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Maloney traduction Portugais

171 traduction parallèle
- The Maloney Sisters?
- As irmãs Maloney?
And with that, he smiled as nice as you please and said, "That's all right, Miss Maloney."
E sorriu abertamente e disse : "Está bem, Srta. Maloney".
Can you imagine calling me Maloney?
Chamou-me Maloney.
Cut out the Maloney Sisters.
Tirem às irmãs Maloney.
If you'd take the time to study your country's history, Mr Maloney... -... you'd be the first to admit it.
Se se tivesse tomado o cuidado de estudar a história de seu próprio país, Sr. Maloney seria o primeiro em sabê-lo.
You've got to help us, Mrs. Maloney.
Você tem que nos ajudar, S.ra Maloney.
Mrs. Maloney, do you usually go out shopping so late?
S.ra Maloney, você costuma ir às compras tão tarde?
Mrs. Maloney, you said you didn't notice anything particularly unusual about your husband's behavior when he came in this evening?
S.ra Maloney, disse-me que não notou nada de anormal no comportamento do seu marido quando ele chegou, esta noite?
Now think hard, Mrs. Maloney. Please.
Então, pense bem, S.ra Maloney, por favor.
Thanks. Mrs. Maloney.
S.ra Maloney.
No, we couldn't do that, Mrs. Maloney.
Não, não podemos fazer isso, S.ra Maloney.
As for Mary Maloney she would have gone scot free if she hadn't tried to do in her second husband the same way.
Quanto a Mary Maloney ela ter-se-ia safado se não tivesse tentado fazer o mesmo com o seu segundo marido.
Yes. "Request was made by Joseph P. Maloney, " 426 Main Street, Barlow Creek. "
"Pedido por Joseph P. Maloney, 426 Main Street, Barlow Creek."
Then you must be J. Maloney.
Então você deve ser J. Maloney.
Actually, Mr. Maloney, by talking to me, you could make yourself some money.
Ao falar comigo até pode ser que ganhe algum. Sim?
You want to tell me why you put a headstone on an empty grave, Maloney?
Diz-me porque pôs uma lápide numa campa vazia?
That must be the fellow with the pipe who called on Maloney.
E deve ser o tipo do cachimbo, que falou com o Maloney.
Joe Maloney's been itching for that job. He's got it.
O Joe Maloney anda desejoso de fazer alguma coisa e vou deixar.
But Maloney wouldn't be willing to do that, would he?
O Maloney não está disposto a isso, pois não?
Mr. Maloney?
Mr. Maloney?
Can you speak a little louder, Mr. Maloney?
Pode falar mais alto?
How come you changed your mind, Mr. Maloney?
Por que razão mudou de ideias?
Oh, don't be silly, Mr. Maloney.
Não seja tonto, Mr. Maloney.
I see. Mr. Maloney, are you admitting Edward Shoebridge is still alive?
Está a admitir que Edward Shoebridge está vivo?
It wasn't me.
- Foi o Maloney.
It's Maloney. He wasn't driving!
- Não era ele que vinha a guiar!
- O Maloney?
Do you really think Maloney wanted us dead? Mmm-hmm.
Achas que o Maloney nos queria matar?
Maloney's probably got him buried in his backyard. Doesn't want us to find out.
O Maloney deve tê-lo enterrado no jardim e não quer que o encontremos.
Congratulations on the nice job you did on our car, Maloney.
Parabéns pelo trabalho que fez no nosso carro.
You know perfectly well what we're doing on the road, Maloney.
Sabe bem o que estamos a fazer na estrada.
Why don't you just go ahead by yourself this time, Maloney?
Vá andando sozinho. Nós dispensamos.
Yes, Joseph Maloney, you were a generous man.
Sim, Joseph Maloney, eras um homem generoso.
No, that's not so, Mrs. Maloney.
Não foi assim, Mrs. Maloney.
Mrs. Maloney, I have to talk to you. He's dead and buried.
- Preciso de falar consigo.
Mrs. Maloney, your husband tried to kill me, and you were in on it, weren't you?
O seu marido tentou matar-me e a senhora sabia.
Mrs. Maloney, where is he?
Onde está ele?
If Joe Maloney had been more efficient, they'd both be dead by now.
Se o Joe Maloney tivesse sido mais eficiente, estariam ambos mortos.
Frieda Maloney is in jail.
A Frieda Maloney está na prisão?
Frieda Maloney! She was only a guard in a camp.
A Frieda Maloney era apenas uma vigilante do campo.
Frieda Maloney.
Frieda Maloney.
Mrs. Maloney has been married to an American citizen for 27 years.
A senhora Maloney está casada há 27 anos com um súbdito americano.
Frau Maloney will not answer that.
Frau Maloney não responderá a isso.
I think Frau Maloney could answer one more question.
Creio que Frau Maloney pode responder a mais uma pergunta.
Malone's dog was born December eleventh, ten weeks.
O cão de Maloney nasceu a onze de Dezembro, dez semanas.
Lieberman visited Frieda Maloney in prison.
O Lieberman visitou a Frieda Maloney na prisão.
Maloney told him about the adoptions.
Maloney falou-lhe das adopções.
You know what I think, Mrs. Maloney?
Sabe o que eu penso, S.ra Maloney?
Mrs. Maloney.
S.ra Maloney.
That's Maloney.
É o Maloney.
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