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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ I ] / I didn't want to

I didn't want to traduction Portugais

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And I didn't want to start a war over something John said without meaning it.
E eu não queria começar uma guerra por algo que o John disse sem ser a sério.
I didn't want to be the one to tell you this.
Não queria ser eu a contar-te isto.
That's why I didn't want you to pursue this.
Por isso é que não quis que continuasses com isto.
I didn't want you to see him differently.
Não queria que o visses de outra forma.
I never told her about it'cause I didn't want to crush her heart, but... now I have to use it.
Nunca lhe contei, porque eu não queria acabar com o coração dela, mas agora tem de ser.
Why? I didn't want to.
Não tive intenção.
I'm surprised he didn't want us all to get drunk and slash each other with machetes.
Estou surpreso que ele nà £ o queria que todos nà ³ s para ficar bêbado e cortar uns aos outros com facões.
- l'm sorry. - I didn't want to scare you.
- Desculpa, não te quis assustar.
Traffic. Traffic on the Cross-Bronx. I didn't want to wake you.
Apanhei trânsito na Cross-Bronx.
I just, this is all because i got cast in a couple of terrible fucking movies that I didn't even want to be in in the first place.
Eu só... Tudo isto porque eu representei num par de filmes de merda, nos quais nem sequer queria participar.
I didn't want to leave you there all alone.
Não te quis deixar sozinha.
I didn't want to have to do this.
Não queria ter de fazer isto. O MEU COELHO
I didn't want to ruin another holiday.
I just want you to know, in the interest of, like, full disclosure or whatever, you know, I was in the room when that happened, but I didn't, like...
Só quero que saibas, numa base de total sinceridade, que estava na sala quando isso aconteceu, mas eu não...
I didn't want to be part of it, I swear.
Não quero fazer parte disto, juro.
I didn't even want to go hiking!
Não queria vir fazer a caminhada!
I really didn't want to call in a favor for something this small.
Não quero cobrar um favor por uma coisa tão pequena.
The truth is that I didn't want you to die.
A verdade é que não quero que morras.
I didn't want him to.
Não queria que ele pedisse.
I didn't want to judge, but you did ask.
Eu não queria julgar, mas perguntou.
I just... I didn't want to believe it was all happening again, you know?
Apenas... não queria acreditar que estava tudo a acontecer novamente, entendes?
When I was talking to Joyce, she said... she was relieved that Norah was dead, which is horrible, I know, and she said it was because she didn't want Norah working for one of her competitors.
Quando estava a falar com a Joyce, ela disse ser um alívio a Norah estar morta, o que é horrível, eu sei, e ela disse que era por não querer que a Norah trabalhasse para um dos seus concorrentes.
I didn't want to get you guys in any deeper than you needed to be, that's all.
Não vos queria envolver mais do que era preciso, só isso.
Jimmy, I just said I didn't want to know.
Jimmy, eu disse que não queria saber.
Look, I didn't want to say anything, but your brother... the way he's been talking'about you lately... it's like... He's really out to get you, Jimmy. And...
Ouça, não queria dizer nada, mas o seu irmão, a forma como ele tem falado de si, ultimamente, é como se estivesse apostado em tramá-lo, Jimmy, e...
I didn't want them to ever leave.
Não queria que eles fossem embora.
I just didn't want you to get hurt.
Não quis que se magoasse.
I didn't want to start talking about guys jerking off on each other.
Não quis falar de gajos a bater pívias para cima uns dos outros.
I guess I just didn't want to believe it.
Acho que não quis acreditar nisso.
I didn't want it to end there.
Não queria que terminasse ali.
I didn't want anyone to feel safe.
Eu não queria que ninguém se sentisse seguro.
You know, back then, i- - i didn't want to have kids.
Sabem, há uns anos... Eu não queria ter filhos.
He said he didn't want to hurt me or my lovely family but that he would if I cried out.
Ele disse que não queria magoar-me a mim ou à minha querida família mas que o faria se eu gritasse.
- Because I didn't want to interrupt any shenanigans.
- Nate, vamos embora. - Não posso.
Didn't want to. I had to.
Não por querer, tive de o fazer.
I didn't say disputed or disproven, but whatever we want to call it,
Não disse isso, chame-lhe o que quiser. Mr.
I didn't want to be be here if they wouldn't let me have my dog. Sir, go to your room.
Disse que não queria ficar aqui sem o meu cão.
You didn't want to help me, you just wanted to arrest me for something I didn't do.
Não queria ajudar-me... Só queria prender-me por algo que não fiz.
I didn't want him to die.
- Não queria que ele morresse.
I didn't want you to make a promise you couldn't keep.
Não queria que fizesses uma promessa que não conseguisses cumprir.
I really didn't want it to be like this.
Não queria que fosse assim.
I thought you didn't want to talk about work here.
Pensei que não querias falar de trabalho aqui.
I didn't want you to miss this.
Não queria que perdesses isto.
People were following me in the street, and I didn't really want people to know where I was living.
SPOCK TEM RAÍZES EM BOSTON As pessoas seguiam-me na rua, e não queria que as pessoas soubessem onde vivia.
No, I didn't want you to give up on this place, on these people, to be afraid.
Não queria que desistisses deste lugar, desta gente, que ficasses com medo.
I didn't want to hurt you, I just had to stop you.
Não a quis magoar, só a quis parar.
I just didn't want you to think I was such a wastoid, you know?
Não quis que pensasses que eu era um fracote.
He asked for help. I didn't want to refuse.
Ele pediu ajuda e eu não quis recusar.
And I thought you didn't want to know anything about me.
E eu pensava que não querias saber nada sobre mim.
I didn't want to intrude, but I just had to say that I'm such an admirer of yours.
Não queria intrometer-me, mas tenho de dizer que sou um grande admirador seu.
Look, I didn't want to retire her.
Eu não queria desmantelá-la.

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