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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ I ] / I came to talk to you

I came to talk to you traduction Portugais

303 traduction parallèle
I came to talk to you about Lloyd.
Vim falar contigo sobre o Lloyd.
I came to talk to you about making a living.
E vim falar convosco, para vos dizer como podem ganhar a vida.
That's what I came to talk to you about.
Foi por isso que cá vim. A lista dos doentes.
It was Harrington I came to talk to you about.
Foi sobre o Harrington que eu vim falar consigo.
I came to talk to you about it.
Vim para te falar sobre isso.
Uh, Jill, I came to talk to you about Mr. penrose.
Jill, vim falar com o Sr. Penrose.
I came to talk to you calmly.
Vim conversar com tranqüilidade.
That wasn't the only reason I came to talk to you.
Não foi só por isso que vim ter contigo.
I came to talk to you.
Vim falar consigo.
- I came to talk to you.
- Vim falar contigo.
Look, that's what I came to talk to you about.
É disso que lhe vim falar.
No, I came to talk to you about your... potty mouth.
Não, eu vim falar contigo sobre a tua linguagem desapropriada.
- That's what I came to talk to you about.
É sobre isso que eu queria falar.
I can't sleep on my own... so I came to talk to you.
Eu não posso dormir na minha própria... então eu vim falar com você.
- I came to talk to you.
Vim falar contigo.
That's what I came to talk to you about.
É acerca disso que eu lhe vinha a falar.
But I came to talk to you about -
- Falamos no avião.
- I really came here to talk to you.
Vim aqui para falar consigo.
Please don't talk that way. You'll think I came in to hear that.
Não fale assim, pensa que vim aqui para ouvir isso?
No, no, sir, I just came to talk to you!
Não, não, senhor, eu só vim aqui para falar consigo!
That's why I came to you. I thought you could see him, talk to him and get him to stop this thing he's doing, whatever it is.
Talvez possa você vê-lo, Falar-lhe...
I came from Deadwood City to see you and talk you into going back with me.
Vim de Deadwood City para vê-la e convencê-la a ir para lá comigo.
I came here to talk to you about something, but after I saw you it... slipped my mind.
Vim falar consigo acerca de algo, mas depois que a vi, esqueci-me.
That's why I came here, to talk to you.
Foi por isso que vim aqui falar consigo.
[LAUGHING] I'll drop you home, then I plan to talk to that impatient young man who came to see us today.
Vou deixá-la em casa, então eu pretendo conversar com esse jovem impaciente que veio nos ver hoje.
That's what I came over to talk to you about.
Vim cá para falar consigo sobre isso.
Oh, I, uh, I came here because I'd like to talk to you, Leta.
Vim cá porque gostava de falar contigo, Leta.
I only came to talk to you.
Vim só para conversar contigo.
I thought you came here to talk about my play?
Não vieste falar da minha peça?
I came here because I wanted to talk with you.
Vim cá porque queria falar consigo.
He asked me, "What are you doing here?", I said "I came to see this revolution"... but given that it doesn't really exist... Then he said, "You're mistaken, Salvador" stay here, talk with the leaders ".
Esta profunda e real democracia criará também formas novas...
And then you came over to us... and I ordered more and more food just so I could talk to you.
Você veio até nós. Aí, eu pedi vários pratos só para falar com você.
I thought you came over here to talk.
Pensei que tinhas vindo até cá para conversar.
I came to talk some sense into you.
Vim enfiar-te algum juízo na cabeça.
The reason why I came talk to you is that... I have a little problems and maybe you could you help me.
A razão por que vim falar contigo é que... tenho um problemazinho e talvez tu poderias ajudar-me.
Now look, I know you're both very anxious to talk to her, but maybe we would all be better off if you came back a little later. She's very upset.
Sei que estão ansiosos para falar com ela, mas seria melhor para todos se voltassem mais tarde.
I mean, if the right girl came along, would you bother to tie the knot... or is that just old square talk?
Se tivesses a miúda certa casavas-te, ou isso é ser bota-de-elástico?
The reason I came over, other than I'd been planning to come and say hello, - I wanted to talk to you about Andie. - Yeah?
Mas a razão por que vim, também vim para o cumprimentar, foi para lhe falar da Andie.
i came all the way over here to talk to you.
Quem é que está fazendo a cenografia lá... algum macaco?
Jordan, I came here to talk to you.
Jordan, vim para falar contigo.
- I came hoping to talk with you.
- Vim para falar contigo.
I came to talk to you.
- Vim para falar contigo.
I came here to talk to you about something.
Vim-te falar de uma coisa, ao menos podias-me ouvir.
I came here to see if maybe I can't talk some sense into you.
Vim aqui para ver se lhe consigo meter algum senso.
That's why I came here to talk with you, Mr. Evers.
Por isso vim falar com você, Sr. Evers.
- I just came over here to talk to you.
Só vim cá falar contigo... - Falar?
Well, Rose, we've walked about a mile around this boat deck... chewed over how great the weather's been and how I grew up... but I reckon that's not why you came to talk to me, is it?
Bem, Rose, já andámos cerca de um quilómetro e meio neste convés, falámos sobre o tempo e como eu cresci, mas imagino que não foi por isso que veio falar comigo, pois não?
Well, I came by because I needed to talk to you... because I love her.
Vim, porque precisava de falar contigo. Porque a amo.
I came because I was hoping you would talk to me.
Vim com a esperança de falar consigo.
You should be following the Princess. While I was trying to convince the old man to talk, she came back.
Enquanto tentava convencer o velho a falar, ela voltou.
You know, I came all the way over here on Other Realm public transportation so you could talk to me.
Sabes, eu vim todo o caminho até aqui de transporte público do outro reino para poder falar contigo.

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