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Mademoiselle grey traduction Portugais

35 traduction parallèle
So, Mademoiselle Grey, how does the world look now that the surrealists have opened your mind to it?
Diga-me, Mademoiselle Grey, que ideia tem do mundo agora, depois de os surrealistas lhe terem aberto o espírito?
- Oh, I have seen much of Paris, Mademoiselle Grey.
Não esteja tão certa.
You are very clever, Mademoiselle Grey, to obtain for me a seat at such short notice.
Foi muito hábil em ter-me arranjado bilhete tão de repente...
- Mademoiselle Grey, when was the last time you saw to be alive Madame Giselle?
Quando foi a última vez que viu a Madame Giselle com vida?
Mademoiselle Grey, would you be kind enough to help me?
Mademoiselle Grey faria o favor de me ajudar?
Now, Mademoiselle Grey here has agreed to assist me.
A Miss Grey concordou em ajudar-me.
If you would be so good to tell it, then Mademoiselle Grey will take it down so that I may absorb it later.
Se tiver a amabilidade de ma dizer, a Miss Grey anota-a para eu a poder estudar depois.
- No, no, it is not you, Mademoiselle Grey.
Não, não pensei em si, Mademoiselle Grey.
Um, Mademoiselle Grey, I've been thinking.
Estive a pensar, Miss Grey.
Mademoiselle Grey, if you would be so kind as to hold the mirror.
Importa-se de segurar no espelho, Mademoiselle?
- Thank you, Mademoiselle Grey.
Obrigado, Mademoiselle Grey.
You know, Mademoiselle Grey has been such a help to me throughout. Une parfaite assistante. And she is right.
Ela foi de uma grande ajuda, uma ajudante perfeita, e tem razão.
- I was indeed suspicious of Mademoiselle Grey.
Eu tive realmente suspeitas da Mademoiselle Grey.
It was not until Mademoiselle Grey caught her nail that I remembered.
Mas só me lembrei quando a Miss Grey ficou com a unha presa.
Mademoiselle Grey when it will return for Devon and to be remembered of the day in which Sir Carmichael was it killed, perhaps one remembers of having seen a stranger to patrol the village...
Mademoiselle Grey quando voltar para Devon e se recordar do dia em que Sir Carmichael foi morto, talvez se lembre de ter visto um estranho a rondar a aldeia...
For example, the Mademoiselle Grey he said to us what he did not see did not even speak with no stranger in the day in which Sir Carmichael was it killed.
Por exemplo, a Mademoiselle Grey disse-nos que não viu nem falou com nenhum estranho no dia em que Sir Carmichael foi morto.
- Mademoiselle Grey!
- Mademoiselle Grey!
The epileptics, Mademoiselle Grey, they suffer frequently of lapses, in what they are not managed to remember from what they did.
Os epilépticos, Mademoiselle Grey, sofrem frequentemente de lapsos, em que não se conseguem recordar daquilo que fizeram.
He was afraid, Mademoiselle Grey.
Ele tinha medo, Mademoiselle Grey.
I am avuncular to Mademoiselle Grey.
Sou o guardião de Mlle. Grey.
I am at your service, Mademoiselle Grey.
Estou ao seu dispor, Mlle. Grey.
What has happened to Mademoiselle Grey?
- Que se passa com Mlle.
If money is in short supply, this rekindled friendship with Mademoiselle Grey might be most convenient.
Mas se o dinheiro escasseia, este reatar de relações com Mlle. Grey vem a calhar.
Mademoiselle Grey, you must excuse me.
Mlle. Grey, dê-me licença.
Mademoiselle Grey, she will explain.
Grey pode explicar-lhe.
Forgive me, Mademoiselle Grey.
Perdoe-me, Mlle.
Surely you meant to kill Mademoiselle Grey?
Por certo, o alvo era Mlle. Katherine Grey.
I heard Monsieur Dupont tell it to the air stewardess, Mademoiselle Jane Grey.
Foi o que o Sr. Dupont disse à hospedeira, a Miss Grey.
the honorable Venetia Kerr, Mademoiselle Jane Grey, and the Lady Horbury.
A distinta Venetia Kerr, a Mademoiselle Jane Grey e a Lady Cecily Horbury.
the two air stewards, Monsieur Mitchell and Mademoiselle Jane Grey ;
O comissário de bordo Mitchell e a hospedeira, a Miss Jane Grey.
Mademoiselle Katherine Grey?
Katherine Grey?
The attempted murder of Mademoiselle Katherine Grey.
Ruth Kettering, a tentativa de homicídio de Mlle. Katherine Grey.
And Mademoiselle Lenox, instructed by your mother to make a friendship with Katherine...
E Mlle. Lenox, instruída pela mãe para travar amizade com Mlle. Grey.
Mademoiselle Grey.
It does not tax the little grey cells very much, Mademoiselle to connect the loss of weight, the sudden emotion expressed at the reading of the beautiful little poem.
Não custa muito às células cinzentas juntar a perda de peso, a emoção ao ler o pequeno poema...

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