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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ K ] / Kansas city

Kansas city traduction Portugais

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Nick was sober in Kansas City.
O Nick esteve sóbrio em Kansas City.
That fella Kent reminds me of a friend of mine in Kansas City.
O Kent faz-me lembrar um amigo que tinha em Kansas City.
They're all going on to Wichita and Kansas City.
Todos vão para Wichita e Kansas City.
Sorry. You never heard about Kidd's arrangement in Kansas City?
Nunca deve ter ouvido do arranjinho do Kidd em Kansas City.
- You mean Kansas City, sir.
- Você quer dizer Kansas City, senhor.
- Oh, Kansas City.
- Sim, de Kansas City.
My share you could put in your eye. Larry's the headman now that Mac's gone. - Kansas City?
- Kansas?
K. K. Maybe K for Kansas City, 25,000.
K! K! Talvez seja K de Kansas City, $ 25.000.
It's one of them dang Kansas City jobs.
É um daqueles trabalhos de Kansas City.
Won't Kansas City be surprised?
E Kansas City não ficará surpreendida?
Now send the same message to Mr. and Mrs. Perry Livingston Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt and my mother in Kansas City.
Agora, envia a mesma mensagem a Mr. E Mrs. Perry Livingston, a Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt e à minha mãe, em Kansas City.
How does the big Kansas City butcher like New York?
No que parece ao grande carniceiro que é a cidade de Kansas com Nova Iorque?
New chair gets in next week from Kansas City, Kansas.
A sela nova chegará para a semana de Kansas City, Kansas.
- It wasn't cheap, the best in Kansas City.
Não foi barato, o melhor de Kansas City.
No, he had it running when I met him.
Não, ele o geria quando o conheci. - Quando foi isso? - Em Kansas City!
It's solid silver, sir, brought on from Kansas City.
É prata maciça, de Kansas City.
I want to place a call to the Bethel Independent Mission in Kansas City.
Quero fazer uma chamada para a Bethel Independent Mission em Kansas City.
I found out he'd gone to Kansas City.
Descobri que ele tinha ido para Kansas City.
We should be in Kansas City in 20 minutes.
Estaremos em Kansas City em 20 minutos.
- Kansas City.
- Em Kansas City.
I got on a plane to Kansas City...
Embarquei num avião para Kansas City...
- The plane stopped in Kansas City.
- O avião aterrou em Kansas City.
Please, fellas, I had it shipped out here all the way from Kansas City.
Por favor, enviaram-mo de Kansas City.
No trace of Hardin since you let him get away from you in Kansas City?
Nem sinal de Hardin desde que vocês o deixaram escapar em Kansas
I ship 10,000 head to Kansas City every year.
Embarco 10.000 cabeças para Kansas City, todos os anos.
The Emporium, Kansas City.
O Emporium, Kansas City.
He used to have these shirts made special in Kansas City.
Costumava mandar fazer as camisas em Kansas City.
Ever tried riding from Kansas City to Wyoming?
Já tentaste vir a cavalo de Kansas City até ao Wyoming?
Ah, good old Kansas City.
A bela e velha Kansas City.
- Ever been to Kansas City?
- Já estiveste em Kansas City?
I got it in Kansas City.
Eu comprei em Kansas.
It's almost 600 miles to Kansas City.
São quase 970 km até Kansas City.
Kansas City, Abilene, Saint Gloria...
Uma vez, em Kansas City, ele pegou três sacos de moedas.
Genuine Kansas City bourbon.
Bourbon de Kansas City genuíno.
"You can't talk your way from Kansas City to California," she said.
"Não consegue fazer a viagem de Kansas City até à Califórnia," disse ela.
We stopped in Kansas City to organize, our team And be able to travel, west through Humboldt.
Paramos em Kansas City, para organizar, a nossa equipa e sermos capazes de viajar, para Oeste através de Humboldt.
- Kansas City.
- Kansas City.
Well, he says he's from Kansas City.
Bom, ele diz que é de Kansas City.
Not in Kansas City?
Não em Kansas City?
In Kansas City Frank Nash, convicted for mail robbery was being transported to Leavenworth Penitentiary.
Em Kansas City... Frank Nash, condenado por roubo de correio... estava sendo transportado à Penitenciaria de Leavenworth.
Right here in the Kansas City Star.
Aqui no Kansas City Star.
You just happened to be reading an article in the Kansas City Star.
Casualmente estava lendo um artigo no Kansas City Star?
They're gonna be able to find us, though, if we're west of Kansas City.
Mas acho que nos encontram se estivermos a oeste de Kansas City.
Haven't had a decent meal since I left Kansas City.
Ainda não tive uma refeição decente desde que saí de Kansas City.
He was wearing the same Kansas City shirt last night when I was on guard duty.
Usava a mesma camisa no forte ontem à noite... quando eu estava de guarda.
I was in a nightclub once in Kansas City called The Naked Truth.
Uma vez fui a um clube nocturno no Kansas chamado a "Verdade Nua".
president. San Francisco-Kansas City Railroad.
Presidente dos Caminhos de Ferro de San Francisco, Kansas City ".
Fifteen cents a pound, all the way to Kansas City.
30 cêntimos ao quilo, a caminho de Kansas City.
But by the time it came off the press in Kansas City somehow it had mysteriously grown to 29.
Mas assim que ele chegou à imprensa de Kansas City... de algum modo aumentou misteriosamente para 29.
Once, I got as far as Dodge City, Kansas... in a big, blue convertible that stopped by for gas.
Uma vez, fui mesmo até Dodge City, em Kansas num grande descapotável azul que parou aqui para reabastecer.

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