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Kilgore traduction Portugais

31 traduction parallèle
I'm Bill Kilgore. I'm a goofy foot. - This guy with ya?
Sou o Bill Kilgore.
Kilgore had had a pretty good day for himself.
O Kilgore teve um dia em cheio.
If that's how Kilgore fought the war...
Se era assim que o Kilgore combatia...
I'll see you, Grady Kilgore, and I'll raise you twenty.
Pago para ver e subo vinte.
- Grady Kilgore?
O Grady Kilgore?
Mike, would you read Kilgore?
importa-se de ler o "Kilgore"?
We'll have a camera with Enrico inside the Loach. In the script, a helicopter unit led by a brash air cavalry colonel named Kilgore leads an attack on a coastal village in order to escort Willard's boat into the river that will lead him to Kurtz.
dentro da cabana. a fim de escoltar o barco de Willard até ao rio que o levará a Kurtz.
Kilgore was like the Cyclops.
O Kilgore era como os Ciclopes.
Kurt Kilgore.
Kurt Kilgore.
Perhaps you should send Sergeant Kilgore down there to see what we have.
Talvez devesse enviar o sargento Kilgore, para ver o que se passa.
O Kilgore?
Sergeant Kilgore.
Sargento Kilgore!
From now on, you will address me as Sergeant Kilgore!
De agora em diante, quando se me dirigirem, tratam-me por Sargento Kilgore!
I guarantee you this was Kilgore's idea.
Garanto-vos que isto foi ideia do Kilgore!
Lord, we ask that you be with Sergeant Kilgore.
Senhor, pedimos-TE que recebas o sargento Kilgore.
Sergeant Kilgore, sir!
Sargento Kilgore, senhor!
When you address me, you will address me as Sergeant... What is my name?
Quando se dirigirem a mim, vão chamar-me sargento, Qual É O Meu Nome Kilgore.
"Kilgore trout."
"Kilgore Trout."
Colonel Kilgore in Apocalypse Now!
Robert Duvall, o Coronel Kilgore de "Apocalypse Now"!
It's Kilgore Trout Vonnegut.
É Kilgore Trout Vonnegut.
Bobby kilgore. 28. Pretty much raised by the boulevard crew.
Bobby Kilgore, 28 anos, praticamente criado pelo Gang do Boulevard.
You're up, Kilgore.
É a tua vez, provinciana.
Dallas, Kilgore, what's the difference?
Dallas, província, qual é a diferença?
Sam Baker, Todd Kilgore, Charles Tetchy.
Sam Baker, Todd Kilgore, Charles Tetchy.
Look, I don't know what his real name is, either, but I do know that one of his aliases, Todd Kilgore, is wanted for questioning in a 2009 kidnapping case in Nebraska.
Também não sei o seu nome verdadeiro, mas sei que um dos seus "alias", Todd Kilgore, é procurado para interrogatório sobre um caso de rapto em 2009, no Nebraska.
I can't believe you're giving Kilgore here carte blanche!
Não acredito que está a dar a este Kilgore carta branca.
The point platoon is led by Sergeant Brian "Bulldog" Puznowski, the Killer of Kilgore, Texas.
O pelotão foi liderado pelo Sargento Brian "Bulldog" Puznowski, o Assassino de Kilgore, Texas.
Kilgore, French and Stanbury.
Kilgore, francês e de Stanbury.
[Kilgore] That Dukakis had a double-digit lead over Bush before the campaign focused on Willie Horton, and after that, Bush overtook Dukakis and won the election.
Dukakis tinha uma vantagem de dois dígitos sobre Bush antes de a campanha se focar em Willie Horton, e depois disso Bush ultrapassou Dukakis e venceu.
[Kilgore] For example, in Maryland, if you earn minimum wage, you'd have to work an hour and a half to afford a ten minute phone call.
Por exemplo, no Maryland, se ganhar o ordenado mínimo, tem de trabalhar hora e meia para pagar uma chamada de 10 minutos.
You know kilgore trout?
Conheces "Kilgore Trout"?

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