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Oglander traduction Portugais

11 traduction parallèle
I'm Gloria Stuyvesant Oglander.
Sou a Gloria Stuyvesant Oglander.
"I call them down-right unhealthy" said Mrs. Stuyvesant Oglander.
"Para mim, são totalmente doentios", disse a Sra. Stuyvesant Oglander.
By chance it noticed to what hours this took place, Mrs. Oglander?
Por acaso reparou a que horas isto ocorreu, Sra. Oglander?
Neighbors of the Mr. Reedburn, with the nickname of Oglander, I believe.
Vizinhos do Sr. Reedburn, com o apelido de Oglander, creio eu.
Excuse, but you. Oglander he wanted to speak with you.
Desculpe, mas a Sra. Oglander queria falar consigo.
The Mademoiselle Oglander it had to have three swords, not a suit.
A Mademoiselle Oglander devia ter três espadas, não um naipe.
Mademoiselle Oglander.
Mademoiselle Oglander.
This is his father, Monsieur Oglander, correct?
Este é o seu pai, Monsieur Oglander, correcto?
But the Monsieur Hawtrey is caught, and disgraced, seedling of name for Oglander.
Mas o Monsieur Hawtrey é apanhado, e envergonhado, muda de nome para Oglander.
Valerie Saintclair and Ronnie Oglander.
Valerie Saintclair e Ronnie Oglander.
There was a fight, undoubtedly, and the young person Oglander punched in the face of the Reedburn.
Houve uma briga, sem dúvida, e o jovem Oglander deu um murro na cara do Reedburn.

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