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I thought you knew that traduction Portugais

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I thought you knew that without me havin'to say it.
Pensei que o sabias.
Well, I thought you knew that.
Bem, eu pensei que soubesses isso.
It happens to fighters. I thought you knew that.
Isso acontece com lutadores.
I thought you knew that I don't do this anymore. I'm retired.
Pensei que soubesse... que eu me aposentei.
- I thought you knew that. - Oh, my God!
Pensei que soubesses...
I thought you knew that.
Pensei que sabias disso.
I thought you knew that algebra was all razzmatazz.
Pensei que sabia que era tudo uma grande treta.
- I thought you knew that.
- Pensei que soubesses.
I thought you knew that.
Pensei que soubesses.
You'll never see the tapeworm that way. - I thought you knew better.
Assim nunca conseguirá ver a bicha-solitária.
But since I knew that you were anxious to get rid of the property, and all the memories connected with it, I thought that in my position as Mayor, I would take the liberty of sending for you.
Mas como eu sabia que a Senhora se quer desfazer da propriedade... e das recordações relacionadas com ela, pensei que, como presidente da câmara, poderia tomar a liberdade de a mandar chamar.
I thought I knew you better than that. I know how fond you were of those boys... and how proud of them you were.
Eu sabia que te conhecia, jackson... e sei o quanto gostas dos teus filhos... e o orgulho que tens neles.
I thought you wasn't coming, yet I knew somehow that you would.
Pensei que não vinhas, embora soubesse de alguma forma que o farias.
I thought maybe it might... ease your mind some about that gold... - if you knew somethin'about me.
Para que se sinta mais tranquilo em relação ao ouro, vai gostar de saber uma coisa sobre mim.
Samarra, I thought that once I knew you, you would be a wonderful moment and no more.
Samarra Pensei que quando a conhecesse, seria um momento maravilhoso.
You knew, I thought, that I would be afraid.
Você sabia, eu pensava, que eu teria medo.
I thought that if you knew they weren't coming till sundown, maybe you've got business in Bright City or something.
Pensei que se soubesses que eles não iriam entrar até ao pôr-do-sol, talvez tivesses assuntos para tratar em Bright City ou algo do género.
Because I knew that whatever I should've thought about it, inevitably I would've been praying not to forget you,
Porque eu sabia que embora não deva pensar sobre isto, inevitavelmente estaria orando não para esquecer você,
I know, but when I heard that woman say she knew everything, I thought I should come over here and tell you about it.
Eu sei, mas quando ouvi a mulher a dizer que sabia tudo, achei que devia cá vir dizer-vos.
Today when I first knew it was your ship that followed us, I thought of you and wondered what I would find.
Quando soube que era a tua nave que nos seguia, pensei em ti e perguntei-me o que encontraria.
I thought you knew better than that.
Deverias ter mais juízo.
I know, but when I heard that woman say she knew everything, I thought I should come over here and tell you about it.
Eu sei, mas quando ouvi aquela mulher dizer que sabia de tudo, achei melhor vir aqui para lhe falar sobre isso.
I feel that everything I thought about you before I really knew you is not what I feel anymore.
Sinto que tudo o que pensava a seu respeito antes de a conhecer a sério já não é o que eu sinto.
What do you mean "unknown?" I thought you knew every drug known to mankind... three thousand or something like that. Unknown?
I thought that you knew that.
- Eu não quero que vá. Pensava que já sabia.
I always knew you were smart, but I... I just thought that you were burned out and lazy.
Sempre soube que eras esperto, mas pensei que estavas queimado e que eras preguiçoso.
I thought that your first Christmas in a new town, where you knew maybe three people, wouldn't be your favorite.
Achei que o primeiro Natal numa cidade estranha não seria dos melhores.
I bet you thought you knew that.
Aposto em como pensaste que já sabias isso.
I knew you had that anger in you, Matt but... But I thought it would be the dealers and the junkies and the human garbage that you'd be cleaning the city of.
Sabia que tinhas fúria dentro de ti, Matt mas sempre achei que te contentavas com os traficantes e a baixeza humana, que estavas a limpar a cidade.
I thought you knew me better than that.
Pensava que me conhecias melhor.
- You blurted it out just like that? - I thought he knew.
Contaste tudo como se nada fosse?
I thought you knew how to rig that thing.
Pensei que tu conseguisses armadilhar aquela coisa.
I thought you knew me better than that.
Não, não vivo com ninguém.
I thought it was much more amusing this way also since I knew that you knew.
Também me pareceu muito mais divertido desta forma, sabendo eu que vós sabíeis.
I thought you knew me better then that by now.
Achei que já me conhecias melhor.
I just never knew that you thought Robert was more attractive.
Só nunca pensei que achasses que o Robert era mais.
Well, I thought that you might need a little break, and since I knew you wouldn't take one voluntarily, I decided to force you.
O meu pai precisa de descansar e, como não podia trazer-te voluntariamente decidi forçar-te.
I actually knew that. I thought you meant a more specific plan with maps.
Pensei que falavas em algo mais específico, como mapas.
I didn't tell you the truth because I knew you'd go ballistic, and I thought that I would save myself the drama.
Eu não te disse a verdade porque sabia que te ias passar, e pensei que me ia proteger a mim desse drama.
I thought that maybe he slept there a lot, maybe you knew him.
Ocorreu-me que devia dormir lá muito. Talvez o conheça.
I knew that you thought it was a bad idea.
Sabia que achavas má ideia.
I thought that if you knew that Buddy was a part of me, I thought that you wouldn't have me then.
Pensei que se soubesses que aquele Buddy fazia parte de mim... pensei que não me quisesses.
I thought of something that I knew you'd be thrilled to death with!
Pensei em algo que sabia que ias adorar!
I know you don't know nothing about no pussy... but I thought you knew about that nitrogen trimesteride.
Ouve, já sabia que não sabes nada sobre conas,... mas pensei que percebesses do trimestedo de azoto.
I thought you knew my Aunt and that's why you were here.
Pensei que conhecia a minha tia e que por isso estava cá.
At one point, just to make it very clear where I'm coming from... At one point I thought that if what we did together was all that you wanted, it was because you knew more than me.
A dado passo - só para tornar claro aonde quero chegar - a dado passo pensei que o que fazíamos era só o que querias, era por saberes mais do que eu.
I thought you'd found something. I thought you were ahead of me and that in the end you would tell me what you knew.
Achei que tinhas descoberto qualquer coisa, que me tinhas ultrapassado mas que havias por acabar dizendo-me o que sabias.
I thought you knew me well enough to know that I didn't.
E não inventei. Pensei que me conhecias o suficiente para perceber isso.
I just thought if I knew more... that I could love you more.
Pensei que, se soubesse mais, te conseguia amar mais.
We both thought it best that I not tell you we knew each other.
Ambos achámos melhor eu não te dizer que nos conheciamos.
I thought you said that almost never knew your parents.
Parecia-me que tinhas dito que não conhecias os teus pais.

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