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Oakwood traduction Portugais

44 traduction parallèle
Rampart and Oakwood.
Estrada Rampart com a Oakwood.
She used to live on Oakwood.
Ela morava em Oakwood.
Especially the Oakwood Pit.
Especialmente a mina de Oakwood.
FEMALE REPORTER : On the darker side of the news, surveillance cameras in the Oakwood Library caught the man with the most overdue book in Chicago history as he sneaked The Little Engine That Could back on the shelves to avoid paying the fine.
Agora o lado negro das notícias, câmaras de vigilância da Biblioteca de Oakwood apanharam o homem com o livro mais atrasado da história escolar, quando ele tentou pôr A Locomotivazinha Que Conseguiu na estante, para evitar pagar a multa.
A note from the Oakwood Potency Clinic.
Uma nota da Oakwood Potency Clinic.
I, m at the Oakwood motel by the airport, room 306.
Estou no Oakwood Motel junto ao aeroporto.
The Oakwood Arms, Union and 17th.
Oakwood Arms, na intersecção da Union com a 17.
Until it is handled, I want you to move out of the Oakwood Arms.
Até o assunto estar resolvido, quero que saias de Oakwood Arms.
We are live in Oakwood... where studio executive Jerry Hunt... was shot in his home last night.
Estamos em directo de Oakwood... onde o produtor executivo Jerry Hunt... foi atingido a tiro em sua casa na noite passada,
Ned Reilly lived at 1888 Oakwood Street for almost three years.
Ned Reilly viveu no 1888 da Oakwood Street durante quase três anos.
I spoke to a parish administrator who remembered the church... sending all the pregnant teens to live in a place called the Oakwood Home.
Falei com um administrador da paróquia que se recordou da igreja... ter enviado todas as adolescentes grávidas para um local chamado Casa Oakwood.
Oakwood closed down years ago, but Dr. Kendrick is still practicing... at St. Agnes Hospital.
Oakwood fechou há alguns anos, mas a Dra. Kendrick continua a exercer... no Hospital St. Agnes.
Back when you worked at a place called the Oakwood Home?
Quando trabalhava num lugar chamado Casa Oakwood?
Oh, don't tell me you're an Oakwood baby.
Não me diga que é um bebé de Oakwood.
I never knew my mom, and, until today, I'd never even heard of Oakwood.
Nunca conheci a minha mãe, e, até hoje, nunca ouvi falar de Oakwood.
Oakwood Academy!
Academia Oakwood!
Oakwood Avenue.
Avenida Oakwood.
I hear the Oakwood in Burbank is very nice.
Ouvi dizer que Burbank é bem bom.
- Hey, buddy! ... North Shore, Oakwood, Ridgemont, South Shore,
North Shore, Oakwood, Ridgemont, South Shore, Spring Hill, Squirrel Hill,
South Shore, Ridgemont, Oakwood, North Shore, Mount Washington,
South Shore, Ridgemont, Oakwood, North Shore, Mount Washington,
Mark and I headed to Oakwood Shooting Range.
Mark e eu fomos para o stand de tiros de Oakwood.
I need an ambulance at 860 Oakwood Avenue.
Preciso de uma ambulância na Oakwood Avenue, 860.
I've got Oakwood Taxi's GPS tracking patched in.
- Há uma clarabóia aqui, o que nos dá vantagem. Fazemos um buraco e
Not as high-end as the Oakwood, but not as corporate...
Não é tão luxuoso como o Oakwood, mas não é tão impessoal...
A member of the exclusive Oakwood Golf Club, which is where you'll be meeting him.
É membro-sócio do Oakwood Golf Club, que é onde vão encontrá-lo.
Oakwood rep's production of "Cats"!
A Oakwood tem em cena "Os Gatos"!
Uh, you swim for Oakwood?
- Nadas na equipa de Oakwood?
Follow that hedge, and to the left of it is Oakwood Farm, to the right is all farmed by us.
Segue aquela cerca. À esquerda dela é a Quinta Oakwood, à direita é lavrado por nós.
- Do we want to take over Oakwood Farm?
- Queremos a Quinta Oakwood?
Oakwood Foods canceled our 10 : 00 a.m. meeting, as did Omni Holdings at noon and Dunbar Securities at 4 : 00.
A Oakwood Foods cancelou a reunião das 10h, a Omni Holdings a do meio-dia e a Dunbar Securities a das 16h.
I'm on Oakwood Road.
Estou na Oakwood Road.
Any Hollywood units, Code 37, last seen north bound La Brea Ave, Oakwood.
Unidades na zona de Hollywood : Código 37, veículo avistado na Av. La Brea.
Ok. There's the guys over in Oakwood who can get a little freaky.
Há uns tipos em Oakwood, que eram meios malucos.
- Is it 63 Oakwood Lane?
- Na Oakwood Lane, 63?
This is Agent Avery Ryan at 527 Oakwood Road. - Right here, sweetheart.
Aqui é a Agente Avery Ryan, na 527 Oakwood Road.
Oakwood Towers, 400 Belmont Street East.
Rua Belmort Leste, 400, Oakwood Towers.
Yeah, this is Oakwood.
Sim, esta é a Oakwood.
I have your address as 2811 Oakwood Drive.
O endereço que tenho é 2811, Oakwood Drive.
Two-eight-one-one Oakwood Drive.
É o número 2811 de Oakwood Drive.
Oakwood Drive is out on the peninsula.
Oakwood Drive fica na península.
I just spotted her at the corner of sixth and Oakwood.
Acabei de vê-la na esquina da Six e Oakwood.
Yeah. "Property of the Oakwood Library."
Pertencente à Biblioteca de Oakwood.
Winnie, alert all units in the area. Eyes open for flashing emergency lights on an Oakwood taxi.
É a polícia.
Or we put a call into the Oakwood dispatch.
Tinha um amigo que chamávamos "D".

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