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Moore traduction Portugais

1,932 traduction parallèle
I spoke with george moore.
Falei com George Moore.
I think george moore engineered this whole hit - and-run.
Acho que George Moore arranjou esse atropelamento e fuga.
George moore made a big show of going after frobisher.
George Moore fez muito teatro ao ir atrás de Frobisher.
I spoke with george moore.
- Falei com George Moore.
George moore was heading up the sec investigation into frobisher's company, but according to a former sec investigator...
George Moore era o chefe de investigação da CSS.... na empresa de Frobisher, mas de acordo com uma antiga investigadora da CCS...
She believed that moore was making a big show of wanting to take down frobisher, but behind the scenes he was torpedoing the investigation.
Ela acredita que Moore estava a fazer teatro em querer afundar... Frobisher, mas por trás dos bastidores estava torpedeando a investigação.
All show that george moore was in jacksonville, florida the weekend before frobisher sold his stock.
Tudo indica que George Moore estava em Jacksonville, Flórida, na semana anterior em que Frobisher vendeu as suas acções.
Moore drove down to palm beach to tip off frobisher.
Moore dirigiu até Palm Beach para alertar Frobisher.
Put pressure on moore.
- Pressione Moore.
I could never understand why moore leaked arlington, but now it makes perfect sense.
Nunca consegui entender porque Moore deu a pista de Arlington, mas agora... tudo se encaixa perfeitamente.
Moore wants the whole case to go away, and if he knows that you're closing in on him...
Moore quer que todo o caso desapareça e se souber que você está a chegar até ele...
So... we need to go back to moore.
Então... Precisamos voltar à Moore.
Go back to moore.
Vá até Moore.
But I'll talk to moore.
Mas irei falar com Moore.
George moore.
George Moore.
So you're meeting with moore again?
Então, encontrou-se novamente com Moore?
If moore tipped off frobisher, that's a crime.
Se Moore alertou Frobisher, isso é um delito.
George moore is dead.
George Moore está morto.
George Moore is dead.
George Moore morreu.
I was, but Patty needed me to meet with George Moore.
Havia, mas Patty precisava que me encontrasse com George Moore.
This information that you got from George Moore...
Esta informação que George Moore lhe deu...
If anything happens to me, George Moore and Arthur Frobisher are responsible.
Se acontecer alguma coisa comigo, George Moore... e Arthur Frobisher serão os responsáveis.
George Moore... tipped you off.
O George Moore avisou-o.
George Moore.
- George Moore.
Moore was interviewed extensively for the government trial.
O Moore foi fortemente interrogado durante o julgamento do governo.
We're looking for Mr. Moore.
Olá, estamos à procura do Sr. Moore.
Thank you for meeting with us again, Mr. Moore.
Obrigada por se encontrar connosco de novo, Sr. Moore.
But Mr. Moore is looking into Gregory Malina's stock sale.
Mas o Sr. Moore vai investigar a venda de acções do Gregory Malina.
Mr. Moore.
Sr. Moore.
Frobisher is a powerful man.
- Sr. Moore... - O Frobisher é um homem poderoso.
I want to meet with Moore again, push him further, work the relationship.
Quero encontrar-me com o Moore outra vez, pressioná-lo, trabalhar a relação.
What happened between you two, Mr. Moore?
Que aconteceu entre os dois, Sr. Moore?
Mr. Moore insists on total anonymity.
O Sr. Moore insiste num anonimato total.
The name of that member... is George Moore.
O nome desse membro é George Moore.
What a day for our family! Family!
A Mary Tyler Moore é uma cabra tão má neste filme, que é fantástica.
Patrick Moore is considered... one of the foremost environmentalists... of his generation.
O Patrick Moore é considerado um dos principais ambientalistas de sua geração.
Michael Moore was so right about Americans.
O Michael Moore tinha toda a razão acerca dos americanos.
Michael moore was right.
O Michael Moore tinha razão.
Suddenly, I don't feel I can trust Michael Moore movies.
De repente, sinto que já não posso confiar nos filmes do Michael Moore.
"Noted filmmaker Michael Moore is in the process of gathering information for his next film."
"O conhecido realizador Michael Moore" "anda a reunir informações para o seu próximo filme."
That's when I heard that the man who runs the biggest anti-Michael Moore website on the internet was going to have to shut it down.
Soube então que o homem que tem o maior site anti-Michael Moore ia ter de o fechar.
I got Julianne "Red Beard" Moore.
Eu tenho a Julianne "Barba Ruiva" Moore.
Julianne Moore special.
- É o que ela tem de especial.
Mary Tyler Moore?
- Mary Tyler Moore
If you do, you tell him Hoke Moore has been thinking about him a long, long time.
Se conseguir, diga a ele que Hoke Moore... tem estado a pensar nele, à muito muito tempo.
Old Hoke Moore told me about you.
O velho Hoke Moore falou-me de ti.
A fisherman by the name of Hoke Moore sent me here.
Um pescador chamado Hoke Moore mandou-me até aqui.
They probably killed George Moore.
Provavelmente mataram George Moore.
George Moore.
George Moore.
George moore came to see me last night.
O George Moore veio falar comigo ontem à noite.
Rahid Moore.
Rahid Moore.

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