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I told him to stop traduction Portugais

86 traduction parallèle
I told him to stop. He didn't stop.
Disse-lhe para parar, mas não o fez.
I told him to stop, but he said he could make it.
Disse-lhe que parasse, mas... ele disse que conseguia.
Yeah, he didn't listen when I told him to stop crying.
Pois é, mas não me deu ouvidos quando lhe pedi que não chorasse.
I told him to stop.
Eu disse-lhe para parar.
He pushed me onto the bed and I told him to stop, and he kept going.
Ele empurrou-me para a cama. Disse-lhe para parar, mas ele continuou.
I told him to stop all that graffiti crap.
Eu disse-lhe para ele parar mas ele vá de pintar...
I wanted Burke to stop. I told him to stop.
- Eu pedi ao Burke para parar.
I told him to stop, he trashed the whole place.
Disse-lhe "Pára". Partiu isto tudo.
By the third time... I told him to stop confessing.
À terceira, disse-lhe para parar de confessar.
I told him to stop buttering everything.
Eu disse-lhe para parar de pôr manteiga em tudo!
If I told him to stop, he'd have known something was up.
Se lhe dissesse para cancelar o serviço, percebia que se passava qualquer coisa.
I told him to stop...
Disse-lhe para parar...
Well, he... I told him to stop.
Eu disse para ele parar.
I told him to stop. He kept turning around, okay?
Eu disse-lhe para parar, ele continuou a correr, ok?
And I told him to stop.
E eu disse para ele parar.
I told him to stop, but he wouldn't.
Mandei-o parar, mas não parou.
I swear, I told him to stop.
Eu juro, pedi que ele parasse.
I told him to stop coming to me.
Pedi para ele parar de me procurar.
At 3 : 00 in the morning, I called Papa and told him I was going to stop touring and stay at home with him and you. We'd be a real family.
Às 3h da manhã, liguei para o pai e disse-lhe que ia parar de fazer tournées para ficar em casa com ele e contigo, como uma família.
I would have tried to stop him, but the security guard told me to just stay away from them until they arrived.
Eu o tentei impedir, mas a segurança mandou segura-los aqui até que chegassem aqui.
I was concerned that Mr. Fisher might find out the location of the show. I told Mr. Talbott to stop him at all costs.
Preocupava-me que o Sr. Fischer soubesse da gravação e disse ao Sr. Talbott para o deter de qualquer maneira.
I struggled with him and told him to stop.
Lutámos e mandei-o parar. Mas ele não parou.
- Well, I told him once or twice - ( MUTTERING ) to stop playin'cards and a-shootin'dice
Eu disse a ele várias vezes Para parar com as cartas e com os dados
I told him once or twice to stop playin'cards and a-shootin'dice
Para parar com as cartas e com os dados
You have always told me that love leads to pain but I do not know what it was about him... that I just could not stop myself.
Você sempre me disse que o amor conduz á dor... mas eu não sei, o que era eu sem ele... eu apenas não me consigo controlar.
Glen, I told you to stop him!
I always told him, " You ever stop writing I'm gonna come to your house and kick your * * * * * * * ass.
Eu sempre lhe disse " Se você parar de escrever... vou a sua casa e dou-lhe um pontapé no * * * *.
So, uh, either Bob told Linda to stop the car and let him out, or she told him to start walking? I mean, it's bad enough that raccoon-boy blows his girlfriend off to go fur-piling - - he gets sick licking some nasty kitty and makes lambchop drive him home. Yes.
Ou o Bob mandou a Linda parar para ele sair ou ela pô-lo na rua?
And that's when I told him to stop.
E eu disse-lhe para parar.
Today I told him it had to stop.
Hoje, disse-lhe que tinha de acabar.
When Vaughn took off, as I've already told you, I tried to stop him.
Quando o Vaughn fugiu, como eu já te referi, eu tentei pará-lo.
I told him to stop.
Ele é doido.
I told him not to stop.
Eu disse-lhe para não parar.
I told him to stop.
Eu disse-lhe que parasse.
I told him it wasn't his business. If he tried to stop it, or put his hands on me, Shane would kick his ass.
Disse-lhe que não era da conta dele e que se tentasse proibir-me ou bater-me, o Shane lhe daria uma tareia.
- I told her to stop touching him, but she wouldn't listen.
- Eu disse-lhe para parar de lhe tocar, mas ela não me dá ouvidos.
I told him to stop to bring it.
Disse-lhe que parasse de a trazer.
Okay, remember how you told me I should stop talking to him online?
Lembras-te de me dizeres que devia parar de falar com ele na Internet?
I told him not to stop driving until he reaches the Mexican border.
Disse-lhe para não parar o carro até chegar à fronteira mexicana.
I listened when you told me Dale was a loser and to stop dating him.
Dei-te ouvidos quando disseste que o Dale era bera e que o deixasse. Que é?
I told him to send it to me so he would stop freaking out.
Disse-lhe para me enviar para se acalmar.
I told him you'd stop in to say hello before the surgery.
Disse-lhe que passavas lá para o cumprimentares antes da cirurgia.
I wrote Bryce in prison, and I told him that we had to stop.
Eu escrevi ao Bryce para a prisão e disse-lhe que tínhamos de acabar.
" I called him and told him to stop, but he won't leave me alone.
" Telefonei-lhe e pedi-lhe que parasse, mas ele não me vai dar descanso.
I told him to stop.
Disse-lhe para parar.
You know I told him immediately to stop.
Mandei-o parar.
I told him his longing for harmony was pathological, that it left nothing but unsolved problems and that he should finally stop always turning a deaf ear and to wish, smile, silence everything away, that he should overcome his laziness...
Disse-lhe que o seu desejo por harmonia era patológico, que só deixava problemas por resolver, e que devia parar de vez de fazer-se de surdo e desejar, sorrir, esquecer o resto, e que devia superar a sua preguiça...
I thought I told you to stop seeing him.
Pensei que te tinha dito para deixares de o ver.
So, I told him if he wanted to stop the wedding, he had to speak now or forever hold his peace.
Disse-lhe, se queria impedir o casamento, que falasse agora. Ou calar-se para sempre.
And when I told him I wanted to enroll in the academy, not only did he not stop me, I know he pulled strings to get me in early.
E quando eu disse que queria entrar na universidade, ele não só deixou, sei que mexeu uns cordelinhos para eu entrar mais depressa.
He want us to talk about the project, I told him he could stop by, but I did not think he would.
Quer falar sobre o projecto, disse que ele podia passar por cá, mas não pensei que o fizesse.

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