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If it was traduction Portugais

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'Cause that guy, he wouldn't just sit around and wait if it was one of us.
Pois aquele homem, não se sentaria ou esperaria se fosse um de nós.
Now look, I'm just sayin', if it was up to me, I wouldn't be messin'about with it.
Ouve, estou apenas a dizer, se fosse comigo, eu não estaria a brincar com isso.
What if it was bigger?
E se foi algo maior?
If it was anyone's fault, it was mine.
Se alguém teve culpa, fui eu. - Ouve-me.
I couldn't tell if it was writing or not.
Não sei se são escritos.
I mean, if it was up to me, I'd go out of my mind.
Quero dizer, se fosse comigo, ficaria maluco.
If it was any other man, I'd be expected to send a search party.
Se fosse outro homem qualquer, eu enviaria uma equipa de buscas. Com ele não será diferente.
What if it was meant for me?
E se era para mim?
And if it was my daughter, I'd kill that son of a bitch dead.
Mataria aquele filho da puta.
If it was stolen, then that means that the offender was close enough to the family to access Emily's bag.
Se foi roubada, isso significa que o criminoso estava muito perto da família para aceder ao saco da Emily.
She then scattered that around in Pennsylvania as if it was her own.
E espalhou-o na Pensilvânia como se fosse dela.
Okay, then, if it wasn't you, then who was it, and... and where are we?
Se não foste tu, quem foi? E... onde estamos?
Shit, if it was easy, Rocketdyne and Boeing would already have done it.
Merda, se fosse fácil, a Rocketdyne e a Boeing já o teriam feito.
'Cause if it was something like "I'm gonna be late" or "Call me," then it's easy to text back.
ou "Liga-me", então é fácil responder-lhe.
And I asked if it was my daughter in the car, what car it was, and they wouldn't give me any information.
E perguntei se era a minha filha que estava no carro, que carro era, e eles não me davam informações.
So why all the secrecy if it was a suicide mission?
Então porquê todo este segredo se era uma missão suicida?
If it was one of ours, it would the size of a fleck of dust that could be monitored from halfway around the world.
Se fosse um dos nossos, seria do tamanho de um grão de poeira a ser monitorizado do outro lado do globo.
If I gave you a disgusting pink fluid to drink, and there was a sink there, and I said, "Rinse", - would you be able to work out where to spit it?
Se lhe desse um líquido rosa nojento, houvesse uma pia e eu mandasse bochechar, seria capaz de saber onde o cuspir?
If anything, I was too good at it.
No mínimo, eu era muito bom nisso.
Amanda? I was wondering if you could give me any tips or trips for making it look like I'm hard at work but I'm relaxing or taking - a nap?
Queria saber se podias dar-me alguma dica ou truque que me faça parecer trabalhadora no emprego mas que esteja na verdade a relaxar ou a fazer uma sesta?
Just in case you don't, I want a photo record of this technology, because if we lose it forever, I want proof of what Rahal was trying to build.
Para o caso de não conseguires, quero tirar uma fotografia dessa tecnologia, porque, se a perdermos para sempre, quero provas do que o Rahal tentava construir.
It was a bit fucking morbid, if you ask me.
Um bocado para o mórbido, se quer saber.
Even if one day you do return to Venice, nothing will ever be as it was for you.
Mesmo que um dia regresses a Veneza, nada será o mesmo que era para ti.
If it only targets humans, why was my cousin affected?
Se, apenas, atinge humanos, porque é que o meu primo foi afectado?
What if it had been this covert op that was designed to incite the social unrest necessary to justify the creation of Pretorius?
E se tivesse sido uma operação secreta que foi preparada para incitar uma necessária agitação social para justificar a criação do "Pretorius"?
Yes. And if I'm right, it contains the minds of all of those to whom it was connected, beginning with my creator.
Sim, e se eu estiver certa, contém a mente de todos aqueles a quem esteve ligada.
It's the only way to know for sure if this note was meant for me. Okay, let's say for a moment that the note was meant for you.
