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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ J ] / Jannah

Jannah traduction Portugais

4 traduction parallèle
You know, eventually, if we sacrifice ourselves, we're in for eternal life in Jannah where we'll enjoy 72 virgins for thousands of years.
Sabias, que se nos sacrificarmos,... teremos vida eterna e desfrutaremos de 72 virgens, por séculos...
It's too bad you won't get into Jannah dressed like that.
É pena que não entres no Jannah vestida assim.
From Jannah, I'm sure.
Da Jannah, de certeza.
When I said to Imam Abdullah's wife he was in heaven, Jannah, she said nothing.
Quando eu disse à esposa do Imã Abdullah que ele estava no céu, Jannah, ela não disse nada.

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