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Leanne traduction Portugais

253 traduction parallèle
My bucket-head sister, Leanne.
A desmiolada da minha irmã, Leanne.
Leanne, how come ain't nobody told me about this new look we got goin'on here, huh? - See, Ike...
Leanne, como ninguém me contou deste novo visual?
You tell Leanne... if she miss a step tonight, she be frying'fish tomorrow, hear?
Diga para a Leanne... que se ela errar um passo hoje, será peixe frito amanhã, ouviu?
That's when Leanne is supposed to be getting back from Bajor.
Isso é quando a Leanne deve voltar de Bajor.
Olá. Leanne.
Leanne, I thought you were on Bajor.
Pensei que estavas em Bajor.
A Leanne.
Ah, Leanne! Ah!
A Leanne!
I hope she's as cute as Leanne.
Espero que seja tão gira como a Leanne.
Leanne : My father used to take me to the wilderness preserves on Vulcan.
O meu pai costumava levar-me às reservas naturais em Vulcano.
I don't think Leanne will ever speak to me again.
Acho que a Leanne nunca mais vai falar comigo.
Know your wife, Mary, your kids, Leanne and Dolly.
O da sua mulher, Mary, a dos seus filhos, Leanne e Dolly...
Hi, Leanne.
Olá, Leanne.
Leanne Guilford. President of Acquisitions.
Leanne Guilford, Presidente das Compras.
I just spoke to Leanne Guilford.
Acabei de falar com a Leanne Guilford.
Leanne, I'm gonna need another shot.
Leanne, vou precisar de mais uma.
I'm Leanne.
Sou a Leanne.
It's the residence of Sergeant Jake Roberts, also deployed in Iraq, his wife, Leanne, lives alone.
A residência do Sargento Jake Roberts, também embarcado no Iraque... a mulher dele, a Leanne, vive sozinha.
- Jamie Carr, Leanne Roberts, started the Naughty Naughty Neighbors website 9 months ago.
Jamie Carr e Leanne Roberts começaram o website "Vizinhas Travessas Travessas" há nove meses.
- Not just Jamie, Leanne too. Do you think it has something to do with the website?
Não apenas a Jamie, A Leanne, também.
Leanne always flirted with me when I delivered her paper.
A Leanne metia-se sempre comigo quando eu ia entregar o jornal dela.
Dumfries Police Department found Leanne Roberts.
Já não. O Departamento de Polícia de Dumfries encontrou a Leanne Roberts.
Leanne Roberts died and then the knife was taken to her neck.
A Leanne Roberts morreu... e, então, a faca foi colocada no pescoço dela.
Now it's Leanne Roberts'.
Agora, é a Leanne Roberts.
Buried under scrap metal about 50 feet from where we found Leanne Roberts'body.
Estava enterrado na sucata a cerca de 15 metros de onde encontrámos o corpo da Leanne Roberts.
Leanne's dead, isn't she?
A Leanne está morta, não está?
I did not kill Leanne Roberts.
Eu não matei a Leanne Roberts.
The week Leanne Roberts was murdered, he was at Disney World.
Na semanaem que a Leanne Roberts foi assassinada, ele estava na Disney com a mulher e os filhos.
A different knife killed Leanne Roberts than killed Jamie Carr.
Uma faca diferente matou a Leanne Roberts da que matou a Jamie Carr.
Leanne wanted to start a family. I told her we couldn't afford it.
A Leanne queria começar uma família e eu disse-lhe que não podíamos arcar com isso.
Leanne, let's go.
Leanne, vamos.
Yes, he is. They're not chopping my brain in half, leanne. Chop!
Não vão cortar a minha cabeça, Leanne.
- I'm having five seizures a day, leanne.
- Tenho 5 ataques por dia.
Please, leanne, we already agreed.
Leanne, por favor, já concordámos.
All right, leanne, I'm gonna do everything I can, okay?
- Leanne, vou fazer o que puder.
- Leanne, let's just give him a moment.
- Vamos dar-lhe tempo.
In fact, if truth be told, I looked wrong.
- Não conheço a Cat Deeley! - Kate Thorton ou aquela Leanne.
- Don't be daft. - I did!
- Leanne quê?
Someone like Cat Deeley. - But I don't know Cat Deeley! - Kate Thornton, or that Leanne.
És a minha melhor amiga, Nessa e quero que estejas ao meu lado no dia do meu casamento.
Leanne, tell me something.
Leanne, diz-me uma coisa.
- Morning, Leanne.
- Bom dia, Leanne.
Mrs. Collins. I'm Leanne Clay.
Sra. Collins, sou Leanne Clay.
- Leanne.
- Leanne.
- Hey, Leanne.
- Olá, Leanne.
Hi, Leanne Madison.
- Oi, Leanne Madison.
Come on, Leanne.
Vamos, Leanne...
Come on, Leanne.
Vamos lá, Leanne...
LEANNE : He's our son.
Ele é nosso filho.
[CellPhone Rings] Buddy Love. Mr. Love. Leanne Guilford.
- Sr. Love, Leanne Guilford.
- Tell us about Jamie and Leanne.
Fale-nos sobre a Jamie e a Leanne.

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