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I know you would traduction Portugais

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I know you would.
Eu sei que farás. Assim como eu.
You know, if I didn't know any better, I would think he wasn't happy to see us.
Se não te conhecesse ia pensar que não estás feliz em ver-nos.
And there were about seven phone booths there, you know, and the kids would make them one at a time and I'm running from one booth to another. "Oh, yeah, hello, Mrs. So-and-so," or the wife of a guy, you know? " Hello, Angie? He's fine.
Eram eles que atiravam tomates e ovos à grande imagem no topo do cartaz do Paramount Theatre, muito infantil.
Well, if you'd met my mother, you'd know the answer would be yes, but, uh, by my nature, I try to avoid introspection.
Bem, se conhecesse a minha mãe, saberia que a resposta seria sim, mas, por minha natureza, tento evitar a introspecção.
If you had gassed them, just so you know, I would have said it was the right thing to do.
Se os tivesses gaseado, só para que saibas, eu teria dito que foi a coisa certa a fazer.
You know, I never really figured the concept of plausible deniability would feature quite so prominently in my adult life.
Sabes, realmente nunca pensei que o conceito... De negação plausível estaria... Tão proeminente na minha vida adulta.
You know, I don't think Victoria would've appreciated you pulling me out of her funeral reception early.
Acho que a Victoria não gostaria que me tirasses da recepção fúnebre tão cedo.
Um, I would try to be fair, but, uh, I am on record, you know, very famously, as having released a kraken.
Eu tentaria ser justo, mas que fique claro, sabe, muito famoso, por ter libertado um kraken.
Do you know what can happen in the hour or two I would be wasting with you?
Sabe o que pode acontecer na hora ou duas que eu estaria a desperdiçar consigo?
Look, if the fucking legal system would co-operate, then, yeah, I'd be kicking his ass all over Hollywood, but, you know, thanks, Obama.
Se a merda do sistema legal colaborasse, então, sim, dava-lhe uma abada em Hollywood, mas obrigado, Obama. Eu vou só...
I don't know what I would've done without you.
Eu não sei o que faria sem ti.
You know what, I thought he would for a second.
Sabes uma coisa, pensei que o faria por segundo.
You know, if Dr. Winter were in less than comfortable circumstances, I would worry they may not improve after today's events.
Sabe, se o Dr. Winter estivesse numa situação desconfortável, ficaria preocupado que elas não pudessem melhorar depois daquilo que ocorreu hoje.
I would say thanks for coming, but there's free booze, so I know why you're here. Especially you!
Agradecer-vos-ia por virem, mas há álcool à borla, por isso, sei por que estão cá.
It turns out, for no good reason, and I know you're going through a lot, but the normal thing, and the polite thing would be to ask me in for cup of tea.
Sei que estás a passar por muito, mas o mais educado a fazer agora era convidares-me para beber um chá.
You do know I'm still at the age where I would play with a doll, right?
Sabes que ainda tenho idade para brincar com bonecas, certo?
- that kid would do. - I know you feelin'me, girl, stop playin'.
Sei que estás a desejar-me, miúda, pára de brincar.
And you wouldn't know where I could find this pretty girl, would you?
Sabe onde posso encontrar essa rapariga bonita, sabe?
Now, I don't know very much about cars, but, how much would a vehicle like that set you back?
Agora, não sei muito sobre carros, mas, quanto custaria um veículo como este?
You know, I thought it would probably be two beige ones.
Pensei que seriam dois mestiços.
But even if she did live here and spoke English, I feel like I would never visit her, you know? 'Cause that's what we all do.
Mas mesmo que ela vivesse cá e falasse inglês, acho que nunca a visitaria, pois é o que todos fazemos.
You know what's weird is that you would theoretically rather have a clean floor than me blow you, because if I just made a mess every day,
- O mais estranho é que preferes ter o chão limpo do que eu a fazer-te um broche.
I know, of course, that my support would mean the world to you.
Sei que o meu apoio significa muito para si.
I would have gotten to know you first.
Eu teria o conhecido primeiro.
You know, I would have thought you'd changed after everything, but... you're still the same.
