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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ K ] / Käthe

Käthe traduction Portugais

23 traduction parallèle
( translator ) It was I who, both as an expert and as the chairman of the commission, had to have a long conversation with Käthe Hausermann. Her first approach to us was one of trepidation.
Fui eu, como perito e como presidente da comissão, que tive uma longa conversa com Kathe Heusemann.
Then I showed this sketch to Käthe Hausermann and said that here I'd found the two steel pins. But she protested, saying there had to be three.
Depois mostrei-lhe isto e disse-lhe que tinha encontrado aqui dois pivots.
Suddenly an Ilse or a Käthe or whatever she's called comes and looks at you.
De repente uma Ilse ou uma Käthe ou outra qualquer chega e te olha.
Aunt Käthe was Mama's sister.
A Tia Kathe, que era irmã da Mamã ;
You always say that! But I want to go home to Mother and Käthe, to people I understand.
Talvez tenhas razão, mas eu quero voltar para a minha mãe, a Kathe, para gente que eu compreendo!
What about Mama, Käthe...
E a Mamã? E a Kathe?
I miss them all so much... my mother, Käthe.
Tenho tantas saudades deles! Da minha mãe, da Kathe...
Mother and Käthe.
Mãe e Kathe.
Käthe, I can't do what they want from me.
Käte, não posso fazer o que eles pretendem.
But now I can see, Käthe. I can see now that we turned the world into a slaughterhouse.
Agora consigo ver que transformámos o mundo num matadouro.
- Rostislav PLYATT Kathe
- Rostislav PLYATT Kathe
At the moment the most important thing was to save Kathe.
Neste momento, o mais importante era salvar Kathe.
Now only Kathe.
Agora só a Kathe.
Half an hour later Kathe with the kids was in Stirlitz'car.
Meia hora mais tarde Kathe com as crianças estava no carro de Stirlitz.
Listening to Kahe's story, he was trying to guess whether her release was a part of Mueller's devilish game, or it was a case known to every intelligence man and which could happen only once in a lifetime.
Ao ouvir a história de Kathe, tentava adivinhar se a sua libertação fazia parte do jogo diabólico de Mueller, ou se era um caso conhecido de todos os homens da inteligência e que só podia acontecer uma vez na vida.
( translator ) Käthe Hausermann was the assistant of Professor Blaschke, who was Hitler's personal dentist.
Kathe Heusemann era assistente do professor Blaschke, que era o dentista privado de Hitler.
I sketched the teeth of a human being. Here's the right-hand side.
Enquanto falava com Kathe Heusemann, desenhei os dentes de um homem.
- Kathryn....
- Kathe-rine.

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