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I think i've got it traduction Portugais

422 traduction parallèle
I've already got two bodyguards, but I'll think it over.
Já tenho dois guarda-costas, mas vou pensar nisso.
I think you've got something. I'll wait outside until you clean it up.
Meu filho, deixa-te de histórias!
After you called up I spoke to them, and I think I've got Velma on my side but Ma is against it.
O contei a elas, e acredito que Velma está do meu lado mas Mabel está em contra.
I know it must sound terribly selfish of me, Don but I've got to think of myself.
Sei que deve parecer muito egoísta da minha parte, Don mas tenho de pensar em mim.
I don't think there's another man alive who could've done it. Right you are, Rosie,'cause no other man alive's got you.
Não há outro homem vivo, que pudesse ter feito isto.
You're a good salesman, but I've got to think about it.
És um bom vendedor, mas tenho que pensar sobre o assunto.
I think I've got it.
Acho que já sei.
You've got another whole year to go... and I don't think you're going to make it.
Ainda fica mais um ano... e não acredito que consiga.
Just when I think I've got it, it's gone again.
Quando julgo que já sei o texto, esqueço-me outra vez.
I think I've got it.
Acho que já percebi.
I think they've got it in for me.
Acho que fazem isso por minha causa.
It's a small summit lesion, and I think we've got it in time.
- É uma lesão com pequeno cume, e penso que temos isso no momento.
I've got to think it out.
Tenho que pensar.
Oh, I've got to think it out.
Tenho que pensar.
Hmm... ( Barbara ) I think I've got it!
Acho que já sei!
Chefe, acho que já entendi.
I think I've got a lead and I'd like to check it out in the file.
Acho que tenho uma pista e quero verificar o arquivo.
- Acho que descobri, chefe.
Jim, I think I've got it.
Jim, já descobri.
I think if your client is a rock'n'roll singer you've got it made.
Acho que, se o cliente for cantor de rock'n'roll, estàs muito bem.
I think you've got it reversed, Mr. Krako.
Acho que percebeu mal, Sr. Krako.
I think you've got it.
- É isso mesmo.
Phibes must be out first, otherwise we would have... Yes, I think... I think I've got it.
Caso contrário, nós... sim, eu acho que eu entendi.
Well... I think you've got it, kid.
Acho que tens o dom, miúdo.
OK, I think I've got it together.
Acho que já percebi.
We've got some upstairs but I don't think it's enough.
Há mais lá em cima, mas duvido que chegue.
I think we've got it now.
Acho que agora vamos conseguir.
I think I've got it.
Penso que a tirei.
Smashing store to manage, this. I think I've got it, sir.
- o peixe mais fresco de Londres... "
I think I've got it- - it's rag week.
- Já sei, é a semana do Carnaval.
I think I've got a pretty good shot at it.
e minhas possibilidades são muito boas.
- I think I've got it.
- Acho que já sei...
I think you've some idea what's in the papers... when the former Attorney General comes to the office... when it's taking place at the Committee to Re-Elect... and got a raincoat over his head. Why's he in a raincoat?
É fácil de imaginar, se o ex-procurador-geral... quando os rasgam, aparece de gabardina pela cabeça.
I don't think we've got it.
Não temos provas.
Come to think of it, I've got an excuse to spend a little bit of time with you.
Isso faz-me pensar, que tenho uma desculpa para passar algum tempo consigo.
- I think I've got it figured out.
- Creio que já percebi...
They've got an idea downtown. I think it's a good one.
Na esquadrajá têm uma ideia.
No, of course not, but they've got Leila and they're gonna kill her unless I can make them think I've blown it up.
Mrs Moran, I think it might be worthwhile after all for us to set up some of the equipment we've got with us in the car.
Sra. Moran, acho que vale a pena montarmos uns equipamentos que temos no carro.
I've got this great new idea for a book. I think I'm gonna write it up.
Tive uma grande ideia para o novo livro, vou escrever.
If we've got any surprises for each other, I don't think we're in much shape to do anything about it.
Se tivermos surpresas um com o outro, não penso que estejamos em condições de fazer muito.
I think I've got it.
Acho que consegui.
I think you can be funny about something when you deal with a subject, but then you've really got to deal with it.
Venham, meninas! Qual foi o seu maior feito nesta mesa?
I don't think I've got it.
Penso que não a tenho.
- Acho que já percebi, Carstairs.
Hold on, i think i've got it!
Espera, espera. Vejo-a.
I think it's the only chance we've got.
Acho que é a nossa única hipótese.
Just when I think I've got it, visualized it, it just all goes away.
Quando penso que percebi, que o visualizei, desaparece tudo.
You think you've got what it takes? I've been guarding my gate for a long time, bitch.
Pensas que és capaz de vencer-me mas há muito tempo que guardo o meu portão, cabra!
- Yeah, I've got to think about it.
- Sim, pensarei nisso.
I think I've got it now.
Acho que agora consegui.

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