Sabes, pensei que tu mudarias depois de tudo, mas... continuas o mesmo.
If I were to look at your life's work, would I know who you really are?
Se eu vir o trabalho da tua vida, vou saber quem tu és realmente?
I don't know why you would do this, but I know that you would do anything to save your own skin.
Não sei porque fizeste isso, mas sei que farias qualquer coisa para salvar a tua própria pele.
Did you really think that you would know something about my trainees that I didn't?
Pensaste mesmo que sabias alguma coisa sobre os meus estagiários que eu não soubesse?
- They would tell you that they would make everything better, that they accepted you in ways that your... - ♪ I know I could be spending ♪ - ♪ A little too much time with you ♪ - your family wouldn't.
Eles iam dizer-me que iam fazer tudo melhor, que eles me aceitavam de maneira... que a minha família não faria.
Did Roxanna reveal some private confidence that only you and I would know?
A Roxanna revelou segredos íntimos que apenas você e eu poderíamos saber?
And what exactly do you know about me and what I would or wouldn't understand, young lady?
E exactamente, o que sabes sobre mim? E o que entenderias ou não, menina?
I know that you would.
Sei que o faria.
If you'd really gotten to know me, you'd know that I would never do anything to hurt you, Jemma.
Se me conhecesses bem, saberias que nunca te magoaria.
You know I never would have done that to Henry if I didn't have good reason.
Sabes que nunca teria feito aquilo ao Henry, se eu não tivesse um bom motivo.
Louis, you promised Harvey you would stay out of it. I just need to know what happened.
Louis, prometeste ao Harvey que ficavas de fora.
And I thought it would be fun, you know, for us to work together again on a case.
E pensei que seria giro trabalharmos juntos outra vez num caso.
You know they say that drowning is actually a pretty good way to go, which I would hope for.
Dizem que afogar-se é uma boa forma de morrer, espero que seja.
You know, Meatlug, ordinarily, I would pretend to be upset at being left behind, but to be honest, this time I just feel a lot safer being here with you...
Meatlug, geralmente, ia fingir tristeza por ficar para trás, mas sendo honesto, desta vez sinto-me mais seguro aqui contigo.
You know, there was a moment at the bonfire last year when I thought we would be ok, that hope could be raised by a real family.
Por momentos na fogueira, o ano passado, pensei que ficaríamos bem. Que a Hope seria criada por uma família a sério.
Do you know, if i had known, I would have kept some raw for you.
Sabes, se eu soubesse tinha mantido um pouco crú para ti.
I would be here to protect you, but since you didn't, I need to know where in the hell is Rebekah?
Mas dado que não o fizeste, tenho de saber onde raio está a Rebekah.
I think she's just saying that life would be, you know, life.
Ela está a dizer que a vida seria... a vida.
! Clearly, I didn't know it was about vampires, because I wasn't paying attention, which you would know, if you ever paid attention to me!
Claramente não sabia que era sobre vampiros, porque não estava a prestar atenção, o que tu saberias, se por uma vez me prestasses atenção a mim.
I know what that feels like, and I would never do that to you.
Sei qual é a sensação e nunca te faria isso.
I was... really hoping I would, you know?
Estava... realmente esperançada que iria, sabe?
I'd love to know whose side you're on, but it would be rude of me to ask such blunt discourse from so beautiful a woman without first buying her lunch.
Adorava saber de que lado estás. Mas seria indelicado da minha parte perguntar isso directamente a uma mulher tão bela, sem primeiro lhe pagar o almoço.
You know I would show you no mercy if given the opportunity.
Se tiver oportunidade, não vou ter misericórdia.
You know, I haven't said anything up till now, because I was hoping that the two of you would remove your heads from your own asses without assistance.
Não disse nada até agora, porque esperava que vocês deixassem de ser uns caras de cu sem se darem assistência!
I start to wonder what it would've been like if, you know...
começo a perguntar como teria sido se...
Listen, I saw what happened, but you should know, we at the station would hate to lose you.
Ouve, eu vi o que aconteceu, mas devias saber que nós na estação não gostaríamos de te perder.
I don't know... But would you fight with me?
Que tal lutar comigo?

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