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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ K ] / Krang

Krang traduction Portugais

29 traduction parallèle
Open the portal, Krang!
Abre o portal, Krang!
Hurry, Krang, the computer must find an antidote for that ray, before I shake my costume to pieces.
Depressa Krang, o computador tem de encontrar o antídoto para este raio, antes que eu trema tanto que o meu disfarce se parta em bocados.
That's when we learned that Kru Tiew was fierce. But we also learned that he did those things to make us strong as well.
Mestre Tew era um sério disciplinador... mas foi assim que treinou Krang para ser campeão.
He and Greng had to go to Bangkok to work off the debt.
Então Krang teve que treinar em Bangkok com Thep.
I'll let him tell you about your brother, Greng.
Ele mesmo vai lhe contar sobre Krang.
If Greng was still alive he would agree with me!
Se Krang estivesse vivo, ele me apoiaria.
I'll bet that if the Chaiya camp hadn't closed. You would be even more famous than Greng was!
Se o Campo Chaiya não tivesse fechado... você teria sido melhor que Krang.
You weren't kidding Greng, your brother really is a great fighter.
Tinha razão, Krang. Seu irmão será um grande campeão.
But he wouldn't go for it. I didn't think Tiew would go so far, as to drug his own son.
Seu pai forçou Krang a se entregar, mas seu irmão se recusou.
You destroyed Greng!
Você destruiu Krang.
Kru Thep told me about what Dad did to Greng.
Mas Thep disse que meu pai drogou Krang.
Your dad was backing Greng he wouldn't allow him to throw a fight!
Seu pai apoiou Krang a não entregar aquela luta.
Thep drugged him, then blamed it on your Dad.
Então Thep drogou Krang e culpou seu pai. Vê se entende.
Kraang! Kraang!
- Krang!
- Krang!
And no one, no thing is smarter than the Krang!
E ninguém, nada, é mais esperto do que o Krang!
But this Commander Krang, he said that this will help open a portal to another dimension?
Mas o tal Comandante Krang disse que ajudaria a abrir um portal para outra dimensão?
Commanding Officer goes by the name of Krang.
O Oficial Comandante dá pelo nome de Krang.
If Krang were to finish building this thing, it wouldn't just be a ship.
Se o Krang terminasse de a construir, não seria apenas uma nave.
We'll make our way up to his ship and take down Krang on his home turf.
Subiremos até à nave e derrotaremos o Krang.
- Good-bye, Krang.
- Adeus, Krang.
Commander Krang.
Comandante Krang.
That must be Krang.
Deve ser o Krang.
You're going down, Krang!
Vais ser derrotado, Krang!
Guys, Krang is down, but his ship's still building.
Pessoal, o Krang foi eliminado, mas a nave continua a ser montada.
Let's go, Greng.
Vamos, Krang.
A letter from Geng! Open it!
Carta do irmão Krang.
Greng shot himself in the head.
Krang se matou.
They said he had no honor.
Krang foi desclassificado por se recusar a lutar.

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