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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ L ] / Lily

Lily traduction Portugais

7,543 traduction parallèle
- Lily?
- Lily?
Lily, we're late.
Lily, estamos atrasadas.
It's my daughter Lily's birthday on Thursday.
O aniversário da minha filha Lily é na quinta-feira.
Chef, Lily didn't want to stay at home today because it's her birthday, so Tony said if I brought her into work, he'd watch her during service.
Chef, a Lily não quis ficar em casa por ser o seu aniversário, então o Tony disse que se a trouxesse, ele tomava conta dela durante o serviço.
Then I got pregnant with Lily and, you know, I wanted to stop, and he didn't.
Depois engravidei da Lily e, sabes como é, queria parar e ele não.
Hey, Aunt Lily, how are you?
- Olá, tia Lili, como está?
Aunt Lily said it was beautiful though, yeah?
A tia Lili disse que foi bonito.
Lily... it's broken again.
Lily, quebrou-se outra vez.
Lily... for Ash...
Lily. - Sobre a Ash... - Vou trazê-la de volta.
She said : Stop, what you could not...
A Lily disse que fazia o que tu não pudesses fazer.
I need to find Lily.
Tenho de encontrar a Lily.
Did you see Lily?
Viste a Lily?
Come on... we are looking for Lily.
Vamos, encontraremos a Lily.
But first I have to find Lily.
Primeiro, preciso de encontrar a Lily.
We find the Blue drops, we also find Lily.
Quando encontrarmos a Gota Azul, encontramos a Lily.
Ash! Bring Lily out of here.
Ash, leva a Lily.
- Lily!
- Lily.
Lily, any plans?
Lily, tens alguns planos?
Go, prick thy face and over-red thy fear, thou lily-livered boy.
Vá apertar as bochechas e traga-me cor nesse rosto, seu cobardolas.
Hi, this is Lily.
Olá, fala a Lily.
My cousin Lily.
Da minha prima Lily.
Lily from the picture?
A Lily da fotografia?
It's Lily, again.
É a Lily, outra vez.
Lily! Lily!
Lily, do you remember...
Lily, lembras-te...
Lily, can I ask you for a favor?
Lily, posso pedir-te um favor?
Hi, Lily... ah, we'll go over my schedule in a minute.
Olá, Lily, vamos ver a minha agenda daqui a pouco.
Lily Brenner.
Lily brenner.
I'm calling out and trying to make contact with Lily Brenner.
Chamo e queria contactar-me com Lily brenner.
Lily, if you can hear me, please talk to me.
Lily... Se me ouvires, fala comigo.
Please, Lily, answer me.
Por favor, Lily responde-me.
Lily, please, show yourself.
Lily, por favor. Manifesta-se.
This is the letter that Lily hid from Quinn.
Esta é a carta que a Lily deixou para a Quinn.
- Lily, I know you were trying to reach her.
- Lily, eu sei que estavas a tentar contacta-la.
Lily, we need you now!
Lily, precisamos de ti, agora!
Tiger Lily!
Princess Tiger Lily.
Princesa Tigrinha.
But you said that you were gonna watch Lily this afternoon because I had a meeting with a student?
Mas disseste que ias olhar pela Lily esta tarde porque tenho uma reunião com um estudante?
Let me just get Lily in.
Vou só colocar a Lily dentro.
This is Lily.
Não! Esta é a Lily.
- Bye, Lily!
- Adeus, Lily!
If it weren't for Lily, I would say I made a terrible mistake.
Se não fosse pela Lily, diria que cometi um erro terrível.
I mean, what about Lily, huh?
Quero dizer, e a Lily?
Where's Lily?
Onde está a Lily?
Is Lily out there?
A Lily está aí?

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