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Kearns traduction Portugais

162 traduction parallèle
Half of that sister team is going to be the future Mrs. Eddie Kearns.
Uma dessas irmãs será a futura Sra. do Eddie Kearns.
Mrs. Eddie Kearns?
A Sra. do Eddie Kearns?
The Mahoney Sisters and Eddie Kearns.
As irmãs Mahoney e Eddie Kearns.
Yeah, Eddie Kearns and the Mahoney Sisters.
Sim, Eddie Kearns e as irmãs Mahoney.
- Hey, Kearns!
- Kearns!
- Kearns, tell them to keep it down.
- Kearns, lhes diga que os baixem.
Kearns, go into the dance on the first chorus and end it there.
Kearns, vê o baile do primeiro estribilho e termina-o aí.
- Kearns.
- Kearns.
- Getting near you, Kearns.
- É seu turno, Kearns.
- Hurry up, Kearns.
- Depressa, Kearns.
- There's a stage wait, Kearns.
- Estão esperando, Kearns.
Get on there, Kearns.
Saia, Kearns.
And I don't want no more cracks from you and Mr. Wise-Guy Kearns about it either.
E não quero que me diga nada, nem o Sr. Sabichão Kearns.
Queenie Kearns and Company?
Queenie Kearns e companhia?
William Kearns, Madeleine Robinson, Jeanne Moreau,
Madeleine Robinson, Jeanne Moureau...
Hey! Same again, Mr Kearns!
O mesmo, Sr. Kearns.
George Kearns was a Federal Poultry Inspector... assigned to Dudley, Arkansas, home of Chaco Chicken.
O George Kearns era inspector de avicultura e estava em Dudley, no Arkansas, a casa da Chaco Chicken.
They may think they are, but on the night George Kearns disappeared, a woman on the I-10 saw a strange fire in an adjacent field.
Eles podem pensar que sim, mas na noite em que ele desapareceu uma mulher na I-10 viu uma estranha fogueira num campo próximo.
We're investigating the disappearance of George Kearns.
Estamos a investigar o desaparecimento do George Kearns.
I don't know what y'all thinking, but George Kearns was passing through town ever since he got here six months ago.
Escute, o Kearns andava pela cidade desde que aqui chegou há seis meses.
No big secret that Kearns stepped out on his wife every chance he got.
- Enganava a mulher sempre que podia.
- You're here about George Kearns, right?
Estão aqui por causa do George Kearns?
Whether Kearns skipped town or somebody killed him, this case could've been handled by any agent out of the Kansas City office.
Quer o Kearns tenha fugido ou morrido, qualquer agente de Kansas City resolvia.
But you can tell us whether George Kearns came to you with any similar complaints.
Mas pode dizer-nos se o George Kearns tinha queixas semelhantes.
Thought your business here was George Kearns's disappearance.
Pensei que estavam a investigar o desaparecimento do Kearns.
I assume you're talking about George Kearns.
Calculo que esteja a falar do George Kearns.
Men like George Kearns don't build things.
Homens como George Kearns não constroem.
The odds that Paula Gray and George Kearns... had the same disease are practically nonexistent.
As probabilidades de ambos terem a mesma doença são quase inexistentes.
He said this driver had the same symptoms as Paula Gray and George Kearns.
O condutor sofria dos mesmos sintomas.
What if somebody put George Kearns's body in there?
E se puseram lá o corpo do Kearns?
Was this river searched after George Kearns disappeared?
Sangue e partes. Efectuaram buscas no rio depois de o Kearns desaparecer?
If George Kearns didn't just run off, if he was murdered for that inspection report, then his body's got to be somewhere.
Se o Kearns não fugiu, se foi assassinado por causa do relatório, o corpo dele tem de estar em algum lado.
- Did you find Kearns?
- Encontraram o Kearns?
This one belonged to the late George Kearns.
Este pertencia ao falecido George Kearns.
According to his medical file, Kearns broke his right leg four years ago. What about the others?
Segundo os registos médicos, o Kearns partiu a perna direita há quatro anos.
But for some reason, all of them, even Kearns's, are smooth and buffed at the ends.
Mas, por algum motivo, todos eles, até os do Kearns, estão lisos nas pontas.
Then Paula Gray may have contracted Croitsfelt Yakob by eating George Kearns.
Então, a Paula Gray pode ter contraído Creutzfeldt-Jakob ao comer o Kearns.
It's Doris Kearns.
- Aqui fala a Doris Kearns.
- All right, Mrs. Kearns.
- Muito bem, Sra. Kearns.
Mrs. Kearns?
Sra. Kearns?
Mrs. Kearns is missing too.
A Sra. Kearns também desapareceu, Mulder.
Doris Kearns was one of us!
A Doris Kearns era uma de nós.
Kearns, don't let him get safety deposit box. "
"Kearns, não o deixe apanhar o cofre de segurança".
DiNozzo, Oxbow and Kearns?
- DiNozzo, Oxbow e Kearns? - A caminho.
Been researching the words from Sorrow's farewell message Oxbow and Kearns.
Estou a procurar as palavras na mensagem de despedida do Sorrow, Oxbow e Kearns.
Judd Kearns.
Judd Kearns.
Judd Kearns is there now.
O Judd Kearns está lá agora.
Kearns is out here somewhere dressed as a Union Sergeant.
O Kearns está por aí em algum lugar, vestido como um sargento da União.
No? What about resisting arrest, Kearns?
E sobre resistência à prisão, Kearns?
Robert Kearns?
Robert Kearns?
Jess Hahn,
Jess Hahn, Willian Kearns...

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