíamos, talvez, pensar em vivermos juntos.
I've been thinking about that, too.
Também tenho pensado nisso.
I've been thinking about your case.
Estive a pensar no seu caso.
So I've been thinking a lot about it, and...
Tenho pensado muito nisso, e...
I don't know. I've just been thinking about how it was before she showed up.
Não sei, tenho pensado sobre como tudo era era antes de ela aparecer.
I've been doing a lot of thinking today, a lot of wandering around, and this seemed like the most appropriate place to come.
Pensei em muita coisa hoje, vários lugares para onde ir, e este parecia ser o mais apropriado para vir.
For this... series of self-portraits that I've been thinking about.
É para uma série de auto-retratos, sobre os quais tenho andado a pensar.
I've been thinking of you From the moment you got on that boat.
Pensei em vós desde o momento em que haveis embarcado.
By the way, I've been thinking about that.
Sim. Aliás, estive a pensar sobre isso.
Carter, I've been thinking.
Carter, estive a pensar.
Um, actually, I've been thinking. Maybe we should take some space.
Na realidade, estive a pensar... talvez nos devêssemos separar por um tempo.
I've been thinking about that, too, Damon.
Também tenho andado a pensar nisso, Damon.
I've been thinking about your parents, what happened.
Pensei sobre os seus pais, o que aconteceu.
Sheldon, I've been thinking about it, and you're right.
Sheldon, tenho pensado nisso, e tens razão.
You know, Astrid, I've been thinking.
Sabes, Astrid, estive a pensar.
Yeah, I, uh... I've been thinking about that.
Pois... tenho pensado no assunto.
Catherine, I've been thinking about this, okay?
Catherine, tenho pensado nisto.
So, so I've been thinking about her a lot lately, about you and she met when she was working at Muirfield.
Ultimamente tenho pensado muito nela, sobre o terem-se conhecido quando ela... trabalhava na Muirfield.
I am tired. I've been thinking about Flora.
E não é o amor que te move, é algo pior.
Denise, I've been thinking. About your application for Miss Audrey's job... - Sam.
Um fim à preguiça e à complacência, às compras e às bonecas.
I've been thinking so much about Bjørn's test.
Eu pensei muito sobre o teste do Bjørn.
I've been thinking... Maybe he's a little under stimulated, because he doesn't have a role model. So...
Eu estive a pensar que talvez ele não esteja a ser estimulado por não ter um modelo paterno e...
Yes. I've been thinking about it and eh... maybe that Steiner pre-school thing... maybe it's a good idea.
Tenho estado a pensar e talvez aquilo da pré-escola Steiner seja uma boa ideia.
I know, but eh... you know, I've been thinking abut it and the whole Steiner package is starting to make sense to me.
Eu sei, mas tenho pensado nisso e começo a achar que a metodologia Steiner faz sentido.
I've been thinking about that CIA story.
Tenho pensado na história da CIA. Não é...
I-I've been thinking... maybe if...
Estive a pensar... talvez se....
So about Sandrine, I've been thinking, it's not that easy to take out three armed men.
Então, sobre a Sandrine. Estive a pensar que não é tão fácil assim, derrubar três homens armados.
I've been thinking about doing something radical as a tribute to his memory.
Pensei em fazer uma coisa radical... Em homenagem à sua memória.
I haven't used it for a long time, but I've been thinking of using it again.
Há muito tempo que não o uso, mas estive a pensar em usá-lo outra vez.
I've been thinking about it for a while, okay?
Estou a pensar nisso há um tempo.
It's interesting you should ask, because I've been thinking that there must be a way to... measure the passage of time.
É interessante que perguntes, pois estive a pensar que deve haver um meio de medir a passagem do tempo.
I've been thinking about the cards.
Eu estive pensando sobre as cartas.
So, I've... been thinking about us a lot.
Então, eu... Tenho pensado muito em nós.
And I've never been alone, so I was thinking that I would try that.
E nunca estive sozinho, por isso, estava a pensar experimentar.
I've been thinking and, erm...
Tenho estado a pensar e hum...
I know we were, but, I mean, I've been thinking, you know, a lot.
Eu sei que estavamos, mas, quer dizer, tenho andado a pensar, muito.
I've been thinking a lot.
Tenho andado a pensar muito.
You know, I've been thinking.
Tenho estado a pensar...
I've been thinking of tonight as my memorial for so long, I had completely forgotten that I actually had to be alive for it.
Há tanto tempo que penso na homenagem desta noite, que me esqueci completamente que precisava de estar vivo para vir.
I've been thinking about reaching out to the others.
Pensei em ir atrás dos outros.
I just... I've been thinking about you.
É que... tenho pensado em ti.
I've been thinking.
Eu estive pensando.
I've been thinking that when I go back to work... we should have a domestic.
Andei a pensar, quando voltar ao trabalho... devíamos ter uma doméstica.
Actually I've been thinking about looking for some new work. Who with?
Na verdade tenho pensado em arranjar outro trabalho.
I feel like I've been thinking about a course and if I just shoot out into the middle soft spot there it'll probably just pillow-carry me right over that Canadian lagoon over there.
Tenho pensado numa rota... Se eu for cair naquela parte mole do meio, é capaz de me carregar suavemente para aquela lagoa do lado canadiano.
"Dear Lydia, I've been thinking about the investment " that you and Jack suggested, and I... " I decided to back out.
" Cara Lydia, estive pensando sobre o investimento sugerido por você e o Jack e eu... decidi desistir.
You know I've been thinking, why don't we take you on here?
Estive a pensar e achei que podia ficar aqui.
I've been thinking, perhaps you know a lot more.
Estive a pensar, talvez saibas bastante mais.
You know, Jeremy, I've been thinking about what you said about me being a drill sergeant.
Jeremy, tenho pensado no que me disseste sobre o facto de eu ser um sargento.

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