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I thought that was you traduction Portugais

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I thought that was you.
- Pensei que tivesses sido tu!
Hank, I thought that was you.
Hank, bem me parecia que eras tu.
I thought that was you.
Eu pensei que fosses tu.
PETE : I thought that was you.
Bem me parecia que eras tu.
ZOE : I thought that was you at the club yesterday.
Pensei que eras tu, ontem, na discoteca.
I thought that you were the one that was gonna get fired if you don't keep me happy.
Pensei que tu é que ias ser despedida se não me mantiveres feliz...
No I just remember you saying that and I thought it was funny
Acabei de me lembrar que falaste num que achavas engraçado.
No ; that's why I thought it was strange that you drew a cat.
Por isso achei estranho teres desenhado um gato.
I thought it was so weird that you wanted to hang out with Barry.
Achei muito estranho que quisesses sair com o Barry.
If there was ever a time that you loved me, if there was ever a time you thought I was a good person, then I want you to hear this.
Se houve algum momento em que me amaste, se houve algum momento em que achaste que eu era boa pessoa, então quero que ouças isto.
I know I was the best CIA agent that the CIA ever had but I thought I told you honkies from the CIA that Black Dynamite was out of the game.
Sei que fui o melhor agente que a CIA jamais teve... mas lembro-me de vos dizer, branquelas da CIA... que o Black Dynamite está fora.
Thought it would be weird if it was a her. That way people might think I'm seeing somebody, and it might actually drive away beautiful women like you.
Seria estranho se fosse mulher, as pessoas podiam achar que estou a sair com alguém, e isso afastaria as mulheres bonitas como tu.
I thought you said that he wasn't serious, he was just kicking the tires.
Tinhas dito que ele não estava a ser sério, que só nos estava a fazer perder tempo.
I thought it was strange, too, a guy who looks like that had a Mexican last name, but I don't judge people, you know?
Também pensei que era estranho, um gajo com aquela aparência e com o último nome mexicano, mas eu não julgo as pessoas, sabes?
You know, I thought that she was really into food flavoring and...
Sabes, pensei que ela gostava do que eu fazia e...
It doesn't make any sense to me, because I thought the new system was that I was supposed to talk to Charles, and then Charles was supposed to talk to you, and that would dilute any need for me
Não faz sentido para mim. Pensei que, com este novo sistema, devesse falar com o Charles depois falasse consigo e que isso reduzisse qualquer necessidade de falar consigo.
When you said that the poison was running through your veins, can I tell you what I thought of immediately?
Quando falaste em veneno nas veias, sabes o que me ocorreu de imediato?
You thought I was greedy, insensitive, a son of a bitch. You feel that I've judged you from the beginning?
Pensou que eu era ganancioso, insensível, um filho da mãe...
I thought you said that coming here was, uh... was your wife's idea.
Pensei que tinha dito que vir aqui tinha sido ideia da sua mulher.
I thought it was funny... that you had a black and blue couch.
Achava que era engraçado ter um sofá preto e azul.
Your wife... was pregnant at the same time I was, but you thought that I should get an abortion.
A sua mulher estava grávida ao mesmo tempo que eu, mas achou que eu devia abortar.
When I carried grenades in Dolores'pram, you all thought that was good.
Quando transportei granadas no carrinho da Dolores... todos disseram : Muito bem, de acordo!
You know, that I thought he was gonna die?
Que pensei que ele fosse morrer?
That I thought I was gonna have to stand there and watch him die, and, you know, not be able to help?
Que pensei que teria de ficar lá e vê-lo morrer sem poder ajudar?
I thought you just said that she was- - she is annoying, and I hide when she knocks on my door, but she does not deserve for you to be wrecking her marriage.
Pensava que tinhas dito que ela era... Ela é chata e eu escondo-me quando ela me vem bater à porta, mas ela não merece que lhe estragues o casamento.
Imra, i understand that you were only doing What you thought was best.
