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It was good to see you traduction Portugais

265 traduction parallèle
- It was good to see you.
- Foi bom ver-vos.
It was good to see you laughing again.
Foi bom vê-la rir outra vez.
It was good to see you again, but I must go.
Foi bom ver-te de novo, mas eu tenho que ir.
It was good to see you, but you have no other business here.
Foi bom ver-te, mas não tens mais nenhum assunto aqui.
So, it was good to see you again.
Foi bom rever-te.
It was good to see you, Joe.
Foi bom encontrar-te, Joe.
It was good to see you, Sarah.
Foi bom ver-te, Sarah.
It was good to see you, Marian.
Foi bom ver-te, Marian.
It was good to see you.
Foi bom ver-te.
It was good to see you.
Prazer em ver-te.
Well, it was good to see you.
Foi bom vê-lo.
It was good to see you. Oh!
Foi bom ver-te.
Well, it was good to see you.
Bem, gostei de te ver.
It was good to see you too.
Também gostei de te ver.
- It was good to see you.
- Gostei de te ver.
It was good to see you anyway.
Bom te ver, de qualquer jeito.
Sam, it was- it was good to see you.
Sam, foi... - Foi bom ver-te. - Sim, foi.
It was good to see you, Aidan.
Foi bom ver-te, Aidan.
It was good to see you again, Mr. Crane.
Prazer em vê-lo, Sr. Crane.
It was good to see you again, Amy.
Foi bom te ver novamente, Amy.
It was good to see you again, Amy.
Foi bom ver-te novamente, Amy.
It was good to see you, though.
Foi bom ver-te mesmo assim.
Yes, it was good to see you.
Sim, foi bom te ver.
Well, Sam, thanks. It was good to see you.
- Sam, gosto de te ver.
It was good to see you in the office again, Pigtails.
Soube bem ver-te outra vez no escritório, Tranças.
- Well, it was good to see you again, Peg. - Good to see you, Deb.
- Prazer em vê-la, Peg.
- I sure will. - It was good to see you again.
- Prazer em revê-lo
It was good to see you.
Foi bom vê-los.
Yeah, it was good to see you.
Sim, gostei de te ver.
- It was good to see you today, Tru.
Foi bom ver-te, hoje, Tru.
- Oh, okay. It was good to see you, Karl.
- Muito gosto em ver-te, Karl.
Well, you see, Sir, we ran across a caravan coming down from the pass. There was a Hindu merchant. He'd just been to visit to the Suristanis and he has it on good authority that the Suristanis are preparing for an attack.
Sabe senhor, cruzamo-nos com uma caravana que vinha do desfiladeiro e um mercador hindu que vinha do Suristão, sabia de fonte segura que os suristaneses estão a preparar-se para um ataque.
Everything was just fine and only when we were passing the Cape ofNo Hope, it used to be called the Cape ofNo Hope, you see, and today it's the Cape of Good Hope, everything is getting better.
Tudo ia muito bem... até passarmos no Cabo dos Sem Esperança. Antigamente era Cabo dos Sem Esperança, mas hoje é Cabo da Boa Esperança, estava tudo calmo...
When you awoke in this body, Thalassa you said how good it was to breathe again to have eyes and to see again, to feel to live and feel again, Thalassa.
Quando acordaste neste corpo, Thalassa, disseste que era bom voltar a respirar. Ter olhos e voltar a ver. Sentir.
All those loose ends that they think they are tying up are going to go nowhere, you see, because Tommy Brown was on that plane himself when it crashed and if I'd been up to no good,
Porque o Tommy Brown estava no avião quando o acidente aconteceu.
Look, I know you two have a lot of catching up to do, but it was really good to see you again, Sam.
Olhem, sei que vocês têm muito com que conversar mas foi muito bom rever-te, Sam.
You see, Stockton had traveled in Peru and I think it was I who suggested that it might be a good thing for his new wife to have some contact again with her native country.
O Stockton tinha viajado pelo Peru, e penso ter sido eu quem sugeriu que seria bom que a sua mulher voltasse a ter algum contacto com o seu país de origem.
Good to see you back in uniform, even if it was only VR.
Foi bom ver-te de farda outra vez, mesmo sendo apenas Realidade Virtual.
Okay. It was good to... Good to see you.
Também foi bom ver-te.
Anyway,..... it was very good to see you again. sir.
De qualquer modo, foi muito bom voltar a vê-lo, senhor.
I was just reminding him, perhaps a bit too forcefully, that we need him to be an advocate. Sara, hello. It's good to see you again.
" A irracional presunção do Agente Rydell de que as pessoas de cor são mais perigosas do que as outras, torna-o um risco para si próprio, para os seus colegas e para os cidadãos do Estado.
Thank you, Grace. It was good of you to see me.
Obrigada, Grace, foste muito simpática em receber-me.
Uh, so... it was really good to see all of you again.
Então... foi um prazer voltar a vê-los todos.
It was really good to see you.
Foi muito bom ver-te.
But you see, it wasn't really his to give, well he did must have seemed like a puzzle, what a silly old thing like that was any good for.
Mas sabes, não era realmente dele para te poder dar. Ele deu. Deve ter-te intrigado que uma coisa, velha tão ridícula servisse para alguma coisa.
I thought the key to a good ambush was to make sure that you don't see it comin'.
Pensei que a chave de uma boa emboscada era ninguém a conseguir prever.
By the way, it was very good to see you last night.
Por falar nisso, foi muito bom ver você ontem à noite.
I think, as someone who took the classes, it was just hard to picture even that going on, because I did have a good experience. And I didn't, you know, see anything, you know, remotely like,
Eu acho, como sendo uma pessoa que frequentou as aulas, que era muito difícil de desenhar, mesmo que as coisas corressem bem, porque eu realmente tive uma boa experiência e eu não consegui ver nada, percebe?
And most, it was a teeny little barracuda just checking to see if you tasted good.
E mais, era apenas um minúsculo barracuda a provar se eras boa.
I don't care what she says, Phoebe, I always wanted to do what you did, and man, was it good to see you do it!
Não me importa o que ela diz, Phoebe. Sempre quis fazer o que tu fizeste, e, bolas, foi bom ver-te a fazê-lo!
You know it was just good to see her okay for once.
Foi bom para mim, vê-la bem, outra vez.

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