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It took a while traduction Portugais

493 traduction parallèle
It took a while for all to find their seats.
Levou algum tempo para todos encontrarem os seus lugares.
It took a while for the Sheriff to revive Boss from a choking fit.
Levou algum tempo até que o Xerife reanimasse o Boss do estado de choque.
You know, it took a while, but the whiskey caught up with me, I guess.
Levou algum tempo, mas acho que o whisky me bateu.
It took a while, but I got it.
Demorou, mas percebi.
- -were playing bingo, so it took a while to get everybody together.
Estávamos jogando bingo para nos reconciliar-nos...
It took a while to get a fine enough beam from the phaser.
Custou-me um pouco conseguir um raio de phaser tão fino.
It took a while, but this old haunt is finally coming together.
Demorou um bocado, mas esta velharia assombrada começa a ficar pronta.
Well, Roger wanted to sit next to you for a while, and I thought it would be nice if the children took turns.
O Roger queria ficar ao teu lado. Achei que seria bom as crianças trocarem de lugar.
I woke up screaming and yelling my head off Mother and Dad came in, it took them quite a while to calm me down
Tommy, gostavas que se dissesse que nós matámos alguém?
It'd serve Isham right if you walked in... and took her away from him while he's gone.
Seria bem feito para o Isham se fosses lá... e a levasses enquanto ele está fora.
My neighbor had explained how, but it took a while.
O meu vizinho ensinara-me o método.
He thought it'd be a good idea if I took a trip while he consummated this big deal, because I have no head for business.
Achou boa ideia eu fazer uma viagem enquanto tratava do negócio, porque não tenho cabeça para negócios.
I kind of got used to being a commander so when I arrived here at the hospital I took a look at the enlisted men's ward and then the officer's ward and I said to myself, "Let's let it ride along for a while."
Acostumei-me a ser um comandante e quando cheguei ao hospital olhei para a enfermaria dos soldados e para a dos oficiais e disse cá para mim : "Vamos continuar com a farsa mais algum tempo."
If I were you, I'd live with that a while before I took it in anyplace.
No seu lugar, acostumava-me com ele um tempo antes de levá-lo a algum lugar.
While you're standing there thinking about it, this man just took your life.
Enquanto você está pensando nisso, este homem acaba de te tirar a vida.
It took you a while, but you got there.
Viste como te lembraste com um pouco de imaginação?
Took me a while to work it out.
Tomou-me um tempo para abri-lo.
Maybe it was those guys on the pit crew in St. Louis. Took your book out of the car while you were getting massaged.
Talvez esses putos da frota de Saint Louis roubaram do... carro o livro com a rota enquanto te faziam as massagens.
But I'll tell you, it took every bit of strength I had... to hold it while the guy took the picture.
Mas digo-lhe que tive de usar toda a minha força para segurá-lo para a fotografia.
It took me a while.
Levei um tempo.
- Hmm? - It took me a while, but I traced you.
Levei algum tempo, mas apanhei-lhe o rasto.
They themselves took movies of the rip-off while they were ripping it off.
Filmaram-se a si próprios, enquanto assaltavam o banco.
Well, I mean, now I can, I suppose, but... Anyway, it took me a while to get over it.
Acho que agora já posso entender, mas... levei muito tempo para superar.
I took a blood sample, Tawnia took it to the lab while you were unconscious.
Tirei-te sangue e a Tawnia levou-o ao laboratório enquanto estiveste inconsciente.
It took my mind off everything for a while.
Por um bocado, não pensei em nada.
It took my mind off everything for a while.
- Foi divertido. Por um bocado, não pensei em nada.
It took you a while to get on to us.
Demorou até nos apanhares.
You know, it took me a while to perfect the basket trick.
Sabes demorei algum tempo a aperfeiçoar o truque do cesto.
I want you to tell her that... Tell her it took me a while to figure out what ajerk I've been but, um... that... that when things started to pan out for her I should have been more supportive.
Quero que lhe digas... que demorei muito tempo a perceber... que tenho sido um idiota... mas... que... que quando as coisas começaram a acontecer para ela... eu devia ter-lhe dado mais apoio.
I must admit I was a bit worried at first, it took us quite a while to warm up to you.
Fiquei preocupada, levaste um tempo até aqueceres.
You took it while I was sleeping?
Levaste-o quando eu estava a dormir.
"It took me a while to work it out." They wanted the shopping list. "
Custou-me a encontrar a resposta, mas, é lógico, eles queriam a lista.
The type of the moustache had an accomplice to the wait in a fast car what took it the Windermere while he was disguising himself as the bank from behind.
O tipo do bigode tinha um cúmplice à espera num carro veloz que o levou a Windermere enquanto ele se disfarçava no banco de trás.
The defenseless youngsters were tied up and gagged in the living room... while the bandit roamed through the house at will, stealing the valuable objects it took the family a lifetime to shop for.
Os jovens indefesos foram atados na sala de estar... enquanto o bandido percorria a casa, roubando os objectos de valor que a família... levou a vida inteira para obter.
It took you a while, but you got us red-handed.
Demorou um pouco, mas apanhaste-nos em flagrante.
It's been a while since your daddy took Buck to do the deed.
Já faz algum tempo que o papá levou o Buck para a acção.
It took me a while, but I got him back really good.
Me custou um tempo, mas lhe devolvi a brincadeira.
He mentioned that it took him a while to woo Kamla, Bimla and Richa. But Devika readily dropped into his lap.
Ele disse que anda há algum tempo com a Kamla, a Bimla e a Richa, e que também vai andar contigo, Devika.
Three shots while he took a shit... Take a drink. It don't seem real.
Três balas enquanto cagava Bebe, Kid Não parece verdade.
He says that this Mr. Naylor took the such one does it order with him while leaving the hotel?
Diz que esse Sr. Naylor levou a tal encomenda com ele ao deixar o hotel?
Moesgaard... lt took a while, but I got it.
Moesgaard... Demorou bastante, mas consegui.
Zhukov took it a while ago.
O Schokov já o levantou há muito tempo.
I admit it took me a while to recover from the wedding, but eventually life got back to normal, which is exactly the way I prefer life to be.
Levou-me um tempo para recuperar do casamento, mas a vida acaba por voltar à normalidade, tal como eu gosto.
It took me a while to find them, and they're both lame... but I'm just surprised you haven't found anything yet.
São ambos de trampa, mas estou surpreendido que não tenhas encontrado nada ainda.
Yes- - pilot error- - but it took me a while to admit it.
Sim, erro do piloto Mas demorou-me um bocado para admiti-lo.
The defenseless youngsters were tied up and gagged in the living room... while the bandit roamed through the house at will, stealing the valuable objects it took the family a lifetime to shop for.
Os jovens indefesos foram atados na sala de estar, enquanto o bandido percorreu a casa, roubando os objectos de valor que a família levou toda a vida a obter.
I know it's been a while, but I took that as a good sign.
Sei que não acontecia há muito, mas vi isso como um bom sinal.
It took me a while to convince them I was who I said I was.
Demorei um pouco a convencê-los da minha identidade.
It took me a while to lose Matt and get Hudson.
Demorei um pouco a despistar o Matt e a ir buscar o Hudson.
It took us a while but we found Krebs.
Demorou a encontrar o Krebs.
I got up a little early... so I took the liberty of milking your cow. It took a little while to get her warmed up.
Espero que não se importem, acordei cedinho e tomei a liberdade de ordenhar a vossa vaca

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