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I didn't know it was you traduction Portugais

465 traduction parallèle
I didn't know it was you
Não sabia que era você.
You see, it was spring in Venice, and I was so young... I didn't know what I was doing.
Era Primavera em Veneza, eu era jovem... e não sabia o que fazia.
I must have loved you for years, only... I was such a fool, I didn't know it.
Devo ter-te amado durante anos, mas fui tola por não o perceber.
It was hard enough getting me to marry you before, and I didn't know you.
Já foi suficientemente duro casares comigo uma vez, e eu não te conhecia.
I'm telling you he didn't know who he was buying it for.
Ele não sabia para quem era. Ele não conhecia o Dilg.
There was a reason you didn't try to follow it, and you and I know it.
Você não o seguiu por uma razão, e ambos sabemos.
I didn't know it was you.
- Desculpe.
Of course, I didn't know it was you.
Mas ignorava que era você.
We knew you were back, but it was so difficult to get information I didn't know when to expect you.
Estou hospedado num hotel aqui em Wellington.
You see, I didn't know it was her dog because she never brought it before.
Não sabia que o cão era dela, porque ela nunca o tinha trazido.
It's a pity you didn't know when started your game of murder that I was playing too.
Deveriam saber quando planeavam o vosso jogo macabro que eu também estava a jogar.
I didn't know what was going on between you two until that night. That night I got it out of her.
Eu não sabia nada sobre vocês dois até aquela noite... quando arranquei tudo dela.
I'm sorry, Mr Johnson, didn't know it was you.
Peço desculpa, Sr. Johnson.
Oh, ja, I was told about Dorf, but I didn't know it was you.
Ah, já me falaram de Dorf, porém não sabia que era você.
I didn't mention his name. How do you know it was Nelson?
Não mencionei o nome, como sabe que era Nelson?
I was stoned. Exactly. I didn't even know it until you told me in the morning.
Nem me apercebi, até me teres dito no dia seguinte.
I didn't know that it was you before.
Não sabia que eras tu, antes.
- I didn't know it was you.
- Não sabia que era você. - Evidentemente!
Ladies, I don't exactly know how to tell you this because I didn't know it was gonna come to this.
Senhoritas, não sei como dizer isto... porque não sabia que ia terminar assim.
And I didn't think they were gonna drown, you know, so I got a stick, it was your idea.
Eu pensei que eles iam se afogar Então peguei um pau, essa foi a sua idéia
You know, when I look back at it, I know now that it was all there for the seeing, except we didn't see it.
Sabes, quando olho para trás... sei que podíamos ter ganho a guerra.
I didn't know it was you.
Não sabia que eras tu.
I didn't know you two... I thought it was me.
- Eu não sabia que tu...
I didn't know it was you. Karol spoke of a buyer, but he gave a different last name.
E todos aqueles Müllers, Buchholtzs, ficariam honrados de ter a mim, Kaczmarski, como seu rei.
You weren't there, she didn't know where to go, I thought it was natural...
Tu não estavas, não sabia onde ir pareceu-me natural...
I didn't know that was the way you felt about it.
Não sabia que ias reagir dessa maneira.
Harry, I didn't know it was you.
Não sabia que eras tu!
I know, but it was a great restaurant. Didn't you love it?
Mas o restaurante era óptimo, não gostaste?
That is why I want you to know want you to know.that it was only an accident . .and I didn't get damaged.anywhere important.
Por isso, quero que saibas quero que saibas que foi só um acidente e que não sofri lesões em nenhuma parte importante.
I really didn't know that it was you who lion-danced for us.
Eu não sabia que tinhas sido tu a dançar com o nosso leão.
I didn't know it was Sebastian at first there were some rather queer fish, my dear in and out of my little apartment but who knows better than you my taste for queer fish.
O meu apartamento recebia visitas de uns indivíduos peculiares. Mas quem melhor do que tu conhece o meu gosto por indivíduos peculiares?
No, I didn't. Then how did you know it was precisely 12 o'clock?
Então como sabia que eram doze?
I was breathing down your neck and you didn't know it.
Estava a respirar para cima de ti, e nem notaste.
No, no, no. I didn't know it was you.
Não, não sabia que eras tu.
Sonny, please.... I didn't know it was gonna go this- - Who do you work for?
Sonny, por favor, não sabia que ia ser...
I didn't know it was you.
Não sabia que era o senhor.
And I didn't know what was in that package until you opened it.
Não sabia o que tinha o pacote até o terem aberto.
You didn't have to throw me that life preserver. I was doing perfectly all right, and you know it.
Não precisava daquele salva-vidas, estava muito bem e tu sabes.
Oh, you know, I didn't realise it was so late.
Sabes, não reparei como era tarde.
I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you.
Não sabia que era você!
- I didn't know it was you.
- Eu não sabia que eras tu.
I was gonna go, but i didn't- - you know, the thought of renting a tuxedo and everything... it wasn't formal.
Eu ia, mas não... Sabes, alugar um fato e tudo mais.
Before I met you, I didn't know what it was like to smile.
Antes de te conhecer eu não sabia o que era sorrir.
I didn't know if it was gonna upset you or make you proud.
Não sabia se ia aborrecê-lo ou deixá-lo orgulhoso.
You know, if I didn't know it was impossible, I'd say this urn was trying to smash itself open.
Sabem, se eu não soubesse que é impossível, diria que esta urna está a tentar "partir-se" para se abrir.
Look, I told you I didn't know when it was going down. But this location fits the pentagram pattern.
Não sei quando vai acontecer, mas esta zona segue o padrão do pentagrama.
You know before I met you, I was in a deep sleep and I didn't even know it.
Sabes antes de te conhecer estava num sono profundo e não o sabia, sequer.
I didn't know it was you. Please, sire, have pity.
Por favor, tem piedade!
Now, you know, when I left this island, I was a sinner and I didn't even know it.
Agora, quando deixei esta ilha, era uma pecadora e nem sabia disso.
I loved you the second time I saw you, even though I didn't know it was you.
apesar de eu não saber que eras tu.
Sorry, sir, I didn't know it was you.
Oh, desculpe, senhor. Não sabia que era você.

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