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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ I ] / I came to see you

I came to see you traduction Portugais

1,063 traduction parallèle
I came to see you play.
Vim cá para vê-lo jogar.
I came to see you.
- Tenente, vim para falar consigo.
Actually I came to see you.
Queria falar-lhe.
I know you got the lady, that's why I came to see you.
Eu sei que está com ela, por isso eu vim ver você.
I came to see you.
- Eu vim para ver você.
- I came to see you, fool.
- Vim ver-vos, tonto.
- I came to see you!
- Eu vim ver você!
I came to see you.
Não, vim falar consigo.
I don't give a damn about you, I came to see your vegetables!
Estou a cagar-me para ti, vim ver as tuas alfaces
The reason I came to see you, Devon, is that in the past month... two of our Helios members have died... mysteriously.
O motivo por que vim falar contigo, Devon, é porque, no mês passado, dois dos membros da Hélio morreram misteriosamente.
I came to see you Xuxujiu not?
Vim para te ver, mater a conversa em dia.
And that's why I came to see you, Doctor.
E por isso é que me venho consultar doutor.
You see, the reason I came to see you, the reason I took up your time, it...
Veja, o motivo pelo qual venho à sua consulta, e pelo qual lhe roubo tempo... É... não foi para mim.
I came to see you but where are the paperweights?
Vim para te ver, mas onde estäo os pisa-papéis?
Actually, I came to see you.
- Vim falar consigo sobre o Joe.
I came to see you.
Vim para te ver.
I must say, when I came to see you, I had no idea I was going to have to eat your ship as well as hire it. And since you're clearly as mad as a mongoose I'll bid you farewell.
Devo dizer-lhe que, quando vim ter consigo, não fazia ideia de que tinha de comer o barco além de o alugar, mas como o senhor é completamente doido, despeço-me aqui.
See, I had this cousin, Harvey, who came to visit us, and he was smoking. You know, he dared me to try. Well, he was only 9, what could I do?
Tinha um primo, Harvey que... veio nos visitar, começou a fumar e me desafiou a experimentar ele só tinha 9, o que que eu podia fazer?
I hope you forgive us for coming at this hour but we heard you were in trouble and so we came over to see if we could help.
Desculpe virmos a esta hora mas o Frank disse-nos que estava em apuros e viemos logo ver o que podíamos fazer.
I told you you had talent when you first came to see me, remember?
Eu disse-te que tinhas talento, quando me procuraste, lembras-te?
Oh, sir, listen, a couple of things came up that I want to discuss with you, but I don't want to burden you now, because I can see you got a lot on your mind.
Sr. Hayward? Surgiram umas coisas que gostava de discutir consigo. Mas não quero incomodá-lo.
I came to see if you had it in the kitchen cupboard.
Porque vim ver se tinha no armário da cozinha.
- I just came to see how you were doing.
Só vim para ver como você está.
Well, it was really you I came to see. Only then I noticed your car was parked there in the... Oh, yes.
Foi consigo que eu vim falar, só que reparei que o seu carro estava estacionado ali.
Once I saw a man from Ibiza writing a book on fake... who came to see me to Paris, he said "I heard you are... the first man who bought an EImyr"
Uma vez vi um homem de Ibiza a escrever um livro sobre falsificações. Que veio ver-me a Paris, e disse : "Soube que foi o primeiro homem que comprou um Elmyr"
I came here to see you.
Eu vim aqui para te ver.
I came to see if you were comfortable.
Vim ver se estavas confortável.
I came here to see you.
Vim cá para te ver.
I am sorry, but you see I came here to find a farm and to settle down.
Sinto muito. Vim comprar uma granja e me estabelecer.
You see, where I came from, boys loved to have pockets like that pouch... so you could carry your things in it.
Da cidade de onde venho... Os meninos adoravam ter mochilas como essa... para carregar suas coisas.
Mr. Books, I came here to see what you can eat, if you can have what I'm serving.
Sr. Books, vim aqui saber o que pode comer. Se pode comer o que vou servir esta noite.
You are not paying any attention to me. I came 3,000 miles to see a ballgame.
- Porque você não me presta atenção.
I came all the way down from Paris just to see you.
Vim propositadamente de Paris só para te ver.
I came to see if you were dead.
Vim ver como tu estavas morto.
He asked me, "What are you doing here?", I said "I came to see this revolution"... but given that it doesn't really exist... Then he said, "You're mistaken, Salvador" stay here, talk with the leaders ".
Esta profunda e real democracia criará também formas novas...
I came to see if you were comfortable.
- Está confortável?
- Oh, I wish that were true. You see, I think you came over here in order to get her signature on this power of attorney.
Quis obter a assinatura dela nesta procuração.
Morgan's withdrawal came as a shock to most... I see you've had a busy morning, too.
Estou a ver que também tiveste uma manhã atarefada.
listen, a couple of things came up that I want to discuss with you, but I don't want to burden you now, because I can see you got a lot on your mind.
Surgiram umas coisas que gostava de discutir consigo. Mas não quero incomodá-lo. Já percebi que está muito ocupado.
As I said, he came to see you off.
Como dizia, veio para ve-lo partir.
What if it wasn't you I came back here to see tonight?
Então e se não era a si que eu queria voltar a ver esta noite?
I came to see my wife. My kids. If you allow me...
Vim para ver minha mulher e meus filhos se me permitirem isso.
Listen, I didn't come here to fight, I came to see if you were OK.
Ouça, não vim aqui para brigar, vim para ver se estava bem.
I just came by to see how you were feeling.
Passei por cá para ver como te sentias.
You know, Al I'm glad you came to see me.
Sabes, Al ainda bem que vieste visitar-me.
I just came by to see how you were feeling.
Apenas vim cá para saber como se tem sentido.
I came here today to tell you we can never see each other again.
Vim cá hoje para te dizer que nunca mais nos podemos ver.
I came to hear Miss Shug sing and to see what a nice place you built.
Ouvir a Miss Shug cantar e ver esta linda casa que fizeste.
I just want you to see the home that you came from.
Só quero que vejas a casa de onde vieste.
My dear chap, I'm overjoyed to see you. Sit down, sit down and tell me how you came alive out of that awful chasm.
Meu caro, estou radiante por vê-lo, Sente-se, e conte-me como saiu com vida daquele terrível abismo,
Now I see why you came to this hole.
Agora percebo por que vieste para este buraco.

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