Imra, eu sei que só estavas a fazer aquilo que achavas melhor.
I know he thought that was the only way to keep you.
Eu sei que ele pensou que era a única maneira de ficar contigo.
And I always thought I would do it with someone That I really cared about, You know, someone who was the one,
E eu sempre pensei que seria com alguém com quem eu me preocupo, alguém que fosse "O tal", talvez o único.
I mean, I know you always thought he was a genius, but does that make me stupid?
Sabia que o achavas um génio, mas isso faz de mim um idiota?
But I thought you said she couldn't appreciate the fact that her father was shot.
Mas pensei que disse que ela não teria percebido que o pai tinha sido morto. Sim.
I know that you thought that this trip was Mo's birthday.
Sei que achas que esta viagem foi pelo aniversário do Mo.
Naomi just thought that I would be a good resource for you, and she was right.
A Naomi pensou que eu seria um bom recurso e estava certa.
I thought that it was you, but no.
Pensava que eras tu, mas não.
It was a great man, you know, and I just thought the profession was something to avoid at all costs It's what attracted us to be together that mutual love-hate for the profession, you know,
Ele era um grande homem, sabe, e simplesmente pensei que a profissão era algo a evitar a todo custo
You actually thought that I was a lesbian?
Pensaste mesmo que eu era lésbica?
So, you know, I thought that was pretty cool.
Achei que era muito fixe e...
I don't understand.I thought you and emerson were friends yeah, that was before he left me to rot with the fbi.
Não percebo. Pensava que tu e o Emerson eram amigos. Sim, isso foi antes de ele me deixar a apodrecer com o FBI.
I mean, the whole thing was so inconceivable that at first I thought it was you.
Era tudo tão inconcebível que, no início, pensei que fosses tu.
I really liked spending time with you, And I just thought that if I was better, That you wouldn't want to hang out anymore.
Gosto muito de estar contigo, e achei que se melhorasse não querias estar mais comigo.
It was like water. I thought, you know, that it was going To be the best day of my life.
Pensei que ia ser o dia mais feliz da minha vida.
The fact that you thought I was gonna go wash Rose right now... makes me think you may not know that much about children. I know they need to be cleaned.
O facto de pensar que eu fosse lavar a Rose, faz-me pensar que talvez não saiba muito de crianças.
You brought out a gentleness in me that I thought was dead, gone.
Tu fizeste aflorar uma docilidade em mim... que pensava estar morta acabada.
I thought the point of New York was that you didn't need a car.
Pensava que a ideia de Nova Iorque era não precisares de carro.
She thought I was a punk. You know, the kind of guy that hangs out in bars.
Tu sabes, o tipo de pessoa que passa a vida nos bares.
She thought that I was rich and privileged, and wrong for you.
Achou que eu era rica e privilegiada, a pessoa errada para ti.
I'm storming the freaking castle for you. You thought I was so weak that I'm gonna walk away because my pride got wounded? And you so underestimated me.
Faço das tripas coração por ti, e tu só me subestimas.
Me, I thought it was the voice of the girl, you know that was'handling'him, but no!
Pensei que era a miúda, mas não, era ele!
You know, there was... there was a part of me that really thought... that Sam and I weren't gonna be able to work it out.
Devo dizer que uma parte de mim realmente pensava... que Sam e eu não seríamos capazes de nos reconciliar.
That was your bad cop? I thought you were being the good cop.
Aquilo era o teu policia mau?
Just when I thought it was weird that I'm going graduation, pregnancy, marriage I remember you went marriage, pregnancy, graduation and I just don't feel so bad.
Sabes, quando penso que foi estranho ter-me licenciado, estar à espera de um filho, casamento, lembro-me que tu casaste, engravidaste e licenciaste-te, e não me sinto tão mal.
Wait, you're the one that fixed us up in the first place. I thought you was okay with this.
Espera, Jamie, foste tu quem nos juntou, pensava que não tinhas problemas com isto.

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