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None of this would've happened traduction Portugais

128 traduction parallèle
If I hadn't shot you, none of this would've happened.
Se não te tivesse atingido, nada disto sucederia.
If I hadn't driven you away, none of this would've happened.
Se isso não te tivesse afastado nada disto teria acontecido.
None of this would've happened had you not sent Pyaremohan.
Nada disto teria acontecido se não tivesses enviado para cá o Pyaremohan.
After all, none of this would've happened if I hadn't misplaced the Rembrandt letters.
Isto não teria ocorrido se não tivesse perdido as cartas de Rembrandt.
If you'd done your job, none of this would've happened.
- Se tivessem feito o seu trabalho!
None of this would've happened if you'd been capable of controlling your daughter!
Nada disto teria acontecido... se tivesse sido capaz de controlar a sua filha!
If you'd done what you were supposed to do and arrested Rachel when I told you, none of this would've happened.
Se tivesse detido Rachel, nada disto estaria a acontecer.
Well, i keep thinking none of this would've happened If i hadn't shampooed, Rinsed, and repeated so many times.
Não paro de pensar que nada disto teria acontecido se não tivesse posto champô, lavado e repetido o processo tantas vezes.
If Emily had stayed where I put her, none of this would've happened.
Se a Emily tivesse ficado onde eu mandei, nada disto teria acontecido.
If you didn't go out there when they killed that man none of this would've happened.
Se não saísse quando mataram aquele homem, Nada disto teria acontecido.
You know something, if you'd get over here when I called you, none of this would've happened.
Sabes uma coisa? Se estivesses aqui quando eu te liguei, nada disto teria acontecido.
If you hadn't gotten out of the truck in the first place, none of this would've happened.
Se não tivesses saído da carrinha, nada disto teria acontecido.
- None of this would've happened.
Nada disto teria acontecido.
There was no reason to say no, but if we hadn't gone with him that night, none of this would've happened.
Não havia razão para recusar-mos, mas se não tivesse-mos ido com ele nessa noite, nada disto teria acontecido.
I keep thinking that none of this would've happened if we just decided to get married.
Isto não aconteceria se nos tivéssemos casado.
Maybe none of this would've ever happened.
Talvez nada disto tivesse acontecido.
None of this would've happened if I didn't think you were having sex with Mark?
Nada disto teria acontecido se eu não julgasse que estavas a dormir com o Mark.
None of this would've happened if that car hadn't hit me.
Nada disto teria acontecido, se o carro não me tivesse acertado.
None of this would've happened if she weren't pregnant.
Nada disto teria acontecido se ela não estivesse grávida.
If he hadn't mentioned it to you, none of this would've happened.
Se ele não tivesse falado, nada disto teria acontecido.
If I had just let you go, none of this would've happened.
Se o tivesse deixado ir embora, nada disto teria acontecido.
None of this would've happened if that girl had done her job.
Tudo isso é culpa daquela moça.
If you would've trusted me just a little bit, none of this would have happened!
Se confiasses um pouco em mim, nada disto teria acontecido!
Well, if you haven't stolen my papers and gone to the aid of the Resistance none of this would've happened.
Se não tivesse roubado os meus documentos e ter ido encontrar-se com a resistência, nada disto tudo teria acontecido!
If you'd come to me, none of this would've happened.
Se tivesses vindo ter comigo nada disto teria acontecido.
- None of this would've happened...
- Nada disto teria acontecido...
Blackburn wouldn't have fallen, none of this would've happened.
- Aconteceu porque o Blackburn caiu.
The truth is, none of this would've happened if you didn't have that second glass of wine that night.
O facto é que nada disto teria acontecido se não tivesses bebido o segundo copo de vinho.
If you hadn't insulted the travel agent, none of this would've happened. - Maybe there's another explanation.
Se não tivesse insultado aquele agente de viagens nada disto teria acontecido.
Had you not traded her, none of this would've happened. But that's the past.
Se não a tivesse trocado por um relógio, nada disto teria acontecido.
None of this would've happened if it weren't for you.
Nada disto aconteceria, se não fosse por ti.
If I'd done what I should've, none of this would've happened.
Se eu tivesse feito o que devia, nada disto teria acontecido!
I mean, if I hadn't spilled the blood... maybe none of this would've happened.
Quero dizer, se não tivesse derramado o sangue talvez nada disto se tivesse passado.
None of this would've happened if I'd stayed with the old man in the truck, would it?
Nada disto teria acontecido com o velho da carrinha, pois não? - É difícil dizer
Well, none of this would've happened if it wasn't for you, so...
Isto não teria acontecido, se não fosses tu. Por isso...
None of this would've happened if I had been there.
Nada disto teria acontecido se eu lá estivesse.
If I had listened to you from the start, none of this would've happened.
Se eu te tivesse dado ouvidos, nada disto teria acontecido.
None of this would've happened if we hadn't come here.
Nada disto teria acontecido, se nao tivessemos vindo cá.
I keep thinking if Sara hadn't walked in right then... maybe he would've changed his mind, and none of this would've happened.
E já comeram? Continuo a achar que se a Sara não tivesse entrado, talvez ele tivesse mudado de ideias, e nada disto teria acontecido.
None of this would've happened.
Nada disto aconteceria.
Without you, none of this would've happened.
Sem ti, nada disto tinha acontecido.
None of this would've ever happened.
Nunca teria acontecido nada disto.
None of this would've happened if you were thinking with your head. - I did what I thought was best!
- Se pensasses com a cabeça...
If you killed it when you had the chance, none of this would've happened.
Se o tivesses matado quando pudeste, nada disto teria acontecido.
If you had let me go home in the first place then none of this would've happened in the -
Se naquela altura me tivesse deixado ir para casa então nada disto tinha acontecido...
I just keep thinking that if I had just given him that transfer, none of this would've happened.
Continuo a pensar que se lhe tivesse dado aquela transferência nada disto teria acontecido.
I'm sorry you're in pain, but none of this would've happened if you hadn't lowered your guard.
Lamento que estejas com dores, mas nada disto teria acontecido se não tivesses baixado a guarda.
I just... none of this would've happened if it wasn't for me.
Nada disto teria acontecido se não fosse eu.
And none of this would've happened Without my amazing partner Lynette.
E nada disto seria possível sem a minha espectacular sócia, Lynette.
None of this would've ever happened.
Nada disto teria acontecido.
If I hadn't have pushed him so hard, none of this would've happened.
Se não o tivesse pressionado tanto, nada disto teria acontecido.

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