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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ O ] / Overlapping chatter

Overlapping chatter traduction Portugais

29 traduction parallèle
- [Overlapping Chatter ] - [ Homer] What happened?
Olhem, não aconteceu nada.
[Gleeful Laughter, Overlapping Chatter]
[Riso do Gleeful ] Overlapping Chatter]
[overlapping chatter]
Sunny Pastures - LAR DE IDOSOS
- Will we be losing more scrub nurses? - [Overlapping chatter]
Vamos perder mais enfermeiros cirúrgicos?
And as I move into production on my first micro-budget feature... ( overlapping chatter )... I'm happy to offer starring roles to whichever team wins.
E à medida que começo a produção do meu primeiro filme de micro-orçamento, fico feliz em oferecer papéis principais à equipa vencedora.
( overlapping chatter, Brittany grunts loudly ) Why don't you just send Maria Shriver in to give us all hugs?
Porque não deixas entrar a Maria Shriver e dás-nos abraços a todos?
It's okay, it's o... [overlapping chatter]
Está bem, está...
- [Overlapping chatter]
! - ( conversa fiada )
[Overlapping chatter]
( conversando )
- You have, and you're awesome... ( overlapping chatter ) Shut up!
- Tu és... és genial... ¡ Cala-te!
- ( overlapping chatter ) - Doing well, Carrie.
Vai bem, Carrie.
You have, and you're awesome... ( overlapping chatter ) shut up!
- Sim, e és fantástico... - Calem-se!
[Overlapping chatter] I hope we don't see anyone I know.
Espero não encontrar ninguém que conheço.
- [Overlapping chatter] - Come on, come on, come on!
Vamos, vamos!
[overlapping chatter] The food party... that's in your cave right now.
A festa de comida... na sua caverna, agora.
{ Overlapping Shouts, Chatter ]
Tira-me as mãos de cima! - Qual é o teu problema? O que estás a fazer?
[Overlapping chatter] Everybody knows that. Five.
[overlapping chatter] Take a step back.
Dêem um passo para trás.
[Overlapping chatter] How are you feeling?
Como é que te sentes?
[Overlapping chatter] What are you ladies talking about?
Do que é que as senhoras estão a conversar?
( Bell chiming ) ( Overlapping chatter )
Desafio-te a beijar quem está ao teu lado, tira uma fotografia e ganha 250 dólares.
( Overlapping chatter ) You ready?
Estás pronto?
( Overlapping chatter ) - What the hell is that?
- O que diabo é isso?
( Overlapping chatter ) This is happening all over the city.
Isto está a acontecer por toda a cidade.
( Overlapping chatter ) You know, I've heard nothing from Oliver since that night?
Sabes, não soube mais nada do Oliver desde aquela noite.
( Overlapping chatter ) We can't shut it down...
Não podemos desligá-lo...
( Overlapping chatter ) That's a whole other layer.
- É uma outra interface.
( Overlapping chatter ) Woman : Abort!
Some guys want to- [overlapping chatter]
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