Certo, vamos dizer por um momento que o bilhete era para ti.
If there was enough water, it could have washed some of the bones downstream.
Se havia água suficiente, pode ter levado alguns ossos rio abaixo.
If the moment was meant to happen, an Indian guy in his boxers wouldn't be able to ruin it.
Se o momento fosse para acontecer, um tipo indiano de boxers não seria capaz de o estragar.
Man, if this was a condo, I could sell it like that.
Caramba, se isto é um apartamento, conseguia vende-lo na boa.
If it helps you sleep, every word was true.
Se te ajudar a dormir à noite, cada palavra foi verdadeira.
I'll answer that question, Linda, if you'll admit that it was really three questions in one.
Vou responder a essa pergunta, Linda, Se você admitir que são três perguntas numa.
Teddy was missing you, and if it's a problem, then I can - -
O Teddy tinha saudades tuas, mas se é um problema, então posso...
So if you knew it was me, why take out Remy?
Então, se sabias que era eu, porquê matar o Remy?
I was wondering if I could borrow your bikini because you're not using it, and...
Queria saber se podia usar o teu biquíni, porque não vais usá-lo
I was... just wondering, sir, if it might be possible for you to teach me that.
Estava a pensar se seria possível o Doutor ensinar-me isso.
If I'm not mistaken, it was by the same artist that did that tattoo.
Se não me engano, foi feita pelo mesmo artista que fez essa.
It was the anniversary of Mina's disappearance, and they did this computer thing to show what she would look like if she were still alive.
Era o aniversário do desaparecimento da Mina e fizeram uma simulação para ver como ela seria se estivesse viva.
Maybe it was more than just a list of antiquities sites. What if it's about people he met?
Talvez fosse mais do que uma lista de lugares de antiguidades.
If Ryan Larson was suicidal, you would have done something about it.
Se o Ryan Larson tinha tendências suicidas, você teria feito algo quanto a isso.
I was told that if I didn't do it, they would take out every single person on the list, and they would start with Liv.
Disseram-me que se não o fizesse, eles matavam todas as pessoas da lista, e começavam pela Liv.
'Cause you gave him a corner right in the middle of the Blue Cobras'territory, told him it was his if he could hold it.
Porque deu-lhe o território mesmo no meio dos Cobras Azuis, disse-lhe que era dele se o conseguisse manter.
I thought that if I could make Max Rager think that I was killing them, you would come up with a cure, and it would be a big happy ending for everyone.
Julguei que se convencesse a Max Rager de que estava a matá-los, tu inventavas a cura, e seria um final feliz para todos.
See, you know what? If Silicon Beach was around when I was younger, I'm pretty sure I would have crushed it.
Se a Praia do Silício fosse aqui quando era mais novo, eu arrasava.
Well, if that's true and the voice was distorted, then we should be able to un-distort it.
Se isso for verdade e a voz foi distorcida, então devemos ser capazes de dis-distorcê-la.
But I'm betting if somebody was aiming to soil your husband's good name, they could find a way to tie him into it.
Mas aposto que, se alguém quisesse manchar o bom nome do seu marido, arranjaria maneira de o ligar ao caso.
If he was in the room, it would explain a lot.
Se ele estivesse no quarto, isso explicaria muita coisa.
If they figure out it was you, it's gonna trace back to me.
Se descobrirem que foste tu, vão chegar até mim.
That was one of the key things that spurred this research... realizing that it was too dangerous for humans to go in but if you could have had a robot go in and just do some simple things, straightforward things that the humans were unable to do :
Essa foi uma das coisas principais que motivaram esta pesquisa, perceber que era demasiado perigoso para os humanos entrarem, mas, se se pudesse ter mandado um robô para fazer coisas simples, coisas fáceis que os humanos não podiam fazer,
If she was gonna shoot, she would have done it already.
Se ela quisesse atirar, já o teria feito.
I just keep thinking how awful it would be if, out of all of us, he was the one who didn't get to see Fillory.
Penso que seria terrível ele ser o único que não veria Fillory.

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