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I didn't know anything about that traduction Portugais

76 traduction parallèle
I didn't know anything about the baby until that afternoon.
Não soube nada acerca do bebé até áquela tarde.
Look, Dan, if it's about your brother, I didn't know anything about that.
Se é por causa do teu irmão, não tive nada a ver com isso.
I suppose you're going to tell me that you didn't know anything about that.
Suponho que me vai dizer que não sabia nada disso.
I said that you didn't know anything about it.
Disse que não sabias nada disso.
I didn't know anything about that.
Eu näo fazia a mínima ideia.
Teddy, that stuff about Page. I didn't know anything about it.
Aquilo sobre a Page, eu näo sabia de nada.
I didn't even know anything about that.
Não sabia.
I mean, it's about the kids that were over there who didn't know anything about anything.
era sobre que não sabiam nada de nada.
And it didn't matter that I didn't know anything about it?
E não importava que eu não soubesse nada disto?
Fran, I didn't know anything about that.
Fran, eu não sabia nada sobre aquilo.
I didn't know anything about that.
- Não sei de nada.
Didn't I tell you that I don't know anything about acting?
Rolo 19, cena 3, take 4 Acção!
D. Paula didn't know us and didn't know anything about our lives. That's why she didn't know what I was doing. I wanted to set things straight with my dad.
A D. Paula não nos conhecia nem sabia nada da nossa vida, por isso não percebia que o que eu estava a fazer, era acertar contas com o meu pai.
I didn't know anything about that.
Não sei nada disso.
The reason I ask is because when that DA investigator came by today, he was asking me about it, and I realized I really didn't know anything.
Só te pergunto porque quando aquele investigador do PD apareceu lá hoje, queria saber essas coisas, e eu apercebi-me que não sei de nada.
I didn't say anything about Phyllis's weight... that the whole room didn't already know.
Eu não disse nada sobre o peso do Phyllis... que a sala toda já soubesse.
I'd been running a simulation that you didn't know anything about called Starpoints.
Eu tinha estado numa simulação da qual não tinhas qualquer conhecimento, chamada Starpoints.
Afterwards, I realized that there was no way I could have been nervous just then because just then I didn't know there was anything to be nervous about.
Mais tarde, percebi que era impossível eu ter ficado nervoso nessa altura, pois não sabia se havia alguma coisa que me pudesse deixar nervoso.
Tell them that I didn't know anything about what was goin'on and that Dan threatened me, he had a gun.
Diz-lhes que eu não sabia de nada do que se estava a passar e que o Dan me ameaçou, ele tinha uma arma.
I didn't say or do anything embarrassing to you that I should know about did I?
Não te disse nem fiz nada embaraçoso que deva saber pois não?
Oh, I didn't know anything about that.
Oh, eu não sabia nada sobre isso.
That's a surprise, I didn't know anything about it.
Surpreende-me. Eu não sabia nada.
I think he said that he didn't know anything about mountaineering.
Acho que ele disse que não percebia nada de montanhismo.
Look, when I said I loved you, I didn't mean that I wanted to interfere in your classes or, you know, whatever. I'm not talking about marriage or anything yet.
Quando eu disse que te amava... eu não quis dizer que ia interferir... nas tuas aulas, ou, sabes, seja lá o que for, não estou a falar em casamento...
I heard about what happened, and I wanted to let you know that I didn't know anything about it.
Eu ouvi falar sobre o que aconteceu, e eu queria que tu soubesses que eu não sabia nada sobre isso.
I knew the president was going to be visiting that night, but I didn't know anything about any protesters or anything like that.
Sabia que o Presidente ia visitar a cidade naquela noite, mas não sabia nada de protestos ou algo assim.
Now I remember, he said that his wife didn't know anything about this.
Ele disse que a mulher não sabia nada sobre isso. Não lhe posso contar...
You need to tell Jenna this whole thing was your idea and I didn't know anything about it and that she should be mad at you, not me.
Tens de dizer á Jenna que isto foi ideia tua e eu não sabia nada sobre isto. Ela deve ficar com raiva de ti, não de mim.
I swear I didn't know anything about that camera.
Eu juro que não sabia nada sobre esta camera.
I suppose you didn't know anything about that.
Suponho que não sabes nada sobre isso.
Wow, I didn't know anything about that, I swear.
Não sabia nada sobre isso, juro.
I didn't know anything about that.
Eu não sei nada sobre isso.
Of course, it turns out I really didn't know anything about him except that he did not like advertising.
Claro que pouco sabia sobre ele, fora o facto de não gostar de publicidade.
Walt Kowalski once said to me that I didn't know anything about life or death because I was an over-educated, 27-year-old virgin who held the hands of superstitious old women and promised them eternity.
O Walt Kowalski disse-me uma vez que eu nada sabia da vida ou da morte porque sou um "virgem de 27 anos com excesso de formação que gosta de segurar a mão de velhotas supersticiosas enquanto lhes prometo a eternidade."
And I don't know anything about anything, but I know what happened that day, and I know I didn't kill Katie.
Não sei nada de nada, mas sei o que aconteceu naquele dia, sei que não matei a Katie.
You let them know when I.I.D. Comes callin'that their answer is that they didn't know anything about it, that they did what they were told, they turned in clean run sheets, and they don't know what anyone else sent upstairs for staff review.
Diz-lhes que quando o Departamento lhes ligar, a resposta deles é que não sabiam nada, que fizeram o que lhes mandaram, que entregaram a papelada, e que não sabiam o que foi enviado para avaliação.
Okay, I didn't want to say anything'cause I know you and Leslie have a little history. I don't care about that.
Não queria dizer nada porque sei que tu e a Leslie têm uma pequena história.
You had to know that I was alive, that you didn't have to feel guilty about anything.
Tinhas de saber que estou viva, que não precisavas de te sentir culpado.
Uh, no, I didn't know anything about that.
Não, não sabia nada sobre isso.
I went through UCLA as a Republican who didn't like anything about the war in Vietnam, who didn't like anything about government with this naive belief that, you know, you can get inside the system and change it from the inside.
Passei os meus anos na UCLA como republicano que não gostava de nada sobre a Guerra do Vietname, que não gostava de nada sobre o governo, com esta crença ingénua de que se podia entrar no sistema e mudá-lo a partir de dentro.
I didn't know about that. I don't have anything to wear.
Não tenho nada para usar.
You didn't tell me anything about her, before tonight, but then I think you know that.
Tu não me disseste nada sobre ela antes desta noite e sabes disso.
But if you don't want to talk then I'm gonna let the entire world know that some sick fuck named Cyrus Danser, world's largest serial killer, lived right here in Arkham Heights, USA, and the whole town knew about it and didn't say anything
Mas se não quiser falar, então, vou deixar o mundo inteiro saber que um doente fodido chamado Cyrus Danser,... o maior assassino em série do mundo,... morou aqui em Arkham Heights, EUA. Que todos na cidade sabiam e não disseram nada porque não queriam companhia.
Because I didn't know anything about it until you just said that.
Porque não sabia nada sobre isso até você o dizer.
I didn't know anything about that.
- Não. Não sabia de nada.
I didn't know anything about that.
- Não sabia de nada disso!
I didn't know anything about that.
Não sabia nada sobre isso.
She knew exactly who I was, and she knew that I didn't know anything about her and Gil.
Sabia exactamente quem eu era, e que eu não sabia nada sobre ela e o Gil.
Didn't know he was. Although I did get the impression that it wasn't gonna be for long. Has he said anything to you about leaving Kentucky?
A propriedade está no nome da Helen, portanto, tem de a convencer e ao pai do Raylan.
She had this whole other life that I didn't know anything about.
Ela tinha uma vida paralela que eu desconhecia.
You know, I told them that I didn't know anything about it, and they believed me.
Disse-lhes que não sabia nada sobre isso e eles acreditaram em mim.

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