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It was good seeing you traduction Portugais

96 traduction parallèle
It was good seeing you again, John.
Foi bom ver-te de novo, Marshall.
Pete, it was good seeing you.
Pete, gostei muito de estar contigo.
Barry, it was good seeing you again.
Barry, que era bom vê-lo novamente.
- Oh, it was good seeing you.
- O prazer foi nosso.
It was good seeing you again.
Foi bom voltar a ver-te.
God, it was good seeing you.
Céus, foi bom ver-te.
It was good seeing you again, satan, goodnight.
Foi bom voltar a ver-te, Satanás. Boa noite.
Yeah, actually, no, I'm not, and I really hate that expression, but you know, it was good seeing you.
Por acaso, não. E realmente odeio essa expressão.
It was good seeing you again.
Foi bom ver-te novamente.
It was good seeing you, Dr Cox.
Foi bom vê-lo, Dr Cox.
It was good seeing you, doc. It really was.
Gostei de o ver, doutor, a sério que sim.
It was good seeing you.
Foi bom ver-te.
It was good seeing you.
Foi um prazer ver-te.
Lucas, it was good seeing you, buddy.
Lucas, foi bom ver-te, amigo.
- It was good seeing you.
- Foi um prazer ver-te.
It was good seeing you. We should get together sometime.
Temos de nos reencontrar qualquer dia.
It was good seeing you.
- Foi bom ver-te.
It was good seeing you.
- Foi bom ver-te. - Ok.
- It was good seeing you.
- Foi um prazer ver-te. - Sim, mas...
It was good seeing you again, Veronica.
Foi bom voltar a ver-te, Veronica.
It was good seeing you, Su-Chin.
Bem, foi bom ver-te, Su Chin.
But it was good seeing you again.
Mas foi bom rever-te.
- It was good seeing you man.
- Foi bom ver-te.
Well, it was good seeing you.
Bem, foi bom ver-vos.
I know it sounds dumb, but it was good seeing you today.
Pode parecer estúpido, mas foi bom ver-te.
- It was good seeing you.
- Foi bom ver-te.
– It was good seeing you, Greg.
Obrigado. Foi bom ver-te, Greg. Foi bom ver-te também.
It was good seeing you, John.
Gostei de te ver, John.
- It was good seeing you, Stella.
Foi bom ver-te, Stella.
- It was good seeing you.
Gostei de a ver.
It was good seeing you, Michael.
Foi bom ver-te, Michael.
It was good seeing you...
É bom ver-te.
It was good seeing you, Lexi.
Foi bom ver-te, Lexi.
It was good seeing you, bud.
Foi bom ver-te outra vez, colega.
- It was good seeing you, though.
- Mas foi bom vê-lo.
A-and it was good seeing you, Pattie.
Foi bom rever-te, Pattie.
It was good seeing you again!
Foi bom ver-te de novo!
He said it was good seeing you again.
Disse que gostou de te rever.
Listen, Sam, it was really good seeing you the other day.
Ouve, Sam, gostei muito de te ver, no outro dia.
It was nice seeing you... and good luck.
Tudo seria : "Foi bom ver-te de novo. Boa sorte."
It was really good seeing you.
Foi muito bom ver-te.
yes, he was a good ship, and now seeing you, it's like... seeing a ghost.
Sim, era uma boa nave. e agora, ao vê-lo, é como ver um fantasma.
- It was really good seeing you guys.
- Foi muito bom ver-vos.
Well, it was really good seeing you ladies.
Muito bem, foi bom vê-las, meninas.
Yeah, well... it was really good seeing you again.
Pois, foi bom voltar a ver-te.
Well. It was really good seeing you again.
Bem... foi bom ver-te de novo.
- It was really good seeing you again.
- Foi realmente bom ve-lo novamente.
It was so good seeing you.
É na mesma bom ver-te.
All right? It was good seeing you.
Está bem?
Well, we're kind of in a rush, so it was good seeing you.
Gostei de te ver.
It was really good seeing you, Dennis.
Foi muito bom ver-te Dennis.

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