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It was all a lie traduction Portugais

158 traduction parallèle
It was all a lie.
Foi tudo uma mentira.
If I said it wasn't true about the Kellerson that it was all a lie, then I'll be doing
Eu sei. Então por que não nos tentas ajudar, comportando-te?
It was all a lie, man.
Era tudo mentira, meu.
it was all a lie, shame on you! You're just a cheat!
Era tudo mentira?
So, it was all a lie.
Então, era tudo mentira?
It was all a lie.
Era tudo mentira.
I thought it was all a lie.
Julguei que era tudo mentira.
Ten years ago, she told Paul she was in love with him, but it was all a lie.
Há 10 anos, disse ao Paul que estava apaixonada por ele, mas era mentira.
- It was all a lie, wasn't it?
- Foi tudo mentira, não foi?
- No. It was all a lie.
Foi tudo uma mentira.
That ailment. It was all a lie!
E esta doença é tudo mentira.
- It was all a lie.
Era tudo mentira.
"For a moment I thought someone was actually seeing me but it was all a lie."
"Por um instante pensei que alguém me estava a ver mas era tudo uma mentira."
... they find out that it was all a lie.
Descobrem que tudo o que disseram no chat ê mentira.
He made me think I was giving myself to God and country, but it was all a lie.
Ele fez-me acreditar que estava a servir Deus e a pátria, mas era tudo mentira.
It was all a lie.
Tudo era mentira.
It was all a lie!
Era tudo mentira!
So it was all a lie?
Então, foi tudo mentira?
It was all a lie, wasn't it, Father?
Foi tudo uma mentira, não foi, padre?
It was all a lie.
Era todos uma mentira.
Jasmine believed you when you said you loved her but it was all a lie.
Jasmine acreditou em ti quando lhe disseste que a amavas... -... mas isso foi uma mentira.
It was all a lie.
- Foi tudo uma farsa.
Because it was all a lie!
Porque era tudo uma mentira!
And it was all a lie.
E era tudo mentira.
Now I'm thinking it was all a lie.
Agora, acho que era tudo mentira.
So it was all a lie?
Então é tudo uma mentira.
He said it was all a lie.
Ele disse que era tudo uma mentira.
yeah, it meant it was all a lie.
Sim, significava que era tudo mentira.
On the news they're saying that we went to war with the wrong people, that it was all a lie.
Andam a dizer nas notícias que nos metemos a guerrear com as pessoas erradas, que foi tudo uma mentira.
- Christina, it was all a lie!
Christina! Era tudo uma mentira!
Everything you said about the war, North Korea, it was all a lie?
Tudo o que disseram acerca da guerra, da Coreia do Norte, era tudo mentira?
But the lie was in the way I said it, not at all in what I said.
Mas a mentira stava no modo como a disse, não no que eu disse.
It wasn't all a lie because she did take a steamer. It was just that it went north instead of south.
Ela realmente apanhou um barco, mas seguia para Norte e não Sul.
It was all a lie about my leaving.
O facto de me ir embora era mentira.
Because till date whatever I have done was under his orders - With his concurrence lt's all a lie Court will decide about it
Longa vida a Krishna!
- Was it all a lie?
- Era tudo mentira?
If it was all so innocent, then why did you lie about knowing her?
Por que disseste que não a conhecias?
Was it all just a lie? Was it?
Era tudo uma mentira?
It was all a big lie.
É tudo uma grande mentira.
It was all a lie!
Seu mentiroso!
I think it was all a bald-faced lie.
Acho que foi tudo uma mentira deslavada. Desculpa.
So all of it was a lie?
Então era tudo mentira?
Yeah, yeah. It all was a lie.
Sim, era tudo mentira.
Mexico, the needles, all of it. It was a lie.
México, as agulhas, tudo, era uma mentira!
It was all just a big all fat lie.
Era apenas uma grande, velha e mentira descabida.
It was all a big lie... so I burned it to the ground... and the only thing that I have left... is this tiny shard of self-respect... and if I don't get out of here, then I'm gonna lose that, too.
Era uma imensa mentira... então enterrei-a... e a única coisa que me resta... é um resquício de auto-estima... e se não saio daqui, também vou perder isso.
God damn it, Preston, all you had to do was look her in the eye and lie.
Chiça, Preston. Só tinhas que a olhar nos olhos e mentir-lhe.
It was all a big fat lie and the charges were dropped.
Foi tudo uma grande mentira. Retiraram as queixas.
Jules, the wedding, was it just all a big lie?
A Jules, o casamento, era tudo uma mentira?
Yeah, well, that was the plan, and then she brought in all her stupid friends to lie for her, saying it was my fault.
Era esse o plano. Até ela ter convencido as amigas estúpidas a mentirem e a dizerem que a culpa do acidente é minha.
Back when we were all freshman and Marshall and Lily were just a few short weeks into their relationship... It was 4 : 00 in the morning, and I'm not gonna lie, we were a wee bit wasted.
Quando ainda éramos caloiros e o Marshall e a Lily estavam a poucas semanas de começarem a sua relação, eram 4 da manhã, e não vou mentir, estávamos um bom bocado "arruinados".

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