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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ N ] / None of this would have happened

None of this would have happened traduction Portugais

285 traduction parallèle
If you hadn't brought her here... none of this would have happened.
Se não a tivesses trazido para cá... nada disto teria acontecido.
If I hadn't come here, none of this would have happened.
Se eu não tivesse vindo aqui, nada teria acontecido.
If it hadn't been for you, none of this would have happened.
Se não fosse por ti, nada isto teria acontecido.
None of this would have happened if I'd left well enough alone.
Nada disto teria acontecido se eu não tivesse interferido.
If he wasn't cheating on his wife, none of this would have happened.
Se ele não enganasse a mulher, isto não teria acontecido.
I just feel like if I hadn't come to him... none of this would have happened.
- Se eu não tivesse pedido ajuda... - Teresa...
If it wasn't for me, none of this would have happened to you, right, Pee-wee?
Se não fosse eu, nada disto te teria acontecido, não é, Pee-wee?
If she had known, none of this would have happened.
Se ela tivesse sabido, nada disto tinha acontecido.
If I had done with him, none of this would have happened.
Se eu tivesse derrotado nada disso teria acontecido.
Se todos estes homens não tivessem perdido o trabalho, nada disto teria acontecido.
None of this would have happened... if you hadn't insisted on making fun of your cousin.
Nada disto teria acontecido, se não andasses sempre a gozar com o teu primo.
- none of this would have happened.
- nada tinha acontecido.
None of this would have happened if you had... been here to keep me from acting stupid!
Não acontecia se cá estivesses e me impedisses de fazer figuras tristes!
None of this would have happened, you know, if you hadn't been a bad boy!
Nada disto teria acontecido se não te tivesses portado mal.
None of this would have happened if it hadn't been for me.
Nada disto teria acontecido se não fosse por mim.
If he'd handled things better with the Dominion none of this would have happened.
Se tivesse lidado melhor com o Dominion, nada disto teria acontecido.
If only Mr. Bennet had taken us all to Brighton, none of this would have happened!
Se o Sr. Bennet nos tivesse levado a todas para Brighton, nada disto teria acontecido!
If not for you, none of this would have happened... so I wanted to show my appreciation.
Se não fosses tu, nada disto teria acontecido. Por isso, quero agradecer-te.
You tell Mr Doyle if he'd have hired smarter guys, none of this would have happened.
Diz ao Sr. Doyle que se ele tivesse contratado tipos espertos, nada disto tinha acontecido.
If we hadn't fought him when he tried to destroy Voyager, he wouldn't have been pulled back in time, his ship wouldn't have crash-landed on Earth and none of this would have happened.
Se não tivéssemos lutado quando ele tentou destruir a Voyager, ele não teria voltado no tempo, sua nave não teria caído na Terra... e nada disto estaria acontecer.
None of this would have happened.
Nada disto teria acontecido.
If it wasn't for me, none of this would have happened.
Se não fosse eu, nada disto teria acontecido.
If we had started before, none of this would have happened.
Se tivéssemos começado antes, nada disto teria acontecido.
If it wasn't for them, none of this would have happened.
Foi por causa deles que aconteceu esta desgraça.
None of this would have happened if you had learned to control your primitive urges, if all of you hadn't been overcome with jealousy.
Vocês os dois são culpados, mas se ele vai-se livrar de ti mais rápido, eu vou cobrir o resto dos teus honorários. Pronto. Tudo pago.
None of this would have happened if Mr McAllister hadn't meddled.
Nada disto teria acontecido se Mr. McAllister não se tem metido.
If only I had wasted a few minutes and gone to watch Marla Singer die, none of this would have happened.
Se tivesse desperdiçado alguns minutos e tivesse ido ver a Marla Singer morrer, nada disto tinha acontecido.
If he hadn't left you, none of this would have happened.
nada disto teria acontecido.
If it wasn't for me, none of this would have happened.
Se não fosse eu nada disto estaria a acontecer.
If you would've trusted me just a little bit, none of this would have happened!
Se confiasses um pouco em mim, nada disto teria acontecido!
- None of this would have happened.
- Nada disto teria acontecido.
All right? If it had been you with me instead of her, none of this would have happened.
Se V. estivesse no lugar dela nada disso teria acontecido.
If you hadn't stopped me, none of this would have happened.
Se não me tivesses parado, Nada disto teria acontecido.
None of this would have happened if you would have just left us alone.
Nada disto teria acontecido se nos tivesses deixado sozinhos.
You could pick up my prescription when I ask the first time... then none of this would have happened.
Podias ter ido logo à farmácia quando eu te pedi... e nada disto teria acontecido.
None of this would have happened if it wasn't for you.
Nada disto tinha acontecido se não fosses tu.
If you hadn't gone, none of this would have happened.
Se não tivesses ido, isto não teria acontecido.
You started the whole thing. None of this would have happened if you didn't have to tell all your friends what a big stud you are!
Nada disto teria acontecido se não tivesses contado aos teus amigos que és um garanhão!
None of this would have happened... if you hadn't been such a jerk and kicked me out of the basement.
Se tu não tivesses sido um palhaço e ter-me posto fora da cave. Bom, tu chegaste lá e estavas tão...
None of this would have happened if you hadn't sent our daughter to Canyon City
Isto não teria acontecido se não tivesses mandado a nossa filha para Canyon City.
Well, I'm gonna say it- - We all know that if my wife wasn't so snippy all the time- - yes, I said snippy- - none of this would have happened!
Todos sabemos que, se a minha mulher não fosse sempre tão irritadiça, sim, eu disse "irritadiça", nada disto teria acontecido!
None of this would ever have happened.
Nada disto teria acontecido.
If I hadn't bought that damn book, none of this would have ever happened.
Se não tivesse comprado o raio do livro, nada disto teria acontecido.
If it wasn't for this kid coming into our lives, none of this would ever have happened.
Se não fosse ele, nada disto tinha acontecido.
None of this shit would have never happened if you... hadn't started killing people.
Nada desta merda teria acontecido se você não tivesse...
A man who brought me to this company without whom none of this tonight would ever have happened.
Sem ele, esta noite jamais teria acontecido.
We're renegades who believe that if you were in charge instead of Max in the first place, that none of this would have ever happened.
Somos renegados que acreditam que se tu estivesses no comando em vez do Max, nada disto teria acontecido.
If not for you, none of this would have ever happened.
Se não fosse por sua causa, nada disso teria acontecido.
Blackburn wouldn't have fallen, none of this would've happened.
- Aconteceu porque o Blackburn caiu.
Marianne, without you, none of this would have ever happened.
Se não fosses tu, nada disto teria acontecido.
The truth is, none of this would've happened if you didn't have that second glass of wine that night.
O facto é que nada disto teria acontecido se não tivesses bebido o segundo copo de vinho.

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