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Outfitters traduction Portugais

20 traduction parallèle
You've reached the offices of Hell's Canyon Outfitters.
Fala da sede das Excursões ao Desfiladeiro do Diabo.
It's like these kayak outfitters.
São como esses caiaques.
Hey, Urban Outfitters is having a sale.
A Urban Outfitters está em saldos.
You can't just walk away, pretend like it never happened and then get a job at Urban Outfitters or something, - Just take it,
Não esquecer isto, Catherine, e fingir que nunca aconteceu e arranjar um trabalho qualquer em NY.
I've seen the same one in Urban Outfitters in the women's section.
Vi uma igual na Urban Outfitters.
The one from Urban Outfitters.
A que comprei na Urban Outfitters.
Biscayne Outfitters on Baygrove.
Biscayne Outfitters em Baygrove.
H., I'm at the address for Biscayne Outfitters.
H., estou no local.
So did I. I went to that suburban outfitters place.
Fui aquele outlet nos subúrbios.
It's just a silly little book for the urban outfitters.
É só um livrinho para os urbanos.
Check in with the other hunting outfitters in town, see if Chen booked any trips with them or if he's got any updated contact information.
Verifica com outros vendedores de produtos de caça da cidade, vê se o Chen marcou viagens ou se actualizou os dados de contacto.
So, it turns out Mr. Chen booked trips with five different hunting outfitters over the last few months.
Ao que parece, o Sr. Chen marcou viagens com 5 instrutores de caça nos últimos meses.
He paid cash to all the outfitters, listed the same useless contact information.
Pagou em dinheiro a todos e deu as mesmas informações inúteis.
A few of the outfitters said you offered them money to kill elk out of season, and the trips stopped.
Alguns comerciantes disseram que você lhes ofereceu dinheiro para matar alces fora de época e as viagens pararam.
Something from Urban Outfitters.
Alguma coisa da Urban Outfitters.
Well, except for the books they sell at Urban Outfitters.
Bem, excepto para os livros que eles vendem na Urban Outfitters.
You dressed head to toe in Urban Outfitters.
Vestias-te na Urban Outfitters.
Clean sheets. Did I pass out at Urban Outfitters?
Desmaiei na Urban Outfitters?
Saw him coming out of the gent's outfitters on the high street just an hour ago looking happier than a kitten on a cow's udder.
Vi-o a sair da camisaria da High Street há apenas uma hora, com um ar mais feliz do que um gatinho na teta de uma vaca.
That store Urban Outfitters has made things very confusing... for my generation.
A moda descontraída veio complicar muito as coisas para a minha geração.

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