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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ O ] / Ogden

Ogden traduction Portugais

197 traduction parallèle
And the name of your friend is Charles Ogden Roper.
E o nome do seu amigo é Charles Ogden Roper.
- The F.B.I. had to know every detail... of Charles Ogden Roper's life.
CLUBES DE FRANK JACKSON VAUDEVILLE O FBI tinha de saber os pormenores sobre a vida de Charles Ogden Roper.
Ogden, I think it's up to you to find Father and talk to him.
Ogden, eu acho que você tem que tentar falar com papai.
Simple, Ogden, you don't eat.
Fácil, Ogden, não jantar.
Ogden, it's a fundamental law of human nature that women are always more attracted to men who ignore them.
Ogden, é uma lei fundamental da natureza humana Que as mulheres se sentem atraídas por homens eles ignoram.
OGDEN : I don't think Judy knows that law.
Eu não acho que Judy sabe que a lei.
I'm sure Ogden needs me.
Claro Ogden precisa de mim.
OGDEN : Good night.
Boa noite.
OGDEN : I don't know anything about it.
Eu não sei nada sobre isso.
OGDEN : Yeah, and there's a terrific moon out tonight.
Sim, e há uma incrível noite de lua.
The moon has nothing to do with it, Ogden.
A lua tem nada a ver, Ogden.
OGDEN : Please don't go.
Por favor, não vá.
- Ogders not in trouble?
- Ogden tem problemas?
OGDEN : Hello, Nightingale.
- Olá, Nightingale.
OGDEN : He looks fine to me.
Parece-me que sim, é.
OGDEN : Well, good afternoon, Miss Foster.
Boa tarde, senhorita Foster.
OGDEN : Good evening, Father.
Boa noite, papai.
Oh, Ogden, my boy.
Olá, Ogden.
Ogden, I've been thinking.
Ogden Eu estive pensando.
Ogden, you know that "sir" sort of frightens me.
Ogden, você sabe que o "Sr." me incomoda.
OGDEN [SINGING] : In my heart
No meu coração
I'm Mrs. Charlotte Ogden of the Charleston Ogden.
Sou a Sra. Charlotte Ogden, dos Ogdens de Charleston.
What's wrong With your petticoat, Ogden?
O que tem os seus vestidos, Ogden? Nós precisamos de ligaduras.
I'd like to have you meet McCasslin, Ogden, Conover, Sergeant Lacey, Melavan and Corporal Martin.
Eu gostaria de lhes apresentar McCasslin, Ogden, Conover, Sargento Lacey, Melavan e Cabo Martin.
Ogden and I are gonna raise Nancy to be a real lady. You think that'll kind of square things.
Ogden e eu vamos cuidar de Nancy para ser uma verdadeira dama.
"Ogden Mears, multimillionaire, son of the richest oilman in the world... will be the new Secretary of State."
Aqui tens o jornal de hoje. "Ogden Mears, multimilionário, " filho do negociante de petróleo mais abastado do mundo,
Ogden, my dear boy, I haven't seen you since you were in swaddling clothes.
Ogden, meu rapaz! Da última vez que o vi, ainda não tinha largado os cueiros!
I was looking forward to showing you around.
Bem, Ogden, é uma pena que não se sinta completamente recuperado, teria imenso gosto em mostrar-lhe Hong Kong.
Ogden, these are my friends.
Ogden, apresento-lhe as minhas amigas.
This is Mr Ogden Mears... Mr Harvey Crothers.
Este é o Sr. Ogden Mears e este é o Sr. Harvey Crothers.
Too bad you're just getting over the flu, Ogden.
É uma pena que ainda esteja de convalescença, Ogden.
It's the other one, Ogden Mears, who has the money.
É o outro, o Ogden Mears, que tem dinheiro.
- I tried to tell you that last night...
Tentei dizer-lho ontem à noite, mas o Ogden estava...
Ogden, you mustn't.
Ogden, não faça isso.
- Mr Ogden, are you asleep?
Sr. Ogden, já está a dormir?
Morning, Ogden.
Bom dia, Ogden.
- It's Ogden.
É o Ogden.
It's Ogden.
É o Ogden. Despache-se.
Ooh! Ooh! Oh, dear!
Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce His Excellency, Ogden Mears?
Senhoras e senhores, apresento-vos Sua Excelência, Ogden Mears.
- Ogden, I've got to talk to you.
- Ogden, tenho de falar contigo.
- But, Ogden!
- Mas, Ogden...
Now, now, Ogden.
- Calma, Ogden.
Ogden, it's Harvey!
Ogden, é o Harvey.
Ogden, are you still at that speech?
Ogden, ainda andas às voltas com esse discurso?
Well, Ogden, too bad you're not up to scratch.
Sim, senhor.
Mr Ogden?
O Sr. Ogden?
É o Ogden.
- Goodnight, boss.
- Boa noite, Ogden.

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