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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ M ] / Maybe you should talk to him

Maybe you should talk to him traduction Portugais

43 traduction parallèle
When he comes to, maybe you should talk to him.
Quando ele sair, talvez devesse falar com ele.
Then maybe you should talk to him.
Então, talvez devesses falar com ele.
I think maybe you should talk to him.
Se calhar, deverias falar com ele.
Sandy, maybe you should talk to him.
Sandy, devias falar com ele.
Well, then maybe you should talk to him... in your uniquely charming way.
Bem, se calhar devias falar com ele... com a tua maneira calma e charmosa.
Maybe you should talk to him.
Talvez devesses ir falar com ele.
- Well, maybe you should talk to him.
- Então talvez devas conversar com ele.
Maybe you should talk to him?
Talvez devesses falar com ele?
Maybe you should talk to him.
Talvez devesses falar com ele.
Maybe you should talk to him directly.
Talvez você devesse falar directamente com ele.
and i should have reported it, but... maybe you should talk to him.
Eu devia tê-lo denunciado, mas... Talvez vocês devam falar com ele.
- Maybe you should talk to him now.
- Talvez tenha de falar com ele.
But, before I do, maybe you should talk to him first.
Mas, antes disso, talvez devesses falar tu com ele.
Maybe you should talk to him first.
Talvez devesses falar com ele primeiro.
Maybe you should talk to him.
- Devias falar com ele.
Sweetheart maybe you should talk to him.
Querida... Talvez devesse falar com ele.
Gosh, maybe you should talk to him when he gets back.
Talvez seja melhor falar com ele, quando ele voltar.
It says right there, he's the guy shipping the van, so maybe you should talk to him.
Diz mesmo aí, foi ele que enviou a carrinha, por isso, talvez fosse melhor falar com ele.
Maybe you should talk to him.
Talvez, devesse falar com ele.
Maybe you should talk to him.
Devias falar com ele.
Maybe you should talk to him about getting a hobby, too.
Talvez lhe devesse dizer para arranjar um hobby.
Maybe I should just, you know, talk to him.
Talvez eu deva falar com ele.
- Maybe I should talk to him. - You can try.
- Será melhor eu falar com ele.
Maybe you should talk to him.
Tu devias falar com ele.
Maybe you should have him talk to some other guy who's been raped.
Possivelmente deva fazer que fale com outro... a quem também tenham violado.
Maybe I should talk to him, you know, face to face... convince him that I didn't do this.
Talvez devesse falar com ele, já sabem, de frente convencê-lo que não o fiz.
Maybe you should be the one to talk to him.
Talvez seja melhor tu falares com ele.
Maybe you should talk to him.
Se calhar devias falar com ele.
Maybe you should go talk to him.
Talvez seja melhor falares com ele.
Well, maybe you should talk to Frank about it, you know, tell him how you feel.
Bem, talvez devias de falar com o Frank sobre isso, sabes, dizer-lhe o que sentes.
- Maybe I should talk to him for you.
- Talvez devesse falar com ele por ti.
Maybe you should let me talk to him.
Talvez me devesses deixar falar com ele.
Maybe you should try and talk to him.
Talvez devas tentar falar com ele.
Maybe you should go back and talk to him.
Talvez deva voltar e conversar com ele.
Maybe you should talk to Kellerman, tell him the truth.
Talvez devas falar com o Kellerman, dizer-lhe a verdade.
M-maybe you should go and talk to him.
Talvez seja melhor falares com ele.
Maybe you should go talk to him.
Talvez devesses ir falar com ele.
Anyway, do you think that maybe I should talk to him gently about taking it down a notch?
Achas que devia dizer-lhe cuidadosamente para abrandar?
Maybe you should go talk to him. No.
- Talvez devas ir falar com ele.
Maybe you should talk to him.
Talvez devas falar com ele.
So maybe you should go talk to this guy with him.
Talvez, devas ir com ele falar com esse indivíduo.
Maybe you should go back and talk to him again?
Talvez devesses falar com ele de novo